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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 9-Jun-2012 3:23:59
#2081 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Good graphic - Science you're going to like it here

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 14-Jun-2012 18:00:46
#2082 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Another case of the Unidentified Flying Object becoming an Identified Flying Object.
X-47B No aliens here. Just an unmanned flying robot drone.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 15-Jun-2012 0:40:01
#2083 ]
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From: Rhode Island



BrianK wrote:

All you did was recite rhetoric. There was no evidence

Here's about 20 or so experimentations. Gluon Experiment References That will give you a good start. You'll be sure to want to compare the differences in the properties of those of the Gauge Bosons, Photons, and the Higgs Mechanisms. I'd recommend you stop by a local major university, perhaps MIT that's in your backyard, and go to the library. The Librarian can help you find the scientific experiments and results in the published journals.

Yes "references" with alot of words like "can be interpreted as" and "implies that"...

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 15-Jun-2012 0:40:48
#2084 ]
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From: Rhode Island



BrianK wrote:

Another case of the Unidentified Flying Object becoming an Identified Flying Object.
X-47B No aliens here. Just an unmanned flying robot drone.

Hey, afterall they had a proven design to copy!

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 15-Jun-2012 0:54:14
#2085 ]
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I wouldn't call my drawings from 6th grade proven...but thanks

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 15-Jun-2012 18:03:55
#2086 ]
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From: Rhode Island



BrianK wrote:

I wouldn't call my drawings from 6th grade proven...but thanks

And your drawing were influenced by all the sightings in the 40's and on...

FYI: It seems the heliosphere is protecting the solar system in the same way as the earth's magnetosphere is protecting us:
Soon you'll see how much extra energy is flying around space...pushing systems apart...

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 15-Jun-2012 20:18:32
#2087 ]
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From: Untied Kingdom


Hey, afterall they had a proven design to copy!
Did they really! and what "proven design" was that then?

Of course I forgot, how silly of me... Lou doesn't need actual evidence to support his assertions. Lou follows the doctrine of knowledge arising from divine revelation.

FYI: It seems the heliosphere is protecting the solar system in the same way as the earth's magnetosphere is protecting us:
Soon you'll see how much extra energy is flying around space...pushing systems apart...
So the Voyager probes are soon going to leave the solar system, how totally unexpected. This story broke in 2010, and again this time last year.

When they do finally enter interstellar space we will have actual direct measurements to compare with our current indirect measurements, and since the indirect measurements have led scientists to anticipate certain changes, the future measurements are unlikely to necessitate a paradim shift in science.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 15-Jun-2012 21:01:59
#2088 ]
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The protection of the Solar System by the Heliosphere was a postulate supported by indirect evidence. I think the important thing here will be measuring more directly will give us improved certainty to the energy out there.

Perhaps you mean to say well see if the indirect measurements are accurate when compared to more direct measures. The more direct measures should provide a smaller boundary of error.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 1:09:27
#2089 ]
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From: Rhode Island

@BrianK & Nimrod,

It will be amusing to see your bubble burst so to speak.

As for the story breaking over a year ago, yes, well they don't exactly travel in a straight line and also "scientists" don't know exactly when they will truly leave the solar system because, well, nothing earthling-made has ever been there before. But the signs were there with the solar wind losing speed/changing direction.

I forget if it was this thread or the last, but I did mention that star systems are like magnetic "air bubble" in the sea of space...which is why inside the bubble it seems that the gravitic effect is the prevailing force. (Hence the 96+% margin of error outside it... /yawn) Oh yea, "Dark Magnetism", EM all along...I mean who would have thunk it...

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 13:45:34
#2090 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


It will be amusing to see your bubble burst so to speak.
Not sure it works the way you think it works. My 'bubble so to speak' is one that postulates then evidences. The direct measure of the area outside the heliopause will give the best data so far coorelating indirect measures and demonstrating the postulates. There's nothing here to burst. It's just another step forward for learning.

Oh yea, "Dark Magnetism
As always I welcome the new postulate and want to see them evidenced to demonstrate truth. Who would have thunk it. So far your record, such as Haramein, hasn't stood up too well to evidence (or reality if you would).

Last edited by BrianK on 16-Jun-2012 at 01:46 PM.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 16:28:03
#2091 ]
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From: Rhode Island



BrianK wrote:

Oh yea, "Dark Magnetism
As always I welcome the new postulate and want to see them evidenced to demonstrate truth. Who would have thunk it. So far your record, such as Haramein, hasn't stood up too well to evidence (or reality if you would).

Let's emphasized that this is your par for the course opinion.
In the video where he does all the math and fills in all the open issues of the original paper, you really had nothing solid to criticize and merely relied on Nimrod's constant mathematically failings as critique.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 16:48:49
#2092 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


When Haramein is able to demonstrate his postulate is correct with evidence then let's talk. Until then we need to look at the pile of evidence that indicates suns are not blackholes, planets are not black holes, and matter doesn't weigh as much as Haramein's calculations would lead us to believe. So yes my opinion will always pick reality over the postulates. My opinion, aka choosing reality, has gotten us beyond this solar system. (Heck you just cited the event yourself.) Haramein's postulates have earned him a few bucks and done nothing to date for humans.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 17:37:32
#2093 ]
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From: Rhode Island



BrianK wrote:

When Haramein is able to demonstrate his postulate is correct with evidence then let's talk. Until then we need to look at the pile of evidence that indicates suns are not blackholes, planets are not black holes, and matter doesn't weigh as much as Haramein's calculations would lead us to believe. So yes my opinion will always pick reality over the postulates. My opinion, aka choosing reality, has gotten us beyond this solar system. (Heck you just cited the event yourself.) Haramein's postulates have earned him a few bucks and done nothing to date for humans.

apparently you failed to watch the video as is evidenced by your statements...
you continue to rely on Nimrod's less educated opinion...

FYI, here's a fact for you that you can try for yourself in Google Earth:

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 20:09:05
#2094 ]
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From: Untied Kingdom


you continue to rely on Nimrod's less educated opinion...
OK Lou, use your highly developed and advanced superior education to explain to a simple minded engineer how your messiah calculates that 130/(2x6.6) = 10. In one iteration of an equation this moron has introduced an arithmetical error of 1.52%, and this was at the very moment on the video that you claim shows how excellent a mathematician and scientist Haramein is. In a way you were totally correct, this moment exposed Haramein for the inept bumbler that he really is.

FYI, here's a fact for you that you can try for yourself in Google Earth:
Why should I bother looking at an out of date image of the night sky on Google when I can step out of my house and look up at the real thing? Guess what Lou, there are no mysterious missing images if you do it that way, and the USA Government cannot block the image that I see through a telescope here in England. Anyway, I thought you said I would have to wait until 2900 for Nibiru to be solidly shown for the fantasy that it is, and now you are "proving"its existence by linking to some brain donor who says that it will be here any minute now...

Err, I said.... Now!

Come on Lou, this is even more of an embarrassment than Harold Camping was.

When in trouble, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 16-Jun-2012 21:49:45
#2095 ]
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From: Rhode Island



Nimrod wrote:

you continue to rely on Nimrod's less educated opinion...
OK Lou, use your highly developed and advanced superior education to explain to a simple minded engineer how your messiah calculates that 130/(2x6.6) = 10. In one iteration of an equation this moron has introduced an arithmetical error of 1.52%, and this was at the very moment on the video that you claim shows how excellent a mathematician and scientist Haramein is. In a way you were totally correct, this moment exposed Haramein for the inept bumbler that he really is.

Funny, thats about the same margin of error in the age of the universe...


FYI, here's a fact for you that you can try for yourself in Google Earth:
Why should I bother looking at an out of date image of the night sky on Google when I can step out of my house and look up at the real thing? Guess what Lou, there are no mysterious missing images if you do it that way, and the USA Government cannot block the image that I see through a telescope here in England. Anyway, I thought you said I would have to wait until 2900 for Nibiru to be solidly shown for the fantasy that it is, and now you are "proving"its existence by linking to some brain donor who says that it will be here any minute now...

Err, I said.... Now!

Come on Lou, this is even more of an embarrassment than Harold Camping was.

Ok, then send me a picture of that area...and feel free to send it to Google while your at it...apparently, they missed a spot!

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 17-Jun-2012 3:21:39
#2096 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


apparently you failed to watch the video as is evidenced by your statements
Watched the Haramein where he claimed there were blackholes at the center of the earth and sun. Which there are not. Same video where he claimed aliens flying earth size craft are using them as warps between the system. Also read his work where he puts out his weight. Heck even you admitted he had the weight wrong. You presented Haramein knew it too and it would be 'fixed' in some future paper which has never surfaced. I'd be more impressed if 'fixed' is from some evidence that his C.R.A.P. is anything but science fantasy. Again name 1 item his ideas have provided society?

FYI, here's a fact for you that you can try for yourself in Google Earth
And we already covered this in the past. Google is but 1 of various sources. Other sources, that aren't missing data in that area, show nothing. Even better ? Go to the store buy a telescope and post your photos of what you find.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 17-Jun-2012 7:12:48
#2097 ]
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From: Rhode Island



BrianK wrote:

apparently you failed to watch the video as is evidenced by your statements
Watched the Haramein where he claimed there were blackholes at the center of the earth and sun. Which there are not. Same video where he claimed aliens flying earth size craft are using them as warps between the system. Also read his work where he puts out his weight. Heck even you admitted he had the weight wrong. You presented Haramein knew it too and it would be 'fixed' in some future paper which has never surfaced. I'd be more impressed if 'fixed' is from some evidence that his C.R.A.P. is anything but science fantasy. Again name 1 item his ideas have provided society?

Again, I repeat (yet again), you did NOT watch the video (from 12/2011) where he answered all the questions from the original paper on the Schwatzchild Proton. The video you are referring here is from 2004.

FYI, here's a fact for you that you can try for yourself in Google Earth
And we already covered this in the past. Google is but 1 of various sources. Other sources, that aren't missing data in that area, show nothing. Even better ? Go to the store buy a telescope and post your photos of what you find.

While I agree that there are other sources, one other source produced what looks like Nibiru. So until you can provide something else, that's what I have to go on.

Last edited by Lou on 17-Jun-2012 at 07:13 AM.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 17-Jun-2012 10:46:13
#2098 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2010
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From: Untied Kingdom


Funny, thats about the same margin of error in the age of the universe...
So basically you are telling me that there is no difference between the sum total of all potential indirect measurement errors involved in a long and complicated sequence of calculations, and the inability of an individual to perform a simgle iteration of an arithmetical resolution of an equation.
Once upon a time in the dim and distant past (Sept 2011) a group of people measured the time and distance of the journey of some neutrinos, and introduced an error of 0.0025%. The result of this error was that neutrinos appeared to be travelling in excess of the local speed limit. In science, as in engineering, accuracy is important, and errors are not casually swept under the carpet in the manner that you have just done so. You recently linked to an article about the effect of solar radiation pressure on an asteroid, but seem unaware that the accuracy required to detect the influence of 14g of pressure on an estimated mass of 68,000,000,000,000g. Harameins level of accuracy would have failed to find the asteroid, let alone notice the effect of radiation pressure on it.
Having cited two examples of the importance of accuracy I will repeat the question that you are running away from. Would Harameins attempt at arithmetic pass SAT's (Y/N)

Ok, then send me a picture of that area...
The last time I linked to some pictures proving that one of your pet fantasies was so much CRAP, you called me a liar and with absolutely no evidence said that the pictures I showed were faked. I will no longer spoon feed you with evidence, I will simply tell you that it exists, and where it is, in a format that is free from any form of manipulation. If you are too fixated on your pet fantasy to open your eyes and see for yourself what is really there, that is not my problem.

Again, I repeat (yet again), you did NOT watch the video (from 12/2011) where he answered all the questions from the original paper
And again I repeat (yet again) Not only did Haramein fail to answer all of the questions from the original "paper", he totally failed to address even a single one of them. What he has tried to do is waffle his way through an illusion. I went back and watched the whole of his attempted obfuscation of the facts, including the first seventy minutes that you originally advised me to skip, and as a result I stand by my original response, only more strongly, with added Anglo-Saxon

While I agree that there are other sources, one other source produced what looks like Nibiru. So until you can provide something else, that's what I have to go on.
Hmmm. This reminds me of a post that BrianK put up about a couple of kids and a jigsaw puzzle. OK. Lou, there is still one piece of the puzzle missing so therefore it's a duck? You have to look at all of the sources, not just the ones that support your pet fantasy.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 17-Jun-2012 14:47:21
#2099 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Again, I repeat (yet again), you did NOT watch the video (from 12/2011) where he answered all the questions

Question are you just using postulates to support postulates? If you have twice the proof to bring to the table. I'd perfer if you linked or let us know where to find the observational (experimentative) evidence that validated 2004. If that info he is in the 2011 video just type up the publication names for us. I'll get a copy of those to read before the video. And I'll use them for reference too. I figure I might as well do this right and have all the experiments available to reference as he makes his comments.

So until you can provide something else, that's what I have to go on.

Fair enough. Provide me the evidences Haramein is talking about. I want actual work not hyperbola. I'll go to my local college to get copies of the experiments.

So all sources other than Google show nothing? And Google shows 'no data' in this area. What are the chances that Google just didn't/doesn't have the data? Fairly high. But, you can error check these yourself. So here's what I can provide you. In your own backyard is Harvard University. provides a FREE to use telescope for amateurs - go have it take a picture for you.

Last edited by BrianK on 17-Jun-2012 at 04:25 PM.

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Re: Anybody remember Nibiru?
Posted on 18-Jun-2012 14:38:28
#2100 ]
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This reminds me of a post that BrianK put up a couple of kids and a jigsaw puzzle
There you go. Science is in purple.

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