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TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 25-Aug-2010 23:28:04
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 2-Aug-2007
Posts: 2047
From: Unknown

I keep seeing this error message when I try to search for radio stations via internet with TuneNet, while before I didn't have such a problem. Internet surely works as you can imagine.

Any ideas? Thanks.


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 2:06:30
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


posted by ZeroG at
As a quick workaround:
Open SYS:Prefs/Internet, select "Hosts" on the left side, click on "New...". In the new window enter as IP address and as Host name, then click "Use". Save and make a reset.

And don't forget to remove this when TN gets a update to fix that."

been working great here for a while now

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 6:34:12
#3 ]
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From: Uppsala, Sweden

Any update coming soon?

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 6:58:10
#4 ]
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Joined: 13-Feb-2003
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From: Italy, Perugia


It solve my problem too, thanks

Last edited by samo79 on 26-Aug-2010 at 06:58 AM.


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 7:05:12
#5 ]
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Considering he's only on & he last logged in on Mar. 22, 2010, I think we're in for a long wait.

The temp fix works for me as well, but how long will it last?

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 14:37:06
#6 ]
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From: Ingle land


Thanks for sharing

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 17:05:11
#7 ]
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Thanks m8. I'll try that at night.


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Aug-2010 19:00:47
#8 ]
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Yay, it works now!

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 29-Aug-2010 9:05:16
#9 ]
Super Member
Joined: 23-Nov-2008
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From: Australia


I did what you suggested, my tune net still isnt working?

Is it because I have other hosts in there?

If so, I suppose that means I'll have to delete the other hosts and IP's?


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 29-Aug-2010 10:36:49
#10 ]
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Which TN version do you use?

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 29-Aug-2010 12:47:50
#11 ]
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For me, I use the 86.66 version. All the newer ones refused to play, it just says playback finished and nothing more.


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 31-Aug-2010 2:14:09
#12 ]
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Sorry for late reply,

Version 0.9244 (01/01/10)

I dont have any older versions though.


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 31-Aug-2010 8:25:27
#13 ]
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From: Raleigh NC, USA


The host name bypass trick should work for any version AFAIK, and the other hosts in the list don't affect it. Make sure you have added both the host name and IP exactly as shown. It works even with my year old version of TN (.8652).

What are your non-working symptoms exactly?

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 11:15:42
#14 ]
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error to find any radio stations


Courtesy of SAM440Flex & Amiga OS4.1 only
Flex is 800mhz
A1000 with Classic 520 Amiga OS3.2.1
AmiKit 12
MorphOS PowerBook G4 (which can play youtube vids)

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 15:26:44
#15 ]
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From: Germany


Could you open the TN binary in NotePad and do a search for http:.
There should be a url in it starting with

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 15:54:11
#16 ]
Elite Member
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Is this one will help to my problem too? (Newer versions of TuneNet beyond 86.66 refuse to play radio stations).


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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 18:24:14
#17 ]
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From: Germany


Maybe, what url do you find in the V86.66 binary of TN?

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Jan-2011 6:50:21
#18 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2006
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From: Oullins, France


Once again TuneNet can't connect to SoutCast to obtain radio stations. The trick doesn't seem to work anymore.

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Jan-2011 10:39:57
#19 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2006
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From: Ingle land


Confirmed not working here.

Something been changed again

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Re: TuneNet [Error Obtaining Radio Listings]
Posted on 26-Jan-2011 10:46:01
#20 ]
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From: France

@AmigaOneProductions & K-L

IINM Tunenet was using an old API (considered as legacy by SHOUTcast) now it seems they doesn't feel the need to maintain this old API anymore.
Now the problem with the new API is that it requires you to register for a developper ID with some restrictive use conditions. I didn't go into the details but that's was I gathered by quickly browsing their website

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