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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 9:22:48
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Super Member  |
Joined: 20-Nov-2008 Posts: 1544
From: Marston Moretaine, England | | |
| @agami
I understand your points but I also know Trevor reasonably well now and consider him a friend. Yes he funded this project because of his love for Amiga with his money, but in his own words his partner was his check and balance so he did not go mad and yes people do spend more on hobbies. But this is more than just a hobby to them which is being blown out of all proportion.
On the getting information about what Amigan's want as a new Amiga, with all due respect are you crazy. Get a group of Amigan's in a room and ask each what they want and most will differ wildly, that is because Amigan's are creative and passionate and all think the essence of Amiga is different things.
So as I think he will admit he is not a computer engineer he left these decisions to people he trusts with that knowledge. I for one personally think they made a good choice, barring the chip choice of course but you should all know my views on that now, but as porting is not on the agenda then they made the right choice even there.
X1000 is something new, something positive and yes not cheap.
Buy one or not is fine, but my point stands at least Trevor has put his money up for all of our benefits.
Oh and on cost wise, IMICA is very low cost, and loads of people said get it fully supported and we will buy it. Unfortunately in the Amiga community the goal posts move too quick to keep up. Thankfully my IMICA project was a hobby with minimal investment, and so is the support of Aros, but it is a hobby with a long term goal, to make the Amiga experience available to more people in diferent ways, just like the X1000 is trying to open Amiga to new exciting potential.
Please remember Rome was not built in a day, and I know we have waited a long time but surely we can wait a bit more.
_________________ Amiga 1000, 3000D Toaster, Checkmate A1500 Plus |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 9:32:33
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 26-Mar-2004 Posts: 781
From: UK | | |
| @clusteruk
Well said...
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 17:32:39
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OS4 Core Developer  |
Joined: 14-Jul-2003 Posts: 3999
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| @agami
So it's official, A-Eon is just a hobby. |
See, the good thing about Amiwest is that attitudes like yours weren't allowed in._________________ Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 17:51:02
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11663
From: In the village | | |
| @thread
I don't even want to post this. Really I do not, but...
Could people on other websites please stop attacking the show itself and the organizers. These are all volunteers who put in 2 days or more (in many cases) of their free time to try to keep people connected to recent events and establish an atmosphere where folks could still enjoy Amiga.
_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 17:55:46
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Super Member  |
Joined: 20-Nov-2008 Posts: 1544
From: Marston Moretaine, England | | |
| @number6
I hope I am not one, I did get frustrated trying to get on the stream to take part in spirit.
For what its worth I will move heaven and earth to be there next year with Aros. Just could not afford it this year. Last edited by clusteruk on 26-Oct-2010 at 05:56 PM.
_________________ Amiga 1000, 3000D Toaster, Checkmate A1500 Plus |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 17:57:48
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 24-Jul-2005 Posts: 778
From: Sacramento, CA, USA | | |
| @Rogue
I'm a bit shy, and I didn't introduce myself to many folks, but AmiWest did feel a bit cliquish. Trevor, however, was warm and friendly, immediately introducing himself with a smile on Friday evening. I liked that immensely, and that one, simple act softened a bit of my jaded Amigan exterior. I think it's too late to hop on the beta bandwagon, but I'm genuinely interested in taking part now, all thanks to Trevor's enthusiasm for the project. Last edited by Trev on 26-Oct-2010 at 10:51 PM.
_________________ Sam440ep-flex 733 MHz/1 GB RAM/Radeon 9250/AmigaOS4.1 Update 2 borked A1200/Blizzard1260+SCSI-IV/Z4+MediatorZIV/Deneb/Voodoo3/CatweaselMk3 more borked A1200/MBX1200z/Indivision A500/clockport/RRNet A600/A603 |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 18:05:37
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11663
From: In the village | | |
| @clusteruk
Not even close to being one. We don't know each other except from posts, but I truly respect all that you have done. I'm referring to people that obviously take issue with all things Amiga be they present affairs or all the way back to the birth. Amiwest personnel have gone out of their way to expand this show and continue to expand its appeal. I don't see why either they, or the attendees are in the firing line. There is no logic to it. I can only conclude that they are celebrating an alternate festival of hate. Mind boggling really.
_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 18:17:16
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Team Member  |
Joined: 4-May-2004 Posts: 2524
From: Uddevalla, Sweden | | |
| @Rogue
I'm a little disappointed that out of 242 posts you had to dig out the worst one, and the only one that could even be close to trolling. Quite telling, if you ask me.
Most of the posts are honest reactions and thought about what was said and done, no harm in that. _________________ Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 18:35:43
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 7-Aug-2004 Posts: 312
From: Canada | | |
| @number6
"Could people on other websites please stop attacking the show itself and the organizers. These are all volunteers who put in 2 days or more (in many cases) of their free time to try to keep people connected to recent events and establish an atmosphere where folks could still enjoy Amiga."
I find it really sad that this admonition should ever have to be made. Kudos to number6 for making it.
The detractors of the 'current' Amiga mainstream, as represented by the folks at Hyperion Software (the people who actually brought us OS4) ACube (the people that are supplying the current base hardware) and A-EON ( the people putting their money where their mouth is to bring us the next step in hardware), sometimes fail to temper their comments in any way and often their vitriolic acting out over the fact that things have not gone well for, the "Machine Could Have Taken Over The World...IF ONLY!!!!", don't seem concerned over the collateral damage they cause to hardworking, well meaning people that do positive things and host an event that means ever so much to so many people that cannot travel or get free time.
To my way of thinking there are now only two types of Amigans left, those holding pat on their hands for any new thing that will take them forward and those that are saving up to buy whatever comes next. These people wait with baited breath for news that the Amiga is still alive and going forward.
The other camp is composed of the marginalized who have been forced elsewhere or just plain jumped ship, the hangers on that only want to make comments on the efforts of others who are actually doing something and the angry detractors who have some mental delusion of how the world should be and don't understand why the Amiga won't die.
So, I think I will publicly thank Brian who talked and led and Chuck who registered and fed and all the good folks of the Sacramento Amiga User Club as well as all the sponsors who supported and attended the AmiWest Show which was a very great success.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 18:37:01
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 12-Jan-2010 Posts: 787
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| @clusteruk
Apple has said for the last couple or years that their AppleTV has been a hobby. Hobbies can lead into businesses also and good ones so with time, I am sure the hobby becomes reality and that folks start buying the goods and it soon becomes a nice little business.
Hats off to all that are making the X1000 a reality.
Heck, the intro of the X1000 has made this non Amigan fan into an Amigan fan.
tj |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 19:20:16
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Joined: 11-Jun-2004 Posts: 162
From: Burbank, CA. ....... Here every day | | |
| @Rogue
I hope you get to stay in California for a couple days and enjoy :^) Wish you could stick around for a while.
btw, no one was kept out of AmiWest I'm sure. :^)
Keep up the Great work.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 19:29:27
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Super Member  |
Joined: 3-Mar-2010 Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA) | | |
| @kindergip
So, I think I will publicly thank Brian who talked and led and Chuck who registered and fed and all the good folks of the Sacramento Amiga User Club as well as all the sponsors who supported and attended the AmiWest Show which was a very great success. |
i can only add my unqualified agreement. the show was very nice, and i very much enjoyed meeting a few of the OS4 principals, among others. almost to a man the attendees were very positive about the future and did not exhibit whining, complaining, childish sarcasm, or any of the other nonsense that we sometimes see around here.
i'll be back next year, IY"H, and i hope others will as well. by then i hope to have taken receipt of an X1000, though. 
-- eliyahu
_________________ "Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal." |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 19:35:04
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Joined: 18-Jan-2005 Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada | | |
| @WolfToTheMoon
by WolfToTheMoon on 24-Oct-2010 15:45:49
Quote: 9. there are plans for development tools for xena, but it is not planned to be used by the OS per se; it is more of a hobbyist add-on
Hm, so it is just a "we're different" marketing tool like some already guessed... Too bad, but it is probably due to their limited resources that they must focus on more important things. |
Yeah, I also find this truly disappointing. This would have been the only thing that may have even remotely made me stand up and take notice and possibly consider buying one - even if just for fun. _________________ When swimming with sharks, make sure to bring lots of band-aids...  |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 20:06:49
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Jan-2005 Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada | | |
| @g01df1sh
No News to talk about since VCF how sad. Im loosing the faith. And feel I will be reading the spectacular fall of Hyperion BOOK soon. Thought Ainc where slowing things down guess I was wrong about that. No change since Ainc is now gone. |
The sad truth is likely that they have too few people with full-time cycles available to spend on anything AOS related. They have to pay the bills after all, and so they are probably working on other things that help put put some food on the table. I hardly think that they are making enough from AOS4 to be able to make a living from it, so they are likely working on this on a part-time/volunteer basis. Why they're keeping this project closed-source, I'll never understand though. Perhaps someone there still truly believes that they'll make money with this some day, but that's hard to believe at the pace they're going. Assuming that they own the sources outright and could do it legally, they would move so much quicker if they openned up some or all of the sources and let others add to their work, possibly through some restrictive licensing if need be so that they could still retain control of the output, but bringing others on-board instead of keeping the team closed. Read Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything on practical applications of this concept from science to mining to software development where this has yeiled incredible results, even with the IP owner retaining control over the product and/or idea and sharing in the glory and monetary gain. I'm sure that they are brilliant coders/OS architects on the AOS4 team, however, 30 or less does not compare to what would be available to attrack/pick from in the wild. It might even unite the development and user communities into a single one with common goal.
Last edited by elatour on 26-Oct-2010 at 08:33 PM. Last edited by elatour on 26-Oct-2010 at 08:32 PM.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 20:07:07
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 27-Jul-2003 Posts: 2007
From: Unknown | | |
| @elatour Quote:
This would have been the only thing that may have even remotely made me stand up and take notice and possibly consider buying one - even if just for fun. |
"OS per se"
Why would you want 'software defined silicon' hard wired into the OS?
I mean AHI is part of the OS, but the OS has no idea what sound/music is being played, thankfully.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 20:23:56
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 27-Jul-2003 Posts: 2007
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| @elatour
however, 30 or less does not compare to what would be available to attrack/pick from in the wild.
Sarcasm here:
Hello Mr.Banker. We are here to get a business loan to increase production of our computer and we are happy to say we now have 500 programmers, plus or minus, out in the wild. These are good dependable fellows that may or may not want to be paid. So how about it Mr.Banker?
I just can't see it working for a commercial enterprise. |
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 20:24:08
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Jan-2005 Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada | | |
| @Mechanic
Well, I'm not suggesting hardwired OS functionality but at least an AOS4 SDK for it would have been nice. By the sounds of it, such a thing will be more of an after thought than a priority, at least for the initial release of the AmigaOne if this is not seriously supported for others to build upon, then there is no hope for people to write for it, whether for commercial or for other applications, making it useless custom hardware to have access to, at least IMHO.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 20:27:36
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 27-Jul-2003 Posts: 2007
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| @agami
agami wrote: i.e. Paul Allen .......................
Furthermore, as a senior partner of the A-Eon venture he had full oversite of the hardware strategy. If he wanted to give the community a new Amiga then maybe a little research about how much the average Amigan is willing to spend would have helped. That way they might have come to the conclusion that with a small community you start small and cost effective. Actually, given their miscalculation, there's a pretty good chance that the delays on the X1000 are largely due to working out areas for cost cutting. Not that they'll ever thell us. |
'i.e. Paul Allen la-de-da......'
'Furthermore' Since you stated what followed as fact. Here is another fact as I see it.
What a load of self serving, self aggrandizing, egotistical, sanctimonious crap.
And it's not even original.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 20:30:56
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Jan-2005 Posts: 936
From: Toronto, Canada | | |
| @Mechanic
I just can't see it working for a commercial enterprise. |
Read the book I linked to in my post and then get back to me, because this has been applied for large commercial enterprises time and time again with great success...welcome to the 21st century (this started in the 20th, but it's become a reality and truly viable for many in this century). It's not for everything and everyone, but it has many proven and successful applications. Borrow it from a public library, it's well worth the read.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News Posted on 26-Oct-2010 21:12:20
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Elite Member  |
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| @elatour
elatour wrote:
Read the book I linked to in my post and then get back to me, because this has been applied for large commercial enterprises time and time again with great success.... |
Well I have not read the book yet, but I imagine it would be like the relationship between oil companies and wildcat drillers. The oil company had the choice of buying the oil, the well, or the oil field. They both profited from the enterprise.
For this, the OS/hardware, case I feel the *oil company* must first be an established entity. |
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