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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 5-Jun-2011 18:48:28
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Aug-2003 Posts: 5120
From: Right here... | | |
| @thinkchip
how long does it take to load up Linux and run a few tests? |
A few tests? Why not just apply power & if it doesn't burn up, ship it to ppl for $2000 plus. You don't want that kind of a quicky. 
Varisys is taking their time testing everything with a fine tooth comb, leave them alone to do their job, time well spent._________________ Hate tends to make you look stupid... |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 5-Jun-2011 19:01:11
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Aug-2003 Posts: 5120
From: Right here... | | |
| @eXec
You say that it is not dead? |
Yet you are telling us you will buy a new x86 desktop clone. 
By the way, how is that new system working for you? I'd love to see a picture of it sitting on your desk & maybe a youtube video showing it running. 
You do have it, don't you?_________________ Hate tends to make you look stupid... |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 5-Jun-2011 21:31:45
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Joined: 31-May-2006 Posts: 392
From: Unknown | | |
| @sundown
you mean your not getting one and joining the "new" X86 conformist regime? Last edited by Panthro on 05-Jun-2011 at 09:32 PM.
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 5-Jun-2011 21:43:48
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Aug-2003 Posts: 5120
From: Right here... | | |
| @Panthro
Heh, I'm a die hard amiga user 
I did break down 3 yrs ago & bought a laptop for travel, but my micro has been my work horse for the last 6 yrs. _________________ Hate tends to make you look stupid... |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 5-Jun-2011 23:07:32
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 16-Mar-2004 Posts: 2264
From: Ostwestfalen, FRG | | |
| @realize
Are you really surprised by all these delays and broken promises? I am not. Yes, the X1k is late, but who's actually caring about that anyway?
Buy a Sam460 if you want OS4. It is there and rather nice. With some luck drivers for high speeed usb and internal sound (IIRC there's a beta available now) will get delivered some day. While I disagree with many things Acube is doing they at least deliver. Something which definitely deserves some respect.
If you want a powermachine then OS4 is not the best choice anyway.
_________________ My programs: MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001) |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 0:13:52
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Super Member  |
Joined: 1-Sep-2004 Posts: 1962
From: Suomi-Finland | | |
| Yeah. I'm waitng for a working OS 4.1x to my AmigaOneXEG4 from 2002 so have a little patience as we all are not under 18 years anymore and have children and hobbies within this. Bestos Regardos for all Amigafans All Over The Www!!!
24-48 is not a sixpack. What the heck, the sun is shining over here. At this time of night. Yes. Normal for the "polarbear" country or was it Nokia?
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 0:38:41
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Joined: 26-Mar-2004 Posts: 1185
From: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | | |
| @sundown
I see your point. You can't really test hardware with software. You'd have to test voltages and current and stuff. Plus you'd have to run the same tests on all five motherboards (otherwise, why have five). Still, you'd think they'd be close after eight or nine weeks. _________________ X5000 / microA1(OS4.1 FE U2) / CodeBench / Imagine / Blender Lightwave 2019 / Microsoft Visual C++ |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 0:49:40
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Aug-2003 Posts: 5120
From: Right here... | | |
| @thinkchip
Still, you'd think they'd be close after eight or nine weeks. |
What makes you think they aren't close?  _________________ Hate tends to make you look stupid... |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 0:53:50
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Super Member  |
Joined: 26-Mar-2004 Posts: 1185
From: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | | |
| @sundown
They can't be close because we haven't heard anything! _________________ X5000 / microA1(OS4.1 FE U2) / CodeBench / Imagine / Blender Lightwave 2019 / Microsoft Visual C++ |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 1:23:45
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 8-May-2007 Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" | | |
| @freeaks
but for some reasons, we don't get nothing: - no x1000 news - not much os4 news (current status of various ports, what are the current challenges, what are the lastest achievements, how some rewritten components got really better, some benchs ..Etc ...) |
Freeaks, neither hyperion nor a-eon owe you a thing! Especially if all you will do with news they do give you, is make such blasphemous, and factually inaccurate statements as:
1.5 year ago, they said "you don't have to wait till summer" it was lies. but no they seem to prefer ppl questioning , getting angry, doubtful and etc.. comeon it's mafia OS, hey're even still chasing after small basic standards such as *unicode* support ;) what could they have to protect ? it's a joke .. |
So after statements like the above, explain to me why Hyperion and A-eon would want to put more information in your hands. To give you more ammunition?
Freeaks! Hyperion, A-Eon, don't owe you a thing. No more so than Apple owes you progress information on the iPhone 5 (which you aren't hearing either).Last edited by jingof on 06-Jun-2011 at 01:45 AM. Last edited by jingof on 06-Jun-2011 at 01:45 AM. Last edited by jingof on 06-Jun-2011 at 01:42 AM.
_________________ Vic-20, C-64, C-128 Amiga 1000, 3000 AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 1:26:54
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Joined: 8-May-2007 Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" | | |
| @L8Knight
Well said, Jingof! Your post has made the most sense of almost all the ones before it. |
Glad to see more weighing in on the side of reason!
Have faith and patience people! And to all our Amiga-related companies working on things.."Keep up the great work!" |
Exactly.. we've waited this long.. what's a few more weeks, or months while this thing gets due testing.
I'd MUCH rather have a system 6 months late that works....
than to have a system on-time that doesn't!_________________ Vic-20, C-64, C-128 Amiga 1000, 3000 AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 1:34:19
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Joined: 8-May-2007 Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" | | |
| @freeaks
despite all its progress and advances, amigaos just barely manage to keep us 10years behind others.. the way i see it, amigaos is today what it should have been in 2000~2002.. |
Why don't you compare the size of the development teams of the other OSs against what Hyperion is working with.
Microsoft, Apple and even Linux have development teams about 50x to 100x the size of Hyperion.
Moreover, they started with an OS that was already 10 years behind, at the outset.
So, why on earth would you be surprised that the other OSs have progressed further?
_________________ Vic-20, C-64, C-128 Amiga 1000, 3000 AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 1:38:46
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Joined: 8-May-2007 Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" | | |
| @redrumloa
...A-eon.... collect preorder money, people in this Kommunity will take you to task when deadlines are blown through by over a year. |
They collected my money, not yours. So, let me worry about that.
Last edited by jingof on 06-Jun-2011 at 01:46 AM.
_________________ Vic-20, C-64, C-128 Amiga 1000, 3000 AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 3:05:38
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Joined: 31-May-2006 Posts: 392
From: Unknown | | |
| I think eveyone who hasnt signed a NDA needs to just settle down.
I would like to know if anyone who HAS signed a NDA feels any reason to complain! you dont have to violate your NDA just tell us your feelings eg. do you feel informed. _________________
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 4:43:11
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 8-May-2007 Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" | | |
| @Panthro
I have signed an NDA, and (to err on the side of caution), I will only say that I am very satisfied with the level of information and effort being taken to fulfill the agreement.
This project has a high "first implementation variability" quotient, meaning the project is fundamentally different versus a Sam460 etc. Not to diminish the other projects, I am a big fan. However, speaking purely of board specifications in the public domain, it is evident that the X1000 has a higher number of firsts, and a lower number of off-the-shelf design aspects. As a senior electrical and software engineer of 25 years, I speak with authority when I say, such projects are very high value, and require a greater degree of patience, as there is much more discovery embedded within the initial implementation phase.
As the technology involved is reduced to practice, later iterations (should they occur) will very likely be more predictable. But I am a fan of the team and the work they are doing, and feel very comfortable that my investment is being used with care, and purpose.
Last edited by jingof on 06-Jun-2011 at 06:02 AM. Last edited by jingof on 06-Jun-2011 at 06:00 AM.
_________________ Vic-20, C-64, C-128 Amiga 1000, 3000 AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 10:54:59
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Joined: 2-Jan-2010 Posts: 225
From: Unknown | | |
| @jingof
they don't owe me nothing (e.g: information) personaly, they owe it to the community. the users of their platform. to everyone buying their products. it's not mandatory though , but then after it's logical if ppl feel neglected / ignored, and grow upset. so finally you get complains on various forums. they are legitimate complains, users want to know what's happening so they can make decision to stay or leave for example. i'm sure if some knew the x1000 was 2 years away, they would have considered something else maybe.
i say 2years away because: the beta tester haven't yet started to beta test it, or they just started recently at best. so normal users will need to wait until betatest is over. so starting from january 2010, now june 2011 .... if general public can buy x1000 in jjanuary 2012 it would be fast already, which i doubt, because there's alway delays.
delays aren't that bad, as long as there's good comunication, ppl would be aware of the whole story, they wouldn't need to ask questions just to try to understand what's going on.
and dev team size have nothing to do with good or bad communication . a simple post on a blog every now and then, like 1post per week or two, wouldn't hurt even a 1man "team" ;)
i know recently they created a blog .. but first the real info is sparse, and then it's not that well updated at all..
Last edited by freeaks on 06-Jun-2011 at 11:01 AM. Last edited by freeaks on 06-Jun-2011 at 10:58 AM. Last edited by freeaks on 06-Jun-2011 at 10:56 AM.
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 11:01:21
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 22-Jun-2010 Posts: 2077
From: Grimsby, UK | | |
| @thread
Yawn, Beta systems went out ages ago so I read that in Amiga Future. I am pretty certain we'll see a commercial release come August. But yes I agree, 1 year overdue, but tbh I'd rather all individuals involved did get on with the job at hand rather than posting non-stories - no news is better than bad news as the saying goes. _________________
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 17:47:46
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 836
From: Murcia (Spain) | | |
| @Panthro
What conformism?. Are you saying there is more option to choose towards a ppc desktop than a x86 one?. Where are these different options?.
_________________ Amiga 1200 desktop. Apollo 030/50 Mhz 8mb ram + ClassicWB + Wb 3.1 Amiga 500 + ACA500plus 8mb + 30gb CF Raspberry Pi 3b+ and Amibian 1.4 Mac Mini G4 1GB Ram with the butterfly!! |
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 22:20:49
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Super Member  |
Joined: 14-Apr-2003 Posts: 1797
From: nyc | | |
| Ok where to start....
I'm glad this thread has led to some discussions (though it reminds me of usa politics and that is not good) What I wont do is spend 1 hr going through the posts and quoting so i'm gonna go on memory
1. Before some fanboy here calls anyone a "troll" they need to research who that person is and what they have done for "amiga" (for ex "opi" or "piru" on aorg)
2. This thread was never started as "flamebait" (what is this 1993? ) it WAS INTENDED TO INVOKE SOME SORT OF OFFICIAL RESPONSE OF WHICH THERE HAS BEEN NONE. Not one person on Aos4 or Aeon team has poted on this 8 thread page which is extraordinarily telling in and of itself.
3. When "update3" comes out and I will buy OS4 for my Pegasos 2. I have to wait as I dont want to buy it now and be charged for the update... the reason I want OS4 even though Morph is More compatible and More Advanced there is a couple of apps that will run on os4 that wont on morphos and I actually like the looks of "workbench" over "ambient"and it will be fun to have a dual boot amigaoid system.
4. Anybody who has called my posting this thread as "hysterical" need to go into the dictionary and look the word up.
5. Its seems obvious that there is real problems with x1000 development (which is understandable as it was a monumental task. For anyone to be truly HONEST and look at it, this was a mistake by Hyperion to go this road. All the wasted development time on a new kernel, new drivers, mem mapping, etc etc etc could have been used for OS4 development and ports and maybe we'd be on OS 4.2 by now.
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ??? Posted on 6-Jun-2011 22:54:02
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 21-Jun-2004 Posts: 956
From: Burkina Faso | | |
| @realize
the one and only clever post around this whole portal for a quite long time!
mate, you gave them a check mate!
all the best! _________________ ____ ...administration is for serious people only.... |
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