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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 3-Feb-2012 21:34:27
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


I am surprised though how no one here has remarked how well, on live unedited video, I handled the dent.

I was watching the video and thinking to myself, "he sure is handling that dent well."

The unboxing video reminds me of a Saturday in Nov. 1985, when a friend of mine got his A1000, the first Amiga I had ever seen. Brings a tear to my eye.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 3-Feb-2012 21:45:02
#62 ]
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Joined: 17-Jun-2006
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From: Ohrid, Macedonia


Off topic:
Could have been him as well.

On topic:
The dent really is a shame but it seems that the X1000 is working well so you should be able to enjoy the machine.

Back home...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 1:27:23
#63 ]
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Joined: 1-Nov-2004
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From: Melbourne, OZ


Congrats on your new toy!!! I wish I had the money for one of those, but I think the AmigaOne500 will do me when I buy in a month or so.

It's good to see you were really excited about a new Amiga!!! I hope you get many happy years out of it.

Last edited by Steady on 04-Feb-2012 at 01:27 AM.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 1:41:27
#64 ]
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Using it right now to get all my web browser bookmarks set in place including business related sites I use all day.

I am on the net ALL day so should be using this X1000 tons.

Maybe I will setup a VNC and for those times I need my Mac specific stuff, I can access my Mac from my X1000.

Now I just need to figure out how OWB-MUI can keep passwords for all my sites I log onto. Does it have a save password feature?


*Edit, this should do the trick for my passwords...

MuiOWB Settings
Select" Save form Credentials"

Last edited by amigasociety on 04-Feb-2012 at 01:44 AM.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 2:58:11
#65 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


When the recent problems happened with Trevor's and someone elses accounts being hacked, a couple of users provided suggestions on password manager software for OS4.x Since I don't yet have my X1000, I did not check into what they were providing links to. You can probably find it on OS4 Depot and/or Aminet.

I will give you credit for not showing more disappointment during the video when you found that dent. I probably would have shown a bit more emotion and anger toward the shipping company, but you shrugged it off and just kept going.

I should have my X1000 within one week and can compare notes with you when mine arrives.

Have you tried to install the included Linux CD/DVD?

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 6:23:03
#66 ]
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Looking forward to when you get yours. We can compare notes.

No on the Linux. From what I understand, it needs its own hard drive per a message I received from AmigaKit unless maybe I misunderstand what they told me. But pretty sure right now as of today it needed its own drive.

For now 1 step at a time since Amiga OS is pretty new to me. I am pilaging around the Amiga OS neighborhood tonight, setting up things I want, etc...

I think my first big chore, learn how to backup my system, or clone it once I have the basics as I like them, so if the main drive goes kaput, I have a ready to go backup.

Can my main drive be cloned like this and be bootable easily if my main drive ever dies?

I have so many drives bays in my X1000 I think I will have one for Linux, and one that can hopefully is an exact fairly current backup of my main Amiga OS drive.

I guess I will learn this in time but will ask now to get an idea.



amigadave wrote:

When the recent problems happened with Trevor's and someone elses accounts being hacked, a couple of users provided suggestions on password manager software for OS4.x Since I don't yet have my X1000, I did not check into what they were providing links to. You can probably find it on OS4 Depot and/or Aminet.

I will give you credit for not showing more disappointment during the video when you found that dent. I probably would have shown a bit more emotion and anger toward the shipping company, but you shrugged it off and just kept going.

I should have my X1000 within one week and can compare notes with you when mine arrives.

Have you tried to install the included Linux CD/DVD?

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 6:58:14
#67 ]
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I don't see why Linux wouldn't be able to boot also from an RDB HDD, at least eventually. Since that's what the "cousin" platforms have. The original AmigaOne range didn't have it right from 2003.

: AmigaOneXE (unmod.) 750FX/512 MB +stuff & AmigaOS 4.(0|1)
: A1200/68060&96MB/SCSI/EM1200-Voodoo3 & OS 3.5
: A500/1MB
: Pegasos (ff) 512 MB & MorphOS
Praise seitan.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 7:17:33
#68 ]
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From: Unknown


Checked out my email from AmigaKit and I remembered correct. Needs to be installed on separate hard drive at the moment. But, can be installed on same drive as Amiga OS but then has some sound issue. So if you want it to work proper, today, needs separate drive until they do some kernel or ? fix.


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 13:27:23
#69 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


On past AmigaNGs it was possible to make it be on same machine
e.g. on SAM

Please don`t do it on your own consult AmiKit!

Since AmiKit offered "install Linux" option on one HDD sys, maybe it is possible
but they recommend it NOT just because messing with RDB might destroy partitions and data it`s not recommended for average user. Please consult them can above guide work.

Maybe its because of "X1000 loader" that is new and maybe requires another HDD.

Even for many reasons would also keep it on separate HDD.

Sound issue should not be HDD related, as well as kernel loading. Question should be just does the SLB provided on OS 4 CD for X1000 supports dual boot. And there is no reason why it shouldn`t since its as new or newer as one provided with SAM 440 and SAM 460 that worked fine. Or the one called Panthelope 0.93 downloadable from Acube. However if its hardware specific, then we need to wait for X1000 SLB improvement.

Small bugs, child steps towards a grownup man (system!)

Last edited by vox on 04-Feb-2012 at 03:34 PM.
Last edited by vox on 04-Feb-2012 at 03:30 PM.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 15:24:34
#70 ]
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From: Ohrid, Macedonia



vox wrote:

Even for many reasons would also keep it on separate HDD.

That's what I was thinking. I mean, an extra harddrive is not that much extra on the total machine price and the tower should have sufficient space for it. It also means that the data of both 'systems' can be kept seperate.

Back home...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Feb-2012 21:55:05
#71 ]
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Joined: 5-Dec-2007
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From: Moers - Germany

@amigasociety @vox

Let me shed some light on the Linux Issue. As I found out the Linux Preinstall was not listed any more on my order confirmation e-mail, I contacted AmigaKit on that:

Two separate kernels exist for the X1000 right now. The second kernel requires a second hard disk to be fitted to the X1000. The first will live on the same hard disk as AmigaOS 4.1 but does not have sound support and CD ROM support.

So, they donnot preinstall Linux at the moment, and they won't charge your for that. So if you ordered preeinstall, your System will get a 30€ or something cheaper...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 3:00:52
#72 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington


Debian Linux install update.

We are finalising the docs for the Debian Linux install. However, I can confirm that Debian can be installed on a single HDD in a multibooting configuration with AmigaOS4.1 Update 5 or on a separate HDD in multibooting or standalone mode. ( I know because I installed both setups on my AmigaONE X1000 )

I can also confirm that both the PCI Ethernet and Audio cards and onboard Ethernet & Audio generally work OK. There are some documented issues on the Linux forums with Debian Squeeze and ATI & Radeon graphics cards. Altough the main focus is obviously on AmigaOS 4, a smaller sub-group of A1-X1000 betatesters have been tesing the Debian installation and several have complied their own Linux kernels.


Last edited by TrevorDick on 05-Feb-2012 at 05:11 AM.
Last edited by TrevorDick on 05-Feb-2012 at 04:38 AM.

No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 3:38:31
#73 ]
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Joined: 18-Jul-2005
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


Thanks for that update regarding Linux on the X1000. Is the Debian Linux install for the X1000 setup to use both cores of the PA6T, or just single core, like OS4.1.5 is using right now?

My X1000 should arrive some time next week, I am hoping for a Thursday, or Friday arrival, so I will be celebrating the weekend after this one.

Thanks again for making this possible and creating such an excellent OS4 computer.

Could you inquire to the Varisys guys about benchmarks for the X1000 and find out if they have any results that are significantly different than are being reported so far by some of the users? Maybe if they are different, you could have one or more of the X1000 beta-testers (like yourself) post the different results here and on some of the other Amiga forum sites. I don't really care that much about benchmarks, but it seems a lot of people are fixated on them at the moment, so if you or Varisys have some that show the X1000 in a more favorable light, they should be brought forward for everyone to see.

Thanks again,

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 5:10:08
#74 ]
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From: Wellington


I can confirm Debian Linux uses both CPU cores. There is also a little desktop widget that let you view and set the CPU speed, which can vary from "On demand" up to 1.8 GHz. There is a screen grab picture in the media section on the A-EON website.

As for benchmarks I don't really care about them myself. All I know is that performance in regular use is much faster and more responsive than that my either my A1-XE and Peg II running similar programs under AmigaOS4.1.

As I posted in a related thread, Timberwolf Alph takes ~35 seconds to fully open on my Pegasos II to the "First Run" welcome screen. My X1000 takes ~10 seconds. Similarly, feature laden webpages (such as open in under half the time. Also OWB is pretty speedy on my 1.5Ghz MacMini/MorhpOS but OWB-MUI is noticeably faster on my AmigaONE X1000. I'm also sure that graphics performance will improve dramatically when the 3D hardware accelerated driver work is complete.


Last edited by TrevorDick on 05-Feb-2012 at 07:54 AM.
Last edited by TrevorDick on 05-Feb-2012 at 05:12 AM.
Last edited by TrevorDick on 05-Feb-2012 at 05:10 AM.

No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 5:22:50
#75 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


Thanks for the reply. I was wondering about the 3D driver and how much difference it will make when it is done.

Looking forward to the future and to next week when my X1000 should arrive.

I don't care about the benchmarks either, but apparently many people are obsessed with them right now and I thought if anyone at Varisys had better ones, it would be a good idea to provide them.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 8:20:02
#76 ]
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From: Adelaide, Australia


I don't care about the benchmarks either...


Couldn't agree more. I wanted and expected the X1000 to be faster than a Sam system, but beyond that I am happy enough that much faster modern hardware is available to us for AmigaOS4 to run our favourite and future applications on. Thanks to everyone involved in the X1000 project for this!

I am interested whether Classic AGA emulation now works at full speed for CPU intensive demos and games on the X1000 hardware, so we know if it can replace having legacy AGA hardware when it inevitably fails in the future.

Has anyone tried this? eg. Running TBL's Silkcut or Starstruck demo, Elude's We Come In Peace Demo, Alien Breed 3DII:TKG or Arte's Sanity demo (I know it's ECS) under E-UAE or RuninUAE on AmigaOS4 on X1000? Do they run at full speed without dropped frames?


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 10:53:27
#77 ]
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From: Sweden

I think its good with benchmark to see how the difference is in speed between all of the ppc's and os'es. take it positive, stuff changes the more you optimise the system etc. We got os4.1.5 so we can play with it úntil 4.2 comes which i think will change some stuff into the better. for end results yes you can feel some stuff arent finished, some slower but most stuff is really faster/snappier then my old A1G4XE. Using MUIOWB is much faster, at least on facebook. packing files into lha/lzx, viewing pictures, watching 720p :) 1080p isnt good but maybe it will change later.

X1000 for me is a preview for what will come. better gfx system, removing the 2gb memory limit, doublecore use, 64bit etc. All will take time but thats why the machine will not feel slower/older so fast, at least until we get something even faster and hopefully cheaper. Will be better with every aos update.

First i was thinking damn the benchmark, its not so much faster then other old hardware but thats was just a fast overview for me, i cant run my favourite OS on them and as said things will be better. Just to calm the ones that are stressed looking at the benchmark :)

Ofcourse things will be better on the other camps too as newer OS updates/hardware.

As i wrote in other threads usb midi works, hd-rec works like before

Last edited by Kicko on 05-Feb-2012 at 12:33 PM.
Last edited by Kicko on 05-Feb-2012 at 10:59 AM.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 5-Feb-2012 14:00:06
#78 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Debian Linux install update. We are finalising the docs for the Debian Linux install.

Glad temporary problem has been sorted out and that Debian can be installed in both configs, and will continue to be an X1000 option (much needed to use it fully and productivly until we have OS 4.2, drivers, OpenOffice and Timberwolf)

Improvements in performance will surely come with software maturity,
and its important that even now its fastest NG currently avail (and in anytime so far) and that user feel it even with OS 4.1.5. Good work done here so far.,

Hope that first run has proven sucessfull as most of customers are happy, and that X1000 will continue its availability for those who need time to save money for it.

Again, thanks for bringing high end system much more comparable to contemporary ones.

Last edited by vox on 05-Feb-2012 at 02:02 PM.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 6-Feb-2012 11:26:59
#79 ]
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From: Moers - Germany

@Debian Linux

I got a mail from AmigaKit, about Debian preinstall:

we are *not* shipping with the Debian pre-installed option. We can supply the network install CD with your system if you request for you to install.

No preinstall option for Debian, no charge for Debian either (obviously). Have to do it myself...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 6-Feb-2012 21:38:12
#80 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


It's not Amigakit's fault if the Fedex staff were doing javelin practice at the warehouse.

You're probably close to the truth. The damage looks more like it was done by a sharp pointed object than it does by a fork lift blade.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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