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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 21:43:36
#61 ]
Super Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 1697
From: Oregon



BigBentheAussie wrote:
If it had been anyone else but one of our most vocal critics I would have been more discreet.
But he can't feign ignorance after everything he has written.
I can't help but see this as a provocation. That much is obvious.
This is a product he intends to sell or at least get public interest in to sell.
This is not slapping an Amiga sticker on your oven in your kitchen.
I am also formally requesting on behalf of Commodore USA, that you remove the Amiga branding from the video too.


A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 21:46:16
#62 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Jun-2004
Posts: 2334
From: Elche (Alicante), spain



BigBentheAussie wrote:

If it had been anyone else but one of our most vocal critics I would have been more discreet.
But he can't feign ignorance after everything he has written.
I can't help but see this as a provocation. That much is obvious.
This is a product he intends to sell or at least get public interest in to sell.
This is not slapping an Amiga sticker on your oven in your kitchen.
I am also formally requesting on behalf of Commodore USA, that you remove the Amiga branding from the video too.

Last edited by Fransexy on 05-May-2012 at 09:56 PM.

No PowerPC, No Fun
Make Amiga Great Again

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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 21:47:29
#63 ]
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Joined: 29-Jun-2010
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From: Unknown



BigBentheAussie wrote:
If it had been anyone else but one of our most vocal critics I would have been more discreet.
But he can't feign ignorance after everything he has written.
I can't help but see this as a provocation. That much is obvious.
This is a product he intends to sell or at least get public interest in to sell.
This is not slapping an Amiga sticker on your oven in your kitchen.
I am also formally requesting on behalf of Commodore USA, that you remove the Amiga branding from the video too.

Legally you have no right to demand or issue such a request as CUSA are not the legal owners of the Trademark Amiga you are merely licensees of the Trademark...

You can point out that the actual owners of the Trademark may or may not like the use of the Amiga name being used by a hobbyist but you as an employee of CUSA nor CUSA CANNOT demand or request that he remove anything that you don't own...

The only entity who can legally take such action are the owners of the Trademark and it should be done via official channels and not publicly on these forums...

So kindly take your threats/ demands/ request elsewhere. I really hope TheDaddy decides to take legal action against you and CUSA for harassment and if he want's to do so I will gladly pay all legal costs for him to be able to do so...


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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 21:51:11
#64 ]
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Joined: 28-Oct-2003
Posts: 1690
From: Melbourne, Australia


And just to elaborate on my response. Cloanto just wanted to know if we were including their product in Commodore OS and wanted an explanation of what we were doing.
They were fine with it once they realised we weren't including their product, and in fact were promoting their product to Commodore enthusiasts.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
Opinions expressed are my own and not those of C= USA.
Commodore/AMIGA "Beautiful, High-Performance, Home Computers for Creativity and Entertainment."

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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 21:55:41
#65 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 1697
From: Oregon



BigBentheAussie wrote:

What is pretty that you'll give AROS Janus UAE a free pass to rip AmigaForever for the last couple of years.

Last I checked nobody is selling AROS it's free ware. Still illegal, but no company is making money by "Advertising" that you violate Cloanto's license.

We've had contact from Cloanto about it and there was no request to remove the feature.

That's a pretty non-committal statement. Are you claiming you have a "verbal" license from Cloanto or are you just saying you talked to some one at a "show" and they aren't even aware that you are telling people to RIP their roms illegally?

Pretty vague statement there.

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 22:00:37
#66 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Oct-2003
Posts: 1690
From: Melbourne, Australia


BTW Commodore OS is also free.

I personally don't care what the Daddy does.
He can choose to ignore my friendly requests or not.
I am just warning him that he should be careful with the trademarks, that's all.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
Opinions expressed are my own and not those of C= USA.
Commodore/AMIGA "Beautiful, High-Performance, Home Computers for Creativity and Entertainment."

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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 22:06:44
#67 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jul-2005
Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


Before this goes any further off the tracks and to give everyone a chance to cool off before they get themselves into trouble, THIS THREAD IS LOCKED.

(at least for a while)

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 5-May-2012 22:07:45
#68 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Jun-2010
Posts: 2809
From: Unknown



BigBentheAussie wrote:

BTW Commodore OS is also free.

I personally don't care what the Daddy does.
He can choose to ignore my friendly requests or not.
I am just warning him that he should be careful with the trademarks, that's all.

Well your either not very intelligent or have a very short memory as a few minutes ago you said...

I am also formally requesting on behalf of Commodore USA, that you remove the Amiga branding from the video too.

So which is it !!!

A formal request, which you have no legal authority to issue...


Just "warning him", which if you had any decency you could have done privately via PM or email...

You sir are a scumbag of the highest order now please take your threats/ warnings elsewhere...


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Re: X500 PLUS
Posted on 6-May-2012 6:28:59
#69 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3957
From: Belgrade, Serbia


Its not an AIO computer in full sense of the words.

However, its max discouraging for producing any Amiga related hardware.

Good news is we might get A500 replica cases everyone was asking for,
looks like with no CUSA help.

Hope Loriano will get by with little help of the friends (here dubbed and sang by Luciano)

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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