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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 4-Jul-2020 13:40:09
#1401 ]
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 10:55:51
#1402 ]
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From: Stourbridge, UK


Amusing, but he clearly meant that there was no room in the Total Amiga article, especially as the photo he refers to is right there next to the paragraph in the blog.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 11:06:26
#1403 ]
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he clearly meant that there was no room in the Total Amiga article, especially as the photo he refers to is right there next to the paragraph in the blog.

Amusing! They'll be no room for a Tabor once the PS5 steals my spare change (there's a recession on) and living room space!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 12:14:34
#1404 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


They'll be no room for a Tabor once the PS5 steals my spare change

This is a risk we're perfectly willing to take. Just please make up your mind and finally make a decision, for crikey's sake! No need to constantly tell us what you'll do if the Tabor gets delayed.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 12:28:28
#1405 ]
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Trixie wrote:

They'll be no room for a Tabor once the PS5 steals my spare change

This is a risk we're perfectly willing to take. Just please make up your mind and finally make a decision, for crikey's sake! No need to constantly tell us what you'll do if the Tabor gets delayed.

Speak, oh friend Trixie, for yourself alone!

I, for one, would love to know more about it, and possibly with a higher frequency, too.
Say, a daily update would work.

I am also interested to know more about the layout of your living room.

Affectionate hugs,
MEGA_RJ_MICAL, Interior Designer Extraordinaire


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 13:23:28
#1406 ]
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I am also interested to know more about the layout of your living room.

Since the dimensions of my living room are likely to be important for the usage of the PSVR2 unit that I'll be tempted to buy for Star Wars Squadrons then I dare say youll get what you wished for!

How can I make up my mind for definite when the product is still at the 'Mike Tinker' stage?!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 15:33:02
#1407 ]
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From: Vienna/Austria

@BigD: >How can I make up my mind for definite when the product is still at the 'Mike Tinker' stage?

True, but I also don't get what the PS5 has to do with Tabor (or any AOS4-related hardware) in general. I will buy a Tabor for certain reasons and I would buy a current gen game-console for other reasons. I don't get the connection.

AmigaOne X5000/40, 2.2 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 240 GB SSD

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 16:06:21
#1408 ]
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do you still not understand it? I know what he will do... nothing

he will always have reasons why ho not buys new amigaos hardware despite being "the only future" and recommending everyone else to buy it. It is just talk on forum

Last edited by OlafS25 on 05-Jul-2020 at 04:11 PM.
Last edited by OlafS25 on 05-Jul-2020 at 04:07 PM.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 17:02:26
#1409 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


How can I make up my mind for definite when the product is still at the 'Mike Tinker' stage?!

It's not. AFAIR Mike Tinker's BoXeR was at prototype stage at best, whereas the Tabor is not too far from batch production. Sure, the delays are a terrible nuisance but such is life in the Amiga world. The important thing is that the Tabor is a serious hardware target and it runs the latest beta kernel. Totally incomparable with the BoXeR, whose AmigaOS compatibility amounted to Mike Tinker's word.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 17:08:32
#1410 ]
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From: Vienna/Austria

@Trixie: Oh, I don´t got the "Mike Tinker"-comparison. It's of course a stupid comparison (in both cases). Tabor isn't Vapourware, nor is of course the PS5.

Last edited by AP on 05-Jul-2020 at 05:14 PM.

AmigaOne X5000/40, 2.2 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 240 GB SSD

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 17:17:49
#1411 ]
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@many above

History cringes once again.

"Mick", not "Mike".


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 19:34:55
#1412 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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Posts: 2090
From: Czech Republic


Yes, people can indeed misspell the name of a guy who promised a piece of vaporware twenty years ago. But history rarely tends to be kind to losers.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 19:36:07
#1413 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


I will buy a Tabor for certain reasons and I would buy a current gen game-console for other reasons. I don't get the connection.

It comes down to the allocation of scare resources. I've spent my "Tabor money" on other things a couple of times already.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 5-Jul-2020 20:46:14
#1414 ]
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bison wrote:

I will buy a Tabor for certain reasons and I would buy a current gen game-console for other reasons. I don't get the connection.

It comes down to the allocation of scare resources. I've spent my "Tabor money" on other things a couple of times already.


Q1) Would my family benefit most from a X5000 or a new LG OLED 48" TV + £300 spending money (£1,799.99 vs £1499.99).

Q2) Would a 4k Blu-Ray capable PS5 with a ability to design 3D games easily with Dreams benefit us all rather than supporting Trevor and Matthew in buying the Tabor?

Is AmigaOS4.x in itself a killer app? Answer: No, it's about the software !

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 6-Jul-2020 7:10:49
#1415 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic



Q1) Would my family benefit most from a X5000 or a new LG OLED 48" TV + £300 spending money (£1,799.99 vs £1499.99).
Q2) Would a 4k Blu-Ray capable PS5 with a ability to design 3D games easily with Dreams benefit us all rather than supporting Trevor and Matthew in buying the Tabor?

There's no logical reason to buy any alternative computer system in 2020 (perhaps with the exception of RPi). So asking such questions doesn't make any sense. Your family will never get a greater benefit from your hobby computer, simply because it's your hobby computer. This has always been the case.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 6-Jul-2020 8:28:44
#1416 ]
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From: Wellington


I love the images. BTW I updated my blog post just for you,


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 6-Jul-2020 8:31:34
#1417 ]
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From: Vienna/Austria

@bison: That´s understandable, but you are not permanently talking about it a year BEFORE you may spent the money for an other product, are you?

Last edited by AP on 06-Jul-2020 at 08:32 AM.

AmigaOne X5000/40, 2.2 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 240 GB SSD

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 6-Jul-2020 8:41:06
#1418 ]
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From: Vienna/Austria

@BigD: I think Olaf is right: For some reason you are permanently searching for excuses NOT buying a AOS4-system. Which isn't necessary. No one forces you. Buy a PS5, buy a Tabor, I really don't care so much, because it's your decision.

AmigaOne X5000/40, 2.2 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 240 GB SSD

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 6-Jul-2020 9:25:16
#1419 ]
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Your family will never get a greater benefit from your hobby computer, simply because it's your hobby computer. This has always been the case.

That's not true. My daughter loves drawing and is nearly at the stage where I can teach her to animate on Deluxe Paint V with my graphics tablet on my Classic Miggy. PageStream, TurboPrint's Graphics Publisher and Draw Studio 2 are ALL useful for family projects. I've even used ABZoo for typing and literacy practice with my 3 year old during lockdown!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 6-Jul-2020 9:34:29
#1420 ]
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AP wrote:
@bison: That´s understandable, but you are not permanently talking about it a year BEFORE you may spent the money for an other product, are you?

The Tabor is behind schedule and there is a final prototyping phase prior to the Early Adopter run. This means we are three production runs away from more customers signing up for a machine and probably 4 or 5 runs away from the machine being 'in stock' at AmigaKit and resellers!

Yes, there is no point talking about the machine when it could well be a year before I could buy one myself! Depressing but maybe it will take that amount of time for the economy to start to rebound so perhaps it's perfect timing? All the best to Trevor and Matthew as it can't be easy to "Keep this Party Going"!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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