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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 19:03:23
#461 ]
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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From: Right here...


I dont mean AmiWest, just this on going OS4 show part deux.

Ah, apologies then, as always, everyone is allowed to have their own view of the World.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 19:09:31
#462 ]
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Joined: 4-Feb-2004
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They can at least try but it won't fool anyone. Nothing compares to a REAL Amiga :)

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:01:59
#463 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington


"AmigaOne" and "Amiga One" are both Exclusive Licensed Marks, so I don't really understand the point you are trying to make?


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:08:25
#464 ]
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From: Germany

The point is that you can set the size of the "One" word to 0.1 typographic font size, so you can better mislead people that they are buying an Amiga...

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:10:47
#465 ]
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@cdimauro'll just give WRIT ideas on how to rebrand Amiga Games Inc. to inc.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:14:49
#466 ]
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From: Raleigh NC


Someone clarify something for me, I thought the AmigaOne X1000, X5000 were REAL Amigas? Back before Amiga Inc. became inactive I thought Trevor and Co were exclusively licensed to produce systems that ran the AmigaOS? Im losing track here because one minute Trevor is the only hardware VAR who can legally call his machines Amiga's and now people are complaining because they think Trevor is trying to seize control of the trademark. Im trying to paint a full picture here dont take this as trolling.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:15:24
#467 ]
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From: Wellington


Now that's an idea!

Mind you I though a bright red number "one" was difficult to miss.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:22:21
#468 ]
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"AmigaOne" and "Amiga One" are both Exclusive Licensed Marks, so I don't really understand the point you are trying to make?

You don't have access to the Amiga brand, that's the only reason you're using the "AmigaOne" moniker. The OS4 camp has a long history of emphasizing the "Amiga" part of the brand and only very quietly mumbling the "One" suffix afterwards.

I occasionally joke about this by calling it the "AMIGA!!!![verysmallfont]one[/verysmallfont]". I had to laugh out loud when I saw the screenshot of the X5000 boot screen on your blog. And while you use "AmigaOne" in this thread, you call it "AMIGA one" several times in your blog. It's like you guys are trying to steal my joke.

And while I'm beyond caring about stuff like that: Trying to steal the brand was wrong when Bill Buck and CUSA tried to do it, it was wrong when the Dohnert troll tried to do it - it's still wrong when you try to do it. We tried to look the other way when Ben Hermans started to do very shady stuff - look where that got us.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:23:56
#469 ]
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From: Wellington


OK I now understand your point and you are entitled to your opinion, even if I believe you are wrong.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:25:34
#470 ]
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From: Germany

@RobertJDohnert: they are not allowed to sell "Amiga" machines. They can only sell "AmigaOne" or "Amiga One" machines. But, as you saw, there's no limit on the font size that they can use to try to hide the "One" word, faking the user that they are getting an "Amiga"...

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:26:10
#471 ]
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It assume this was an attempt to start a flame war... But anyway:

If there is no real Amiga chipset developed by Commodore or Hi-Torro then it is not real Amiga to many. It does not matter who licensed what because Commodore does not exist anymore.

Visit EAB some day and you understand.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:29:12
#472 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


I occasionally joke about this by calling it the "AMIGA!!!![verysmallfont]one[/verysmallfont]".

Really? I've never seen it like that. It's not as though the name is hidden at all. I think you maybe seeing a conspiracy where there is not one to see.

Besides to all intents and purposes it is the nearest we have to a new Amiga so I think people will start to naturally see it as one anyway no matter how big the ONE or one is at the end.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:33:05
#473 ]
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I think anyone frequenting, and EAB for a relativly short time know the distinction between the different hardware and OS versions.

The quarrels about the name/brand of xyz hardware seems more like something to fight/argue over for the sake of arguing.

People that buy into whatever hardware platform got all the infomation they need, and cant be blamed being mislead by a simple name.


Last edited by Overflow on 12-Oct-2014 at 08:33 PM.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:33:43
#474 ]
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From: Raleigh NC


Not trying to incite a flame war at all. Im just confused as to what the issue is because Trevor as far as I knew sold AMIGA's. I always called it the Amiga X1000 and the Amiga X5000 because as far as I knew those systems are Amiga's. So it was my own understanding that brought about my confusion. Very well then.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:34:09
#475 ]
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Besides to all intents and purposes it is the nearest we have to a new Amiga so I think people will start to naturally see it as one anyway no matter how big the ONE or one is at the end.

There are no other Amiga branded computers in production than AmigaOne.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:38:16
#476 ]
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From: Germany

@-Sam-: those aren't Amigas. They are "AmigaOne" / "Amiga One".

BTW, an Amiga was VERY different from a PC with a PowerPC instead of an x86...

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:43:52
#477 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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BTW, an Amiga was VERY different from a PC with a PowerPC instead of an x86...

Of course. AmigaOne is - in words of Bill McEwen - move towards the rebirth of the Amiga desktop platform.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:53:10
#478 ]
AROS Core Developer
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BTW, an Amiga was VERY different from a PC with a PowerPC instead of an x86...

Of course. AmigaOne is - in words of Bill McEwen - move towards the rebirth of the Amiga desktop platform.

Or in unspoken words "We don't have the rights to use Amiga in hardware form. Because of this we will use Amigaone instead."

There's a reason why never produced an "Amiga" or even had a licensed one released.

Last edited by terminills on 12-Oct-2014 at 08:54 PM.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:54:19
#479 ]
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From: Germany

@pavlor. From the same source (in chronological order):

Whatever CPU AmigaDOS was ported to it would run faster if the CPU was faster. [...] Third party AmigaDOS licenses are free to port to Alpha, PPC, MIPS etc.

Amiga, Inc. will not be making new machines. New machines will come from companies who have a license from Amiga International.

The new OS has a programming model that is similar to the Classic Amiga’s, but also sufficiently different. In particular, the new OS features processes and threads (a “thread” is like an Amiga Process/Task), virtual memory and a very clean microkernel architecture.

The development system is pretty much a standard PC but with high-end graphics, audio and video cards. We chose the PC platform based on cost and availability of technology. [...] No Windows, Unix, or anything else is needed, only a PC running the new Amiga OS. We call that AmigaOS 5 in case you’re wondering.

Using the Linux OS as a foundation for our Amiga OE allows us to leverage a significantamount of available software drivers and utilities.

We have chosen Java (™ Sun Microsystems) as our primary programming language for portable applications based on AmigaObjects (of course, C and C++ will also be supported for native MCC applications).

At the lowest level (managing the bits on the screen), we are using the latest Linux X Windows window system.

The Amiga OS is capable of being self-hosted, and sitting on top of other operating systems. A single application is capable of running on X86, Power PC, M.core, ARM, StrongArm, MIPs, SH3/4, and others. In a hosted environment the new Amiga runs on versions of Linux, Windows 95,98/NT, Windows CE, OS/9, QNX4, and others to be announced.

we did not have any plans for another version of the Classic OS [...] No matter what happens, AmigaDE is still moving ahead quickly

AmigaOS4 will see the first introduction of the AmigaDE for existing Amigans, with it running co-operatively on top of the Operating System, and then slowly being integrated until, with the release of AmigaOS5, both will effectively merge to become one

AmigaOS4 sandbox

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 12-Oct-2014 20:55:47
#480 ]
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From: Germany



terminills wrote:



BTW, an Amiga was VERY different from a PC with a PowerPC instead of an x86...

Of course. AmigaOne is - in words of Bill McEwen - move towards the rebirth of the Amiga desktop platform.

Or in unspoken words "We don't have the rights to use Amiga in hardware form. Because of this we will use Amigaone instead."

There's a reason why never produced an "Amiga" or even had a licensed one released.


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