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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 0:11:24
#61 ]
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Joined: 18-Jun-2013
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From: Raleigh NC


Commodore Corp does not own c64. Its currently trademarked by QuesTek Innovations. Commodore pet isnt even registered in the US. The only problem area I see is the logo. The logo is incorporated into their trademarked properties

Unlike the Amiga boing ball, even though the trademarks are DEAD for Amiga, the Boing ball was never incorporated in any of the past filings. Even if the boing ball was a valid live trademark it wouldnt withstand scrutiny.

Yes this whole thing is idiotic. Amiga and Commodore could have been something but legal threats, selling of the neighbors cars, and declarations of rights that NO ONE has for the last 20 years has polluted it to where neither would be a viable brand unless someone who has deep pockets can take everyone to court and obliterate them one by one. Who has the time for that? Nostalgia purposes, hey thats great. Live in the past all you want. But Amiga Inc and others have screwed the proverbial knuckle so much that its a moot point. I dont think there could ever be a grand return. Trevor and MCB have done a great job of cornering the little niches that they have and they service that retro/hobbyist market well. But as a mainstream brand, no one currently in the market OEM's or software developers have the resources, ownership or marketing ability to advance it.


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 1:01:09
#62 ]
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Commodore corp is registered for computers and computer
casing with their logo so C64 is theirs now , who knows who
got what license and for what from previous owners.

Amiga Inc. has products (branded smartphones and TVs) so
they would be harder to get rid off.

Still , having a product isn't enough if you didn't sell any to pro-
tect the trademark.If anyone wants to revoke it Amiga Inc. would
have to supply sale figures , there are also time deadlines etc.

EDIT : Lol :

QuesTek's Ferrium C64 steel highlighted by U.S.
Army as a key technology for future force fleet of helicopters.

I must stop following this

Last edited by blizz1220 on 16-Aug-2015 at 01:31 AM.
Last edited by blizz1220 on 16-Aug-2015 at 01:03 AM.

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 1:48:39
#63 ]
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Joined: 18-Jun-2013
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From: Raleigh NC


Actually Amiga Inc revoked iContains license so there are no more Amiga smartphones or TV's. But C64 is NOT a commodore corp trademark or product. But, what I said of the brands I stand behind.


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 20:13:24
#64 ]
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Cloanto on CBM/Amiga Copyrights

Cloanto confirms that it has not granted any rights for making use of CBM/Amiga copyrights in recently announced smartphones.

Aug. 16, 2015 / PRZen / LAS VEGAS -- Cloanto Corporation is the holder of the international copyrights for all copyrighted and copyrightable works created by the original Commodore/Amiga companies up to 1993, as recorded at the United States Copyright Office. These include ROM, operating system, boot code, application software, documentation, multimedia and other components as included in licensed packages such as Amiga Forever and C64 Forever.

Recently, some publications and news agencies reported that "Commodore Business Machines Ltd" (United Kingdom) might be selling, planning to sell or collecting money for orders of smartphone devices that claim to include software emulations of the PET, C64 and Amiga computers.

For the avoidance of doubt, Cloanto hereby confirms that it has not granted any rights to said UK company for bundling or otherwise distributing the original, copyrighted ROM and OS software code used by the PET, C64 and Amiga systems and their emulations.




This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 22:29:19
#65 ]
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From: Unknown


I think Cloanto is on the wrong path there... you do not need copyrighted material from Cloanto to run amiga software. The only case where I use the original roms personal are in the test environment in whdload because some games do not work with rom replacements

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 22:37:36
#66 ]
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The only case where I use the original roms...

These include ROM, operating system, boot code, application software, documentation, multimedia and other components as included in licensed packages such as Amiga Forever and C64 Forever.

That says a bit more than "rom". His interpretation of what they might be thinking of doing might be different than yours. He might also be merely asserting something for the benefit of someone else.


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 22:39:40
#67 ]
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that are only legal phrases there...

everything except original amiga books or similar are available as replacements... as I wrote you do not need anything from cloanto to run amiga software

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Aug-2015 23:58:13
#68 ]
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Commodore Pet provides AROS Kickstart replacement to boot Amiga disks in Adf format. No ROM from Cloanto is used for the same purpose. CBM LTD also suggested, in its Facebook page, to buy Amiga Forever from Cloanto, whenever original ROMs should be required.

Any claims on C64 Kernal speaks by itself, since neither Cloanto, nor anyone else had to write a press release for every magazine, coverdisk, collection and any software repository providing any of the dozens of C64 emulators out there, making it a de-facto public domain. Moreover, CBM LTD contacted Cloanto to get further informations about their owned copyrights, but got no satisfactory reply. CBM LTD, in any case, is always available to discuss about deals with copyright owners.

Cloanto should also be aware of the fact that no Commodore PET computer series emulator is bundled with the Pet smartphone.

CBM Ltd has already stated to have no relations with C=Holdings bv, since the two companies operate in different markets. CBM LTD produces smartphones, while the other produces... well... produces... it should produce other electronic devices, but no smartphones at all. BTW, filing a opposition request to the OHIM does not mean they will accept it.

Kind regards

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 0:31:50
#69 ]
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From: In the village


Thanks for the statement on the company's official stance.


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 1:29:10
#70 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2013
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Cloanto might find itself in bad position if it goes against
any C64 emulator at this point because even original Commodore
didn't see any problem in them.

As for Amiga AROS ROMs aren't property of Commodore and
could be compared to EmuTOS for Atari but I kinda expected
that they would make a press release.

What I read was is "we have nothing to do with CBM" mostly.

EDIT : On the side note there are other reasons than just money
why someone producing hardware might not want to license
ROMs from Cloanto or any other ROMs/Company.

When you do that you "share" legal position of company you
licensed ROMs from and if they loose rights you loose them too ,
they can revoke license or make it time-limited or even charge
more next time around.In short , it's best not to depend on
anyone legally and make things yourself.You won't have any
problems in most EU countries and in the case of ROMs so old
probably even an American judge might just say that it's okay.

Cloanto's PRODUCT is "Amiga Forever" let's not forget.

Last edited by blizz1220 on 17-Aug-2015 at 02:34 AM.

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 6:43:43
#71 ]
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Joined: 18-Jun-2013
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From: Raleigh NC


This is stupid. Cloanto says they own this that and the other C= Holdings says nuh uh and all you have is people fighting over something that no one really cares about anymore.


Im going to give you the same advice that I have given others in your situation. That advice (with all due respect) shut up and deliver your products. The one thing about the current situation is this; everyones all bark and no bite. The majority of the people in this community will never and I mean NEVER buy any product you have to sell. Why? Because it wasnt made 30 years ago. The few people that do care and that will buy your product, whether it be for the novelty of it or just to have the Commodore logo emblazoned on a mobile device, will like it and will buy it and the naysayers who buy it just to shred it. Hey you made a sale. If you waste your time defending yourself against people who say "Its not Amiga" "Its not Commodore" "I own my neighbors car" "I own my neighbors house" "I own my neighbors cat" its going to drive you mad, you are wasting your time and your precious resources. Make the best products you can, do the best job you can. Your customers can appreciate it. As for the rest of this stupid stuff. Dont worry about it until you get docs from a court somewhere (in the current state of affairs the chances of that are damn near zero) Unless they are your customers or shareholders, what you do is none of their business and none of their concern.


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 8:13:06
#72 ]
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and this site says the same

nox's in the house!

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 9:17:03
#73 ]
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I do not really understand why Cloanto now made the statement at all except they assume that the smartphones are bundled with illegal software

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 9:38:43
#74 ]
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To let everyone know they are watching

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 9:41:59
#75 ]
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"Hey I am still here watching you"

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 10:33:17
#76 ]
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Lol right back at you

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 14:44:39
#77 ]
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@blizz1220 @OlafS25 and I am watching the both of you. I can see you right now.


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 15:29:42
#78 ]
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From: Raleigh NC


The press. It gives them press.

I do not really understand why Cloanto now made the statement at all except they assume that the smartphones are bundled with illegal software


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 15:59:46
#79 ]
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The press. It gives them press.

That could be said for Commodore Smartphone as well.

btw, today the rhetoric got kicked to the next level. We've gone from these announcements by C=Holdings B.V. and Cloanto stating their companies' positions on ownership to:

trademark war


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 17-Aug-2015 16:08:57
#80 ]
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I do not know about C64 emulation but again for running amiga software (games) you do not need the original roms

It is starting to look a little strange now

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