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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:55:45
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-May-2010 Posts: 6472
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| @bison
I do not know how good AmigaOS runs in FS-UAE on Linux but Aros Vision should work quiet well
little bit of marketing  |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:58:41
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Elite Member  |
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| @OlafS25 i need it under linux vr to simplify testing builds, otherwise i constantly need to shove data to windows host. i will try out as soon as it may make sense to go forth with aros68k, currently the bug in the screenmode prefs affecting resolution is putting me off. |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 16:00:44
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-May-2010 Posts: 6472
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| @wawa
some time ago I created this page for FS-UAE:
newest versions (dev builds) are slightly different and have JIT activated (at least the 64bit versions)
"The new x86-64 JIT compiler is available and enabled in the 64-bit versions. " Last edited by OlafS25 on 14-Oct-2015 at 04:03 PM.
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 16:03:44
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Super Member  |
Joined: 10-Apr-2003 Posts: 1370
From: Denmark | | |
| @Birbo
Thanks for the "stupid" part.
How do you know, that I don't know? Perhaps I know...
Birbo I didn't mean to offend you, so I'm sorry if that was the case. I just thought the last thing we needed to hear was some wild speculations, or something which the usual suspects could call "fanboy dreams" later on.
_________________ On Planet Boing Trevor is God |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 16:04:00
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Elite Member  |
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| @wawa
what bug in screenmode prefs? |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 16:48:34
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Elite Member  |
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| @OlafS25
the one, causing wrong screen measurements on wanderer. somehow you have escaped this problem, but im working upon nightlies if i do, so i have to wait. |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 16:52:31
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| @wawa
it is offtopic but... have you asked Jason and Toni already? |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 17:02:01
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 21-Jan-2008 Posts: 6259
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| @OlafS25
i told you, its confirmed with toni but kalamatee hasnt yet come up with a solution. |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 17:30:55
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 22-Dec-2004 Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world | | |
| Speaking of speculations we can only guess what it takes to get Petunia JIT to emulatie 68k FPU on that hardware. Since it was written in PPC asm there could be some interesting obstacles. _________________ Amiga Developer Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:09:46
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @thread
Here some random and largely pointless statistics for you:
I analyzed te programs I used within the last year by processing appdir: with the following script.
use strict; use warnings;
opendir DH, "APPDIR:"; my @exes = readdir DH; closedir DH;
my $floats = 0; my $total = 0;
foreach (@exes) { my $result = `objdump -d \"APPDIR:$_\" | grep \"f1,\"`; $floats++ if not $result eq ""; print "$_\n" if not $result eq ""; $total ++; # last if $total > 10; }
print "Total: $total Floats: $floats\n";
Of the 536 programs in Appdir: (on my SAM-Flex, other machines eother will ofcourse differ) 150 show some sign of floating point code.
Full list below, quite a number of which are clib2 programs from th SDK tools, so the floating point code is likely from stdio compiled with libm, for example can't see 'Kill' using floating point code for real. The test for floatig popint code likely through up a couple of false positives, but unlikely to be any false negatives, unless the code was very minimal.
There were also 154 68k objects in Appdir:
Output: (I moved the final line to the top)
Total: 538 Floats: 150 Libjpeg.so__ Bezmesh Gears DopJoinPlus.os4 Phonolith Jpegtopnm Sed.sdk DopJoin.os4 Pnmtopng Tifftopnm Pwd Sed.mine Minigl.library.bak Filer.debug Starfighter Bumprev Zip Installation Utility AddAudioModes Idltool Glquake_aos4 DiskImageGUI Svnversion UnRAR Link Scout.os4 Echo Wget AWeb.developer Mke2fs Ffmpeg_ppc Ntfsinfo DvPlayer Picasso96Mode Waon Yes Nogravity-aos4 FfmpegGUI Mkntfs Kill Quake2 Ffmpeg Ignition Addr2line Tr AHI Smartctl Sox FSCheck Ftpd Kernel WookieChat_OS4 Lame Antiword A1 AMISTORE_DL AMIStore DSP MultiViewer SP_Engine Media Toolbox AudioEvolution TuneNet Perl5.16.3 Ssh Mplayer AmiGS Diff PartitionWizard Gdb MultiView Strip Touch Ftp Uname Ppaint Bldyn FileCompare Ping Make Ls Gs Cp 3D Chmod Grep Objdump YAM Sed Gmake Calculator Pgp SGrab FileX SketchBlock Gzip Tar Cat Tubsfind AmiDVD AmiPDF TwinVNC QuakeOS4 NTFileSystem3G Cc1 Perl5.8.5 POSIX.pmod SDL_perl.pmod Dumper.pmod As Gcc OWB Rm Odyssey Filer AutoDocViewer Libntfs-3g.so_bak Ld Sh GrimReaper Ranger perl svn
rejected 68k files:
Lots of them are ImageFX plugins....
gcc:bin/objdump: 'APPDIR:.': No such file gcc:bin/objdump: 'APPDIR:..': No such file gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Https.protocol: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TVPaint: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TheMPegEncGUI: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FreeDB: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TheMPegEncGUI_Lame: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:GaussianBlur: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Tile: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:IMP: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:RemoveGrain: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:AutoFX: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Button.gc: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Gif.codec: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Awinquake: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Text.gc: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Awinquake_gcc: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PPView: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:IBPreferences.ibcc: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Composite: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Text: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Png.codec: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:File: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:VideoFilter: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Http.protocol: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Jpeg.codec: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:REP: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Imagedecode.module: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:HistoEqu: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ShowTip: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:SoundFX: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Balance: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FlexCat: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:UserConvolve: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Sweeper.plugin: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Cvs: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Scale.FP: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:WindowedCGX: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:MedianCut: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Dither: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TraceThrough: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TraceAlpha: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:RubThrough: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Pantograph: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Minimum: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Maximum: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Mandala: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FadeOut: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:AMixer.plugin: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FadeIn: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:AvgRubThru: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FeltTip: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Divide: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Darken: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Crayon: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Agate.itx: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Colorize: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Color: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Charcoal: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Chalk: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Add: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:AbsoluteSubtract: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Object_logo.tclib: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:AbsoluteAdd: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Softlight: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Smudge: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:HD-Rec_MIDI: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:HD-Rec_CPU: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Screen: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Saturation: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Relief: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Multiply: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Vt: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TurboCalc: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Lighten: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Illuminate: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Hardlight: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FingerPaint: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:HD-Rec: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Watercolor: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ShowAppList: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Imagine.fp: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Hue: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Value: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Subtract: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Sponge: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ANIM7: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FLC: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:JPEG: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FLI: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:IBrowse: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:MagicServer: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Disperse: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Blur: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Sharpen: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:DCTV: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:DataTypes: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:UnsharpMask: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Normal: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PCX: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PBM: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Alias: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Ajpeg: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PCL.tpd: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:MacPaint: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Koala: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Impulse: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Tp8: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Tde: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:MakeCD: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:IMG8: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Tte: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ILBM: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ICO: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:SunRaster: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Softimage: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:HAME: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:GraspDL: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:SGI: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Sculpt: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Rendition: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ReCombine: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TurboPrefs: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:QRT: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PSD: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PNG: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:INGF: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Info: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Httpfetch: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:GIF: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FrameStore: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FlyerClip: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FITS: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:FAXX: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:DPIIE: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:BMP: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ANIM: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Abekas: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PICT: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:RexxMast: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:WBToFront: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PIC: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Rotate: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:X11WD: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:WaveFront: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:PDS_VICAR: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:YUVN: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:VMEM: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Netfs-server: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:WwProg: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Wordworth: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:TIFF: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Targa: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:ImageFX: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:Test68: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: APPDIR:M68k-amigaos-gcc: File format not recognized
Last edited by broadblues on 14-Oct-2015 at 06:11 PM.
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:13:59
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 21-Jan-2008 Posts: 6259
From: Unknown | | |
| @broadblues
seems nothing essential in there;) btw. out of interest, if you compile with clib2 against libm, fp functions get linked statically in no matter if necessary? i thought the usual would be to have only the functions used not the whole lib. Last edited by wawa on 14-Oct-2015 at 06:19 PM.
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:14:08
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Joined: 22-Jun-2004 Posts: 3670
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| @Zylesea Good news for new hardware for very expensive for me.
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:37:57
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 22-Dec-2004 Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world | | |
| @broadblues
The list is missing shared libraries. Certain audio, image and video codecs are using floats for sure. Of course, they can be recompiled to different CPU target...
68k programs are not affected because they use 68k FPU instructions which are always emulated. Just change the emulator... Last edited by itix on 14-Oct-2015 at 06:39 PM.
_________________ Amiga Developer Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:41:10
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @wawa
btw. out of interest, if you compile with clib2 against libm, fp functions get linked statically in no matter if necessary? i thought the usual would be to have only the functions used not the whole lib.
I'd have to check to be sure, but I seem to remeber that linking with libm replaces various stdio functions with ones that can handle floats. Those function might draw in a few others, whether or not they are called.
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:51:23
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 9-Jun-2004 Posts: 12963
From: Norway | | |
| @broadblues
Here some random and largely pointless statistics for you: |
Yes that looks useless…..
Did you really expect to find machine code by looking for ASCII chars? Try looking for Hex EC0D0072, C1A30000, EC0D0072, FDA0001E or D9BF0010.
Any C code that use float or double will be using the FPU, that should 80%-90% of all programs.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Oct-2015 at 06:58 PM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Oct-2015 at 06:57 PM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 14-Oct-2015 at 06:54 PM.
_________________ Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 18:59:51
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 22-Dec-2004 Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world | | |
| @NutsAboutAmiga
He used objdump (that creates disassembly output from binaries). _________________ Amiga Developer Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 19:02:36
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 19:06:54
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 16-Nov-2013 Posts: 447
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| @itix
For example MiniGL, which does all the transformations on the CPU. _________________ This is just like television, only you can see much further. |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 19:15:50
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @itix
Okay just for fun whilst preparing my meal I switched the root to LIBS: and ran again. No recursion in subdirs though life is too short and that script is suprisingly slow!
Total: 131 Floats: 26
filesysbox.library avcodec.library.debug ixemul.library_5109 avcodec.library bz2.library diskio.library.bak application.library mpega.library minigl.library_22 Warp3D.library.wazp aifxjpegload.library avi.library minigl.library.bak xadmaster.library diskio.library bzip2.library jpeg.library minigl.library powerpc.library xvidcore.library mglut.library minigl.library_23 avcodec.library_53.611 application.library_rigo ixemul.library openjpeg.library
68k ones
gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:rexxdossupport.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:reqtools.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:plugin.library_: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:configio.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:listtools.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:unitconv.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:post.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:wizard.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:dbplayer.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:ptplay.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:guigfx.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:render.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:zlib.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:c4d.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:c4dpic.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:digitafont.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:digitaintellifont.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:digitapostscript.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:digitatruetype.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:rexxmathlib.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:rexxsupport.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:triton.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:freedb.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:rexxsyslib.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:mathtrans.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:newicon.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:resource.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:mathffp.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:mathieeesingtrans.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:fxWARP.library: File format not recognized gcc:bin/objdump: LIBS:bullet.library: File format not recognized
Ofcourse there's classes gadgets datatypes etc_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon Posted on 14-Oct-2015 20:35:06
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 29-Oct-2012 Posts: 4127
From: Germany | | |
| @Dandy
Dandy wrote: @cdimauro
In post #210 you wrote: Quote:
cdimauro wrote: @bennymee
... Last but not least, Linux (and apps) supports 64-bit (thanks to the 64-bit general purpose registers), so double precision can be supported (with DPESFP) as well.
OS4, instead, runs in 32-bit mode, ...
and in post #215 you wrote: Quote:
cdimauro wrote: @Tuxedo
... No, but the same should happen with the applications, because you cannot run the same binaries ...
I know your second posting referred to SPE/DPE-SFP, but I also read several times with regard to making OS4.x 64 Bit that this would require a recompilation of the apps.
And this is exactly what I don't understand.
For example, here at work I have an Dell OptiPlex 2010 with 64 Bit quad core cpu, running 64 Bit version of Win7. I had absolutely no problems to run Xabier Payet's 'SnapShoter' on it, although 'SnapShoter' is a Hollywood program compiled for Win32.
There was no need to re-compile it for 64 Bit - the 32 Bit version simply worked in the 64 Bit environment. It is completely beyond me why this should not be possible with 64 Bit AmigaOS4.x and 32 Bit Amiga apps...
Can you explain this to me, please? |
In short, the difference is that Windows (and many other o.eses) never publicly exposed its data structures, and used some abstraction mechanism (handles, void pointers, getter & setter) to offer an "opaque" interface to the applications.
This way, it's possible to completely change the implementation without breaking the API, and it's also possible to make a 32-64 bit tunneling, like you reported.
I make another example. Windows 3 introduced the first (sub)version of the famous Win32 APIs, but such APIs are internally "tunneled" (dispatched) to the Win16 implementation. The tunneling provided a conversion mechanism to transparently send the Win32 requests to the Win16 subsystem, converting the parameters (and the return values) back and forth. That happened for all Windows 9x version. On Windows NT, instead, the Win16 requests are tunneled to the Win32 subsystem. All this was possible due to the abstract interface provided by the o.s. to the application.
Unfortunately the Amiga o.s. hadn't such good design practice, since the used (even private!) data structures were completely published. This means that (usually) it's not possible to exchange (with a tunnel mechanism) data structures between the 32 and the 64-bit subsystems.
Think about a Screen structure which was allocated by (for) a 64-bit application: you cannot pass it to a 32-bit application.
That's the reason why the Amiga o.s. never had the chance to be modernized, since it means rewriting the existing apps. |
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