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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 0:51:22
#61 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


Actually they DID comment on it.
AND no, I know you are not foolish enough to waste your time on it.
You seem more intelligent than that, friend.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 0:55:07
#62 ]
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i had forgoten how nice this browser really is.

Oh! My! God!

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 1:49:40
#63 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA



i had forgoten how nice this browser really is.

Oh! My! God!

Yeah, I kind of let that one go.
Because praising a buggy alpha browser and saying 'how nice' it is was a little too 'Twilight zone' for me.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 2:05:45
#64 ]
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After looking at TRIPOS´ very recent posts in Tabor thread, I think zzd10h was right.

Eh, I still don't, but I'm not shifting to the outskirts like TRIPOS.

Recently, the progress made in our community has been pretty good.

I'm not going to dump on it because we occasionally face disappointments.


Damn, we ought to be used to them by now.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 8:10:06
#65 ]
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ExiE wrote:
Edit - To bring it back to the topic, I actually respect the Frieden brothers. They have already stated that they don't think this project is well suited to the Amiga platform and I'm sure they are damned tired of hearing about Timberwolf and the stupid bounty. So, here you are, the code you paid for. They don't really want it. Stop beating Timberwolf to death and just use OWB.

I am quite sure the goal of the bounty was AmigaOS port of the Firefox web browser, not unusable crap. Friedens should never get the money... This is not the code people payed for, it's unfinished version at best.

I fully agree.



pavlor wrote:

it's unfinished version at best.

Still, it was first real port of Firefox for AmigaOS (or similar platform). For me, it was really satisfying feeling to see this beast on Amiga - albait in slow motion.

Nevertheless, if the port is incomplete, they would haven't been got the money.

But that's something that Timberwolf's bakers have to decide.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 11:13:01
#66 ]
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I just read up on the bounty.


The goal of the project is a port of the Firefox web browser and associated technologies to AmigaOS 4.1. The port should not depend on any emulation techniques like using an X server or GTK; the goal is to make a real port that has as many AmigaOS specific features as possible.

The minimal system requirement will be AmigaOS 4.1 with the latest quickfix applied. The port might require some additional third-party components like OpenAmiga's new default pointers. There are no plans for any older version of AmigaOS nor for any other AmigaOS-alike system. Timberwolf will make use of some of the features of AmigaOS 4.1 currently in development.

Sadly, it doesn't say anything that Timberwolf has to be in good working order for it to be fullfilled. All that is needed is that it works without emulation under AmigaOS 4.1. Which is technically does.

In 2013 Solie took over the development, in accordance with the bounty set (code must be released to interested party after 12 months with no updates when a new major version of Firefox has been released, which may be Firefox 4 from March 2011).

And here:

I'm interested to know how much code was written during these two years since it never (AFAIK) got as far as a new release.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 11:19:01
#67 ]
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@Yasu: "the goal is to make a real port that has as many AmigaOS specific features as possible".

Is the graphic hardware acceleration implemented on Timberwolf (through any of the provided o.s. components)?

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 11:45:36
#68 ]
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"As many as possible" is vague. It's therefore enough if only one component works.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 12:03:40
#69 ]
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@Yasu: "as many" means that in theory you have to support all the o.s. offers. So, not just the first component that makes the browser work.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 12:15:14
#70 ]
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i had forgoten how nice this browser really is.

Oh! My! God!

Yeah, I kind of let that one go.
Because praising a buggy alpha browser and saying 'how nice' it is was a little too 'Twilight zone' for me.

Has Tripos or Iggy any experience from running Timberwolf or do you do as you usualy do and talk about stuff you have no clue about? :P

I have used it quite a lot in the past on a slower HW and there it didn't deliver the same snappy performance but it was even then possible to see that it was getting close to a state where it was really usuable. Now with much better performance i have no doubt that it would be cool to see a new version of this old browser.

So if there is anyone out there with the knowledge, time and interest to polish it up a bit can they please have your permission to do so?? Without it we'll never see a new release :(

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 12:33:59
#71 ]
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Really? If that's the case, shouldn't it say "all"? "As many as possible" is not the same (though English is not my first language). The problem is that the term "possible" has not been defined at all. Is it the hardware, SDK, timeframe or the programmers skill we are refering to?

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 12:54:55
#72 ]
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@Yasu: I don't think so. That's only related to the o.s. features.

Let's say that the o.s. exposes 5 features that can be used in the Timberwolf port. Then you have to use all 5 for it, if every feature gives some (positive) contribute.

I might be wrong, but that's my interpretation for that sentence of the bounty.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 13:39:25
#73 ]
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I think that is basically the problem with that bounty. It's unclear and very open to interpretation.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 13:51:19
#74 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


getting close to a state where it was really usuable

In your words then, still not usable, on an X5000.

I envy the hardware greatly.
But the port mayrequire a little more work than you think.

After all, if it were taken to a 'usable' state it would still be based on a very old version.
Then there is all te work required to update it (and keep it up to date)

BTW - What in the world makes you (and others) think I don't have access to OS4 systems?
I have several friends that have them and was seriously thinking about buying an old AmigaOne when I realized a Peg2 would be a better solution.

And, if it sees the light of day, I will probably buy an X5000/40.

You see, I keep getting pegged as blue (and, therefore the 'enemy')
Yes I like MorphOS, but I am also a big fan of PPC based systems and think A-eon has been a Godsend.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 13:56:29
#75 ]
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in contrary to the previous cross platform firefox port bounty, this bounty had been particularly established to satisfy the expectations of the coders concerned with the task. its ambiguity has been pointed out and questioned from the very start by various people. would that play any role, had the review actually taken place, who knows? i doubt. the target audience feels so much at the mercy of companies and developers, that it is unlikely that it would dare to question anything.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 13:57:08
#76 ]
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At the time, I do not think there was any composition, and color space conversion did not exist.
Amiga native, as possible basically means Intuition, Picasso96, Graphic library where possible.

I think way it is not clearer, is because people who make the bounty are not programmers. Or have not looked at the code.

Today, we probably need to redo, some of what was done, back then, for better speed, as well as fixing whatever carousing memory corruption. While working with a cross compiler to do it.

When that has been done, the source code need to be updated with a newer version of FireFox, this is major undertaking.

This is way people are not exactly queuing up to do it.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 01-Nov-2015 at 02:00 PM.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 13:59:21
#77 ]
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And, if it sees the light of day, I will probably buy an X5000/40.

You see, I keep getting pegged as blue (and, therefore the 'enemy')

just dont end up as a "blue hondo";)

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 15:02:16
#78 ]
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Sounds too much like a cowboy.
If I was going to be a fanatic I'd be "Blue Viking Beserker'.

Suits my temperament better.

Last edited by iggy on 01-Nov-2015 at 03:17 PM.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 15:02:28
#79 ]
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Makes sense.

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Re: Timberwolf now open sourced!!!
Posted on 1-Nov-2015 15:25:15
#80 ]
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I don't care what rainbow color you have and if you have any friends, i just want you to give your permission to work with the sources to anyone who could be interested. Please!

i'm using Timberwolf now so it cant be unusuable, can it? And we know its old.

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