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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 29-May-2016 2:06:11
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Joined: 28-Mar-2003 Posts: 1236
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| @ne_one,
Sounds like we need some kind of consortium so everyone is pulling in the same direction...
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 29-May-2016 16:15:42
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| @QuikSanz
I see...Phoenix reborn from ashes? :) Kamelito |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 29-May-2016 19:28:09
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| @QuikSanz
Sounds like we need some kind of consortium so everyone is pulling in the same direction... |
people can engage in complementary fashion and everyone can decide for themselves how to support the current rather than to oppose or block it. i symhatize with vampire project, take its side from time to time, burt dont feel it as urgent to have one of the accelerators they offer. rather i try to contribute to aros seeing it as an option for vampire, should else fail..Last edited by wawa on 29-May-2016 at 07:28 PM.
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 13:32:07
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 14:11:41
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| @Overflow
Very nice, thanks! _________________ B5D6A1D019D5D45BCC56F4782AC220D8B3E2A6CC |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 14:43:57
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| @Overflow
Awesome! _________________ Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 15:24:43
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| Jens is a competitor on the Amiga market.
He sells a accelerator for the A600 and A1200 and he sells an Amiga clone (Chameleon + Minimig Core).
Some month ago he was badmouthing the Apollo project on ... Last edited by OneTimer1 on 14-Jun-2016 at 03:32 PM.
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 15:28:07
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| @Kremlar
No... too many hands in the kitchen, and nothing gets done. The projects are unrelated. If Jens wants to ensure compatibility with ...
According to a posting from Jens on he has bought all connectors needed for an A1200 accelerator card.
No connectors (from Jens) - no Vampire for the A1200. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 17:09:04
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| @OneTimer1
Amiga developers are smart I'm sure they will find away around the socket issue. _________________ A1200 ACA1232 128MB Indivison MkIICr Elbox empty Power Tower RPi3 Emulating C64 ZX Atari PS BBC Wii with Amiga emulation Vampire v4 SA |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 17:19:22
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| @OneTimer1
There's already talk about getting the needed connectors manufactured. I don't think it will be a big problem, perhaps the cost will be a bit higher than if they did not have to have them manufactured.
A version of the Vampire for the 1200 will be heavily desired. I would be more worried about their ability to keep up with demand. They are already so backlogged on the version for the 600, the 500 will likely be worse. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 18:51:34
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| @OneTimer1
Jens has the tooling to do it himself, from what I recall, hence all the connectors on the ACA cards are white, not black as they used to be. Jens _could_ sell connectors to whoever in need, but for whatever reasons he is not interested. _________________ B5D6A1D019D5D45BCC56F4782AC220D8B3E2A6CC |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 20:18:05
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| @kolla
Sound like he wants all the money to him self well I hope it back fires on him and the Vampire team get the connectors and sell thousands of A1200 cards. We dont need people like that in our little AMiga community we need to all join together to bring the Amiga back even by a little amount. _________________ A1200 ACA1232 128MB Indivison MkIICr Elbox empty Power Tower RPi3 Emulating C64 ZX Atari PS BBC Wii with Amiga emulation Vampire v4 SA |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 21:09:50
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 14-Jun-2016 23:17:08
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| @OneTimer1
Nonsense. Just like he bought up "all" the remaining chips that could be used in an A1200 (not counting, of course, all the chips already in circulation in functioning machines, but hey).
Frankly I don't like either Gunnar or Jen's attitudes. But if Jens wants to suggest that he is holding (or witholding) something vital to another group's project, well...that just makes him look like a dick. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 15-Jun-2016 4:07:06
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| @OneTimer1
According to a posting from Jens on he has bought all connectors needed for an A1200 accelerator card. No connectors (from Jens) - no Vampire for the A1200. |
hmmm just like how he bought out the rights to all the Apollo accelerators so nobody could make 1200 accels but him? |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 15-Jun-2016 9:03:06
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 15-Jun-2016 9:48:55
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Joined: 24-May-2005 Posts: 194
From: De Keistad, Netherlands | | |
| @tlosm
Not sure what you exactly want to know about speed comparison. But let me say it this way, it completely destroys any 68060 even on a low end FPGA.

These are scores from minibench, they are old scores already several optimizations and improvements have been made since April this year.
See for more info¬e=766&order=&x=0
The A1200 version is very likely to be a lot faster then the current one. They plan using a Arria 10 FPGA, 1 GB DDR3 1600Mhz mem, Sata controller,HDMI out, SD card etc. Last edited by Mr-Z on 15-Jun-2016 at 09:57 AM. Last edited by Mr-Z on 15-Jun-2016 at 09:52 AM.
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 15-Jun-2016 10:03:00
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 15-Jun-2016 12:11:18
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Joined: 24-May-2005 Posts: 194
From: De Keistad, Netherlands | | |
| @tlosm
I did forgot to mention that the A1200 version will be expensive because of the much faster FPGA on it and all. The Apollo team targets at 500,- Euro.
The current A600 version is around 150,- Euro, great value for money! The A500 version is to be released soon, i think about the same price as the A600 Vampire. If you order one be patient, they have a long backlog, the demand for this card is high and they are all hand build by Kipper2k.
Take a look at this Vimeo page, lots and lots of small movies with Vampire 2 doing various stuff.
More nice links: Last edited by Mr-Z on 15-Jun-2016 at 12:11 PM.
_________________ Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 15-Jun-2016 12:58:53
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010 Posts: 1175
From: Bear, Delaware USA | | |
| @Mr-Z
A faster FPGA for the A1200 vampire? Oh my, that is going to be impressive even at 500 euro.
If Jens builds 1200s that aren't compatible with that he is going to lose some customers. |
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