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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 19-Dec-2016 15:39:17
#881 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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but how does a rallying cry

Read again what he wrote and then compare to some not so nice posts in this very thread. You may not like this person, but his words have value even today.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 15:38:35
#882 ]
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Joined: 25-Feb-2004
Posts: 1141
From: Italy



BigD wrote:

There are many ppc haters in this comunity, they dont't like that their last hope is crap.

The X1000 was the last hope. It was a success therefore the X5000 appeared. Your comment doesn't make sense!

And without www, even as outdated as Webkit from 2014 on ppc, vampire is worth nothing.

The Vampire puts A500 and A600 hardware on par with high end big box classic Amigas and allows MP3 playing/makes AlienBreed 3D 2 playable (for the first time)/allows smooth ADoom/AmiDuke play on a OCS/ECS Amiga etc. It also promises AGA support in the future for OCS/ECS machines!

All this is a staggering achievement for classic Amiga fans! Irrespective of its use for Flash, HTML 5, Facebook or all the other (less fun) modern uses we put to modern machines, it will lead to many A500/A600s being dusted off and brought down from the attic and used again. That is a magnificent achievement and you sadly do not appreciate it. :-{

Therefore, I think you should buy an i7 PeeCee or an overpriced MacBook Pro and reconsider your post! This is the best thing to happen to the classic Amiga in decades and the classic Amiga is all the mainstream computer/gaming community remembers of our favourite computer/OS (if your lucky).

This will lead to more interest in Amigas than the X1000, Prisma card, AROS, MorphOS, AmigaOS 4.x, the Armiga, the Minimig, the belated Putty Squad release and the Amiga30 celebrations put together!

I mostly agree with BigD, my point of view is that 68K/PPC comparison (let alone war) is nonsense.
These two architectures are two different generations of Amiga, comparing them is like comparing DirectX gaming with DOS gaming on PC. They are two different things and at the same time one is the branched evolution of the other (Like Humans and Apes).
This does not make PPC better and 68K worse, nor makes PPC Amigas "false" Amiga. They are just a different kind of Amiga.
Now, about the NatAmi/Vampyre project... what I do understand is that (And also BigD is saying something similar) it's aim is to give some more power to the 68K roadmap, just to spice up (A LOT) it's retro flavour (Because retro it is).
It's like when the Russian Spectrum clones came out, with perfect compatibility but with spiced up HW. They never meant to be on par with the Amiga, they just meant to be a spiced up Speccy. And they were just great at that.
NatAmi/Vampyre is, to me, a VERY WELLCOME spiced up 68K Amiga that is great in being itself without needing to be compared with PPC or X86 or whatever.

Cheers ;)

Last edited by ErikBauer on 28-Dec-2016 at 03:40 PM.

God created Paula so that Allister Brimble and Dave Whittaker could do music

Check my Amiga gameplays (ITA)!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 18:00:46
#883 ]
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Joined: 19-Aug-2006
Posts: 1479
From: Italia


Retro Gaming is, i think, much different from Hobbies.
With Hobbies everyone can spend any amount of money for own wishes,
But with Retro Gaming you should make the opposite becuase it needs less power to ejony.

Today you can build your PC DOS retro gaming with 5/10 euros for every accessories you want for build your personal PC or to spend less 50 euros to a whole computer.

On Amiga Retro Gaming is oftern associates to Hobbies and is very difficult to enjoy because you have to find a very expensive base hardware and very expensive accessories.
Any new Amiga hardware project listed as Retro Gamings isn't for alls, but for an elite of users and this is deep wrong.
If you are not able to cut the cost for alls amigans you failed in your project!

The first 2013 Vampire Project was very good, becuase you had big power in 100 Euro for real retro gaming. Not today because an elite of users can buy these new cards.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 19:53:37
#884 ]
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From: Italy


Yes, I agree. But at the same time I'm happy someone is creating a costly but more powerful product.
This way people can choose: if you want to pay less you can purchase less expensive and less powerful products (There is plenty of unexpensive Retro Amiga products, even in the FPGA market)
But if you have the opportunity (or the will) to spend more money for a more expensive and more powerful product, you can also do that.

We are lucky, we can choose :)

God created Paula so that Allister Brimble and Dave Whittaker could do music

Check my Amiga gameplays (ITA)!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 20:57:22
#885 ]
Joined: 19-Oct-2016
Posts: 21
From: Unknown


Even here seiya !!!
Do not you and 'enough in Italian sites
Seiya and 'a troll lammer Italian famous for its online crap

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 21:03:04
#886 ]
Joined: 5-Dec-2016
Posts: 15
From: Unknown


What cip060 is trying to say is that Seiya has been blasted on italian sites for his personal crusade against the Vampire opening topics and topics and trying to "discover lies" behind the Vampire team. He ran out of arguments quickly and started to cry out loud as a little kid lol
Looks like amigaworld is his last stronghold in his useless crusade. Surely he got lot of free time.

Oh and don't try to deal with him with the "we're free to chose" because is idea is that he owns the only truth and everybody else is a douche.

You've been warned Erik lol

Last edited by Shiryu on 28-Dec-2016 at 09:05 PM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 21:29:52
#887 ]
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You are totally full of crap! And just a whining child, who wants what ever you want, but at your price, or for free.

Hardware prices are set by supply and demand economics. When the supply is lower than the demand, the price will always go up, and it does not matter if it is "Retro", or new equipment. It was a huge mistake that the original Vampire was only made by hand by one, or two people, when the demand was from hundreds, if not thousands of users. In fact, it almost killed the project, because it put so much stress on the inventor of the Vampire, because he could not build them fast enough to satisfy the users who wanted them. On top of that, he was doing the work for so little money, he could not afford to get any help, or hire anyone to help him build each board.

Now, thankfully, the situation has been resolved, and better reasoning has prevailed, and some extent of mass production is being put into place, but this increases the cost (plus I believe the price of upgraded components on the V2 version of the Vampire is more than the original boards).

No Amiga user needs to buy a Vampire to enjoy their Amiga experience, there are tons of other hardware and software options for our community, that are cheaper, or free. Crying because you want something, but are unwilling (or unable) to purchase it, is just like a child in a store throwing a tantrum, because their parent won't buy them something they want from the shelves. It drives me crazy to read stupid posts from users who think that developers owe them something, either for nothing, or at a ridiculously low price. Grow up!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 21:39:11
#888 ]
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Joined: 19-Aug-2006
Posts: 1479
From: Italia

But if you have the opportunity (or the will) to spend more money for a more expensive and more powerful product, you can also do that.

yes, of course

Last edited by Seiya on 28-Dec-2016 at 09:39 PM.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 21:56:59
#889 ]
Joined: 5-Dec-2016
Posts: 15
From: Unknown


He reads you, he pretend to ignore you, he's burning in wrath right now but he ain't gonna show it because he don't want to let you know that you went straight to the point and you hit him directly and mercilessly exposing the truthm

And by the way, I agree with ya.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Dec-2016 22:12:14
#890 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Mar-2003
Posts: 1236
From: Harbor Gateway, Gardena, Ca.


But if you have the opportunity (or the will) to spend more money for a more expensive and more powerful product, you can also do that. yes, of course

I am soo relieved that it's OK with you for me to buy a Vampire2 for my 2000!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 7:32:42
#891 ]
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Joined: 25-Feb-2004
Posts: 1141
From: Italy



Shiryu wrote:

What cip060 is trying to say is that Seiya has been blasted on italian sites for his personal crusade against the Vampire opening topics and topics and trying to "discover lies" behind the Vampire team. He ran out of arguments quickly and started to cry out loud as a little kid lol
Looks like amigaworld is his last stronghold in his useless crusade. Surely he got lot of free time.

Oh and don't try to deal with him with the "we're free to chose" because is idea is that he owns the only truth and everybody else is a douche.

You've been warned Erik lol

Uh, ok then ;)

God created Paula so that Allister Brimble and Dave Whittaker could do music

Check my Amiga gameplays (ITA)!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 9:49:02
#892 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-May-2010
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From: Unknown


you seem not to understand the purpose of Vampire or do not want (if I read the comments from other users here), a little like this weird ppcamiga guy. Vampire is lifting the 68k platform with improved hardware like modern video output, faster 68k processor, 24bit RTG and more to come. It is designed to run old software but also to enable new improved software unseen on 68k up to now. If the whole purpose is "retro" (playing old games) then better buy pure accellerators who are also available. It is still "cheap" compared to ageing hardware but of course it costs something. If you do not want or you have no money then do no buy it, nobody is forced to. Most users I am aware of are happy about it and the progress. You can easily use UAE instead because I assume that most new software that might become available will run on both UAE and Vampire.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 29-Dec-2016 at 12:08 PM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 11:04:36
#893 ]
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From: Norway


Pretty much. Ive purchased several Amiga Forever versions, and are quite happy with the quality.
While its nice to use when Im stuck at hotels due work, Ive found myself not really getting into Emulation at all. I guess ALICE laptop might change that, unless the Apollo Team standalone lend itself to being portable.

Anyhow, with the addition of newly produced hardware addons to my amigas (A600 and 1200) I find myself using it MORE and more. Ive towerized my A1200 yesterday after reciving the Prisma Music card, and with keyboard and mouse adapter+plus Indivision mk 2, it looks really nice on my BenQ 23 inch monitor. The Prisma Music card plays 320 kbps mp3 without breaking a sweat, and it has really given the A1200 a breath of new life, and thats with only a Blizzard III 30/50 accelerator in it.

Then you have the A600 with Vampire. Superresponsive no matter what you throw at it, and also with keyboard/mouse adapter, I keep my desk very neat.
I use the PC less and less to be honest, and IF there ever comes a updated AOS 3 pdf reader, the reasons for ME personally to use Wintel computers keeps dropping rapidly (Ive stopped gaming completely with the exception of workrelated simulator programs that are Wintel exclusive).

The Vampire AND the recent Amigakit/Aeon hardware/software has really reignited my intrest in Amiga OS.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 17:42:16
#894 ]
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From: S.Wales


The first 2013 Vampire Project was very good, becuase you had big power in 100 Euro for real retro gaming. Not today because an elite of users can buy these new cards.

My brother got an M-Tec 68020i and 1MB fast ram for our A500+ back in about 1994. The board retailed for £99 and the 1MB ram probably cost another £40, hardly the the spending of an elite user at the time. When you adjust the price for inflation it's pretty much the same figure (at the current eur to ukp exchange) they are asking for the Vampire 500 v2 today.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 18:53:57
#895 ]
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Joined: 19-Aug-2006
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From: Italia


ok, i understand your point of view

I'm italian, i'm open a italian topic in italian forums for italian users only.
I don't think be very correct to attack me here in for question dealt on another Forum.

Last edited by Seiya on 29-Dec-2016 at 07:23 PM.
Last edited by Seiya on 29-Dec-2016 at 07:21 PM.
Last edited by Seiya on 29-Dec-2016 at 07:18 PM.
Last edited by Seiya on 29-Dec-2016 at 07:05 PM.
Last edited by Seiya on 29-Dec-2016 at 07:03 PM.
Last edited by Seiya on 29-Dec-2016 at 07:02 PM.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 19:44:06
#896 ]
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I don't think be very correct to attack me here in for question dealt on another Forum.


However, posting the same again and again is not polite either.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 20:04:01
#897 ]
Joined: 5-Dec-2016
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Nobody is attacking ya, dawg, ya ain't worth the effort.
But peeps here need to know who they're dealing with and your personal crusade about everything concerning Amiga. Once it was the PPC, now it's the Vampire.
Can't wait for your next crusade and look at you failing miserably again.

That makes me very sad because you got a beautiful mind able to build excellent things. However, in the blink of an eye, you change your mind and not only you decide to destroy everything you did, but even people that has been close to you.

Same happening with everything concerning Amiga: you don't love the platform so you decided to destroy everyting orbiting it's community. Luckily you don't have the knowledge or the power to do that and we're forced to listen to your rants.

What a shame for a beautiful mind.

Last edited by Shiryu on 29-Dec-2016 at 08:24 PM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 20:25:48
#898 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway



You can easily use UAE instead because I assume that most new software that might become available will run on both UAE and Vampire.

How so? Software for Vampire will not run on UAE.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 21:40:13
#899 ]
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From: Italia


I respect your opinion and I wiil continue to working for this platform as far as i able to do.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Dec-2016 22:04:50
#900 ]
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How so? Software for Vampire will not run on UAE.

Another Amiga fork...

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