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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 15:57:58
#421 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4447
From: Portsmouth England



why would you even want to involve os4 and petunia in 68k

Strangely enough, because the OS is more advanced. 68k programs using reaction classes , other ppc librraies etc actually run better than on 3.X . People serious underestimate the amount of incremetal bug fixing and improvements that's gone on in AmigaOS since 3.x It seems they just look at the missed headlines targets and think nothing ever happened.


emulation on a pc?

If you like you OS4 environment it's easier to run without changing context and restarting UAE in a new emulation.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 16:46:21
#422 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-May-2010
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we will see how fast the vampire finally will be, expecially with optimized libraries

but even if PPC is faster (or UAE) people want to use real hardware and developers only take a platform serious that not only exist as a kind of virtual platform

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 16:51:28
#423 ]
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I do not know why Wawa mentioned OS4 users here...

there is a general need for upgraded 68k hardware and not everyone wants to wait till other models are supported so there is a shortage in available A600 and that leads to rising prices

Regarding 4.X no clue how many improvements are in it or not, many people were and are not interested to use it, they either use emulation on modern hardware or upgrade their 68k hardware

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 19:29:32
#424 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2090
From: Czech Republic


according to the benchmarks vampire is faster than uae with disabled jit on a fast pc.

No, you misunderstood my post. I wasn't asking about the speed of the Vampire, I was (ironically) asking about the speed of OS3.x development. Because now the problem we're having on OS4 is the lack of updates and slow OS development, right? But what do I get if I secure an old Amiga off e-Bay and equip it with a Vampire card? I'll have some speedy hardware running the same old obsolete sub-standard operating system that is nowhere near OS4. To which I say - no, thank you, that would be a downgrade for me.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 21:07:14
#425 ]
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I was (ironically) asking about the speed of OS3.x development

thats right. i have misunderstood your irony. obviously there is no official os3. x development. apparent owner of the code (ainc) as well as licesee (hyperion) succesfully blocked this option for years. however if you look at genuine amiga sites around, just to mention eab or even aorg, there is rather high activity around improvment of the os as well as around amiga software in general. looking at aminet the 68k fraction has still the higest upload rates in comparison to os4depot or morphzone. and last but not least aros, also 68k, is still being actively contributed to, which you can observe even on this site in weekly progress reports. you could even spot an occasional commit from me there. ;) i dont see any such activity on os4 platform. sorry.

Last edited by wawa on 14-Feb-2016 at 09:22 PM.
Last edited by wawa on 14-Feb-2016 at 09:08 PM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 21:32:38
#426 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
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Currently A-EON is investing and doing a fair amount of OS3 work at the same time as OS4 for the forthcoming Enhancer Software CD releases. Quite often when we get a developer to make something in OS4, we also ask for an OS3 version too so we are slowly building a catalogue of new software upgrades which will be bundled together on the Enhancer Software CD for OS3.

Last edited by amigakit on 14-Feb-2016 at 09:33 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 21:44:04
#427 ]
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there is no official os3. x development

What a silly comment. Of course there's official development of AmigaOS 3. There have been so much development over the years that the development team decided to increment the release number from 3 to 4 !

Rock lobster bit me. My Workbench has always preferences. X1000 + AmigaOS4.1 FE
"Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." -Seymour Cray

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 22:59:49
#428 ]
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obviously most users are not interested in that because otherwise they would own it already. Or do you think different? Finally people decide what they want to use

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 23:21:49
#429 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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Posts: 2090
From: Czech Republic


obviously most users are not interested in that

What "most users" are interested in is beyond my point here. I simply replied to wava, who came with an unfounded speculation that the recent interest in the A600s has peaked because of OS4 users, who presumably went to acquire the second-hand machines to use the new Vampire card. Which is utter bollocks of course. Current OS4 users have no reason to downgrade to a classic system running OS3.x, regardless of how many "most users" think otherwise in your opinion.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 23:26:48
#430 ]
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I did not mention 4.X users at all

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 23:28:47
#431 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


And I wasn't talking to you, until you started.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2016 23:44:27
#432 ]
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From: Unknown



Trixie wrote:

obviously most users are not interested in that

What "most users" are interested in is beyond my point here. I simply replied to wava, who came with an unfounded speculation that the recent interest in the A600s has peaked because of OS4 users, who presumably went to acquire the second-hand machines to use the new Vampire card. Which is utter bollocks of course. Current OS4 users have no reason to downgrade to a classic system running OS3.x, regardless of how many "most users" think otherwise in your opinion.

as of today here is apparently someone who intends to downgrade:

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 0:21:15
#433 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Jun-2004
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From: the Clouds


Not interested in Vampire either.

I played around bit with my 68k Amigas and I was amazed how much they lag behind newer Amiga hardware (AmigaOne).

And with the many features missing, even the OS feels old in comparison to AmigaOS 4.x

And frankly, speaking about the main topic if this thread, the missing updates do not prevent me from using and enjoying the machines.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 5:32:29
#434 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 20-Sep-2007
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From: Unknown


obviously there is no official os3. x development. apparent owner of the code (ainc) as well as licesee (hyperion) succesfully blocked this option for years. however if you look at genuine amiga sites around, just to mention eab or even aorg, there is rather high activity around improvment of the os as well as around amiga software in general. looking at aminet the 68k fraction has still the higest upload rates in comparison to os4depot or morphzone. and last but not least aros, also 68k, is still being actively contributed to, which you can observe even on this site in weekly progress reports. you could even spot an occasional commit from me there. ;) i dont see any such activity on os4 platform. sorry.

You are right : the PPC is completely dead now... They tried to kill the 68k by all the possible ways, but failed...

I'm on the Amiga scene since about 5 years : I sold a lot of capacitors kits for the Classic, there is still MUCH more Classics dudes than PPC users...

Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 15-Feb-2016 at 06:04 AM.
Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 15-Feb-2016 at 06:04 AM.
Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 15-Feb-2016 at 05:34 AM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 9:46:57
#435 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


How do you estimate that 68k users base is lot bigger than PPC one ?
Just because no PPC users asked you for antic capacitors ?

It's funny but completely off-topic...


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 10:05:43
#436 ]
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is that question serious?

But as you said... OT

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 10:11:31
#437 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: France


Of course not.


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 11:09:11
#438 ]
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 11:58:59
#439 ]
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From: The Interrogative Lair


Over the last five months, I've been evaluating my computer wants and needs. I like OS4.1 FE, but my SAM460 lite is very slow when web browsing or emulating under UAE. If the X5000 was available five months ago, I'd probably have bought it for its speed. During this waiting time, I've questioned what I really want out of an "Amiga."

The slogan "Remember When Computing Was Fun," is a great slogan. It is what I want in the here and now. I remember the fun I had on my A500, A1000, A2000HD, A3000, A1200HD, and A4000D systems. (If only I had kept just one of them, I would not be typing this now.)

There is some fun on the SAM460 and OS4.x. I like CANDI (que the music). I like using AmisoundED to record old vinyl records to MP3. Yet, this fun is but a faint shadow of the fun I had with C= Amiga hardware and OS. I would like to recapture the old sense of fun, creativity, and exploration that the old systems had.

I, for one, have considered downgrading for the purpose of reading and preserving my old 3.5" disk collection. Kryoflux did not work on my SAM460ex. Being that I need the single PCI slot, I can't easily use a Catweasel. The easiest solution for reading those disks is an actual C= Amiga. If I get an old Amiga, I'll keep the SAM460. Perhaps JIT javascript for OWB and OS updates will make the SAM more fun at some point in the future.

I sold my SAM460ex lite... waiting for money to buy a Raspberry Pi... or a Classic A1000 with Buffee... or an A1222... and OS4.3 FE update 11

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 12:04:57
#440 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: Suomi-Finland


Good Point. Mine is in the version 6 point hmm alpha -beta-zeta 66 I thinks.
Iron Maiden screensaver offcourse. See You at Hämeenlinna?

Now we need only the programs.

Seriously at a customers point of view there could be some idiots to buy OS4.2 to the XE.

Including PR.

A Few More Years;)

Edit: Or should I paint the Car Blue and put pretty butterflies all over it. Sponsors?

Please remember my joke not offending and taking this as a serious hobby.

Last edited by PR on 15-Feb-2016 at 12:21 PM.

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