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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 7:44:23
#241 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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Even if signed, won't say a thing about wether it was Amino's to give away in the 1st place.

Cloaonto's licence dates back to GateWay maybe even ESCOM times.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 8:27:37
#242 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2005
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From: Arizona


Even if signed, won't say a thing about wether it was Amino's to give away in the 1st place. Cloaonto's licence dates back to GateWay maybe even ESCOM times.

I really don't care who owned it to begin with. Unless Hyperion has a copy of the aforementioned document signed by the judge and recorded by the court, it's just another worthless piece of paper that proves nothing. If Hyperion can't produce the signed and recored document then Hyperion has no claim on anything in that document. It may as well be a work of fiction.

If I were throwing around such a document as proof of anything I'd make sure it was a court certified copy with the judge's signature and the date that the court entered the order into public record. Without those things, here in the USA, that document is worthless and it could have been written last week.

With so many vultures laying claim to the Amiga's carcass, one would assume that Hyperion would produce a signed and recorded copy.....not what was linked to earlier. Failing to do so only brings more doubt as to the voracity of Hyperion's claims. You'd think that would be the last thing they'd want since they've decided to sell "official" copies of OS3.

Not that it really matters. I can't imagine Hyperion making any money off of OS3 sales. Most classic users already own a license and new users who want copies for their Vampires or WinUAE will continue to get their copies from the same place they've gone to for years....the internet.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 10:50:45
#243 ]
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I sold 2 copies of 3.5 locally, gone in a few days. But offcourse that says nothing, but there should be a dozen of new Amigans returning back to the machine with the Vampire cards.

Anyway the profit for Hyperion should be high, as the cd of 3.9 is years old and just needs replication ;)

Last edited by bennymee on 14-Aug-2017 at 10:56 AM.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 11:07:24
#244 ]
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Thanks for your not so veiled threat through PM about taking legal action against me through my former employer.
If you want to take action through my former, current or future employer, I'm sure you can make up loads of arguments that are relevant to them.

I'm having trouble to determine how that was on topic though, in line with the discussion here.


Last edited by jorit2 on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:27 AM.
Last edited by jorit2 on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:20 AM.
Last edited by jorit2 on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:15 AM.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 12:25:47
#245 ]
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< munching on popcorn watching monkeys argue over peanuts >

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 12:49:19
#246 ]
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 12:55:25
#247 ]
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I'm guessing you must have a huge stash of popcorn to go with all the drama

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 13:43:58
#248 ]
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OS3.9 is owned by Hague and Partner! I'm confused! Surely this OS3.1 stuff is all owned by Cloanto and the OS3.5 and OS3.9 stuff is owned by Hague and Partner? Suddenly because the Vampire is going into mass production and there's money around Hyperion are sniffing at profits!!! Hyperion got the rights to use Workbench 3.1 sources to port to PPC and now they think they're the only ones that can EVER alter and sell Classic Workench / Amiga OS? Hyperion have always been better lawyers than at courting the community and this will do them no favours.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 13:49:44
#249 ]
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Cloanto aren't throwing stones at all. They own the Amiga copyrights (at least up to the Commodore "Checkmark Branch" 3.1, but most cerainly all the way up to their 3.9 remake "Workbench 3.X" as well).

Wow, so Cloanto 'remade' OS3.9, nice I guess they negotiated deals with the coders that retained ownership of some of the code in OS3.9? That was more than Hyperion were able to do for AmigaOS 4.x.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:05:18
#250 ]
Joined: 2-Jun-2017
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To the extent that it matters, I have flagged your post as a "personal attack" because I made NO SUCH threat.

Which we established afterwards. So give it a rest please.

All of these personal attacks ...

This post reflects the personal opinion of Ben Hermans and not necessarily of Hyperion Entertainment CVBA.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:09:42
#251 ]
Joined: 2-Jun-2017
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Correction: we were able to salvage most of 3.5 and 3.9 we decided was worth salvaging or where we could reach the author.

Parts of 3.9 were done in house by H&P and those parts (mainly the reworked prefs editors) were withheld because H&P were in a dispute with Amiga Inc. and wanted to hold on to this IP as a bargaining chip.

No deal was ever worked out and 3.9 was released without approval from Amiga Inc. As was Amithlon/AmigaXL.

I believe the "cease and desist" letters from McEwen and Reed Smiths are still searachable on the internet.

I have a copy of them.

Anicient history.

Last edited by HyperionHolding on 14-Aug-2017 at 02:10 PM.

This post reflects the personal opinion of Ben Hermans and not necessarily of Hyperion Entertainment CVBA.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:09:58
#252 ]
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Let's just agree to disagree, including all that has been said in private comm


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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:10:27
#253 ]
Joined: 2-Jun-2017
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Fine with me.

This post reflects the personal opinion of Ben Hermans and not necessarily of Hyperion Entertainment CVBA.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:16:48
#254 ]
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WolfpackN64 wrote:

I'm guessing you must have a huge stash of popcorn to go with all the drama

As for the drama, by now it certainly has become much "hotter" than the thing which should by rights be the more appropriate focus of attention: the Amiga's present and future. There's the heat and then there's the light...

I can understand that. There's not much going on in the area of Amiga's present and future, hasn't been for years. We all, myself included, have come to take for granted what the Amiga represents and how it fared over the years. There has been (politely speaking) a very long period of not a lot of interesting stuff happening. Things settled down, became "boring". That's the light slowly dimming.

Compared to that, the drama in the wings is exponentially more interesting. Every little change (for bad or for worse) invites scrutiny. Then there are the deep and serious discussions about the legitimacy of the players involved. Finally, the characters of the play are conveniently classified as the fools, the villains, the heroes, the victims, and even combinations thereof.

I can understand that, too. Viewed impartially, the actions of the players in the market are exceptionally hard to rationalize. We all try to make sense of what we learn, we speculate about the meaning and the consequences and we discuss this at length with others. That's the heat, which by now appears to be increasing on its own accord, without the need for light to come forth.

Personally, I'd rather be working on turning up the light some more, it's about time. Changes are coming, driven by new hardware.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:33:59
#255 ]
Joined: 4-Aug-2016
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Since Ben seems very talkative in this thread. I'm wondering Ben what do you see / is your strategy regarding the Amiga future.

Do you even have some wider community benefit in your mission, which I think will require less battling and more joint efforts between the last few "companies" standing, or do you really see a commercially valid future just for Hyperion (+A-EON maybe) at the, IMO, cost of both the community and destroying the other companies. This later strategy really seems a downward spiral, by frustrating your potential market I guess no market will be left in the end.

I can see in a mainstream market you can still use the Jack Tramiel strategy, business is war, but we're absolutely not in such a situation...

I was really naive to think that those topics debated by e.g. Trevor & Mike at some of the past Amiga events about gathering all IP together and do something together was more than just wishful thinking and that maybe even Hyperion would join an initiative like this. But alas, this seems nothing but a dream.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:37:05
#256 ]
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We've discussed this before.
It's a matter of perspective.

I am not referring to any one individual here. It extends beyond the participants on the last few pages of this thread. If you want to keep a positive thought....just know that what goes on in private can be quite different than these public displays, which often start at 3 or 4 in the morning. That should tell you much about "state of mind".

Best Wishes,


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:37:13
#257 ]
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No deal was ever worked out and 3.9 was released without approval from Amiga Inc. As was Amithlon/AmigaXL.

I guess it's more important to point to the illegality of Hague and Partner shipping a beloved product that lots of Classic users still use than actually clarify WHY your Amiga Inc. PPC licence gives you the right to update Workbench / Amiga OS 3.1 on 68k machines?!

Last edited by BigD on 14-Aug-2017 at 02:37 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 14:51:49
#258 ]
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Even though I only recently encountered the platform (heck, Commodore went bankrupt a year before a was born), I can certainly imagine why there's so much scrutiny for every action surrounding the Amiga and it's future. Heck, I come from the Mac, which has been evolving from a user and developer friendly platform into a fashion statement, which frustrates me to no end (coupled with the fact they keep re-inventing the wheel just because they can and never look to make the standards we have better).

Given the fact that the Amiga platform is fragmented, that makes it even more difficult (although every major implementation seems interesting to me). The whole IP situation is just a mess though.

If it were me, the IP would be put in an independent holding company where every major player has a say in it, but that's maybe a bit utopian.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 16:14:55
#259 ]
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I guess it's more important to point to the illegality of Hague and Partner shipping a beloved product that lots of Classic users still use than actually clarify

I think Ben´s memory is not correct there: OS3.9 release itself was fine, but dispute arose around legality of Amithlon/AmigaXL. It is not that hard to search for relevant references - if anybody is interested.

Original OS4 project should have been lead by H/P (like 3.5/3.9), but dispute over Amithlon/AmigaXL changed this.

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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!!
Posted on 14-Aug-2017 16:39:06
#260 ]
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The Amithlon disaster is way too big a topic, but users can search for nicks @umisef and @DrBombcrater with relevant keywords "amithlon" "Friedens" "Harald" "Hyperion" etc.

There are at least two complete long retellings step-by-step from the author here on AW. There's also the long discertation against it from Hyperion on I'm just not in the mood to post the direct links today. heh.

enter search parameters here

Bah. here's one anyway:

Bernie's story

earlier retelling from old website


Last edited by number6 on 14-Aug-2017 at 04:54 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 14-Aug-2017 at 04:45 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 14-Aug-2017 at 04:40 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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