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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 12:03:57
#681 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Those following this might have noticed that Cloanto, Amino, and Amiga Inc. all filed:
ANSWER to7 Amended Complaint

After the recent filings on behalf of Itec LLC for "notice of appearance" and "corporate disclosure", they become the last of the 4 to file:

41 ANSWER to7 Amended Complaint with JURY DEMAND

Content not available atm.


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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 18:34:57
#682 ]
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Document mentioned above now available:


Courtesy Amiga Documents:


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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 19:54:25
#683 ]
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I don't understand why Hyperion did not just called AmigaOS 3.1.4, AmigaOS 4 68K.
It is to me unthinkable that Hyperion put themselves in such bad position doing so, except maybe if they thought that Amiga Inc. would never find any funding to resurrect. BH is a clever guy and a lawyer specialized in intellectual property so all this should be part of his plan.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 20:13:46
#684 ]
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Again, why nobody bothers to read the 2009 Settlement Agreement? Hyperion can use any version number.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 20:42:22
#685 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
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From: Czech Republic


I don't understand why Hyperion did not just called AmigaOS 3.1.4, AmigaOS 4 68K.

For the simple reason that despite all the welcome fixes and new features, AmigaOS 3.1.4. is nowhere near OS4.

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 21:20:14
#686 ]
Joined: 6-Nov-2014
Posts: 27
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I don't understand why Hyperion did not just called AmigaOS 3.1.4, AmigaOS 4 68K.

Is this what you would do, playing tricks and hoping it flies, instead of doing the right thing?

Perhaps Hyperion Entertainment knows that this is not about version numbers? The intent of the settlement agreement cannot be circumvented with a simple numbering trick. By the time the agreement was drafted in 2009, it was clear what OS4 was and where it was heading (OS4 had been released, and there were previous development contracts too).

The thesis here is that Hyperion was licensed the 3.1 source only to develop OS4, and anything else, no matter how you call it, would still be in breach.

If you read all the affirmative defenses and the counterclaims brought up by Itec yesterday you will see that 3.1.4 is just the last chapter of a long series of alleged breaches to the settlement agreement. The version number is the least of their problems.

BH is a clever guy and a lawyer specialized in intellectual property

Interesting that you mention this, as I just had a discussion with my lawyer friend. I occasionally bribe him with a beer as I try to extort some opinion on this case. He was saying, "If BH is so clever, why did they not file a motion for default?" Both Amiga and Itec were late in filing their responses, as it took a long time to restore Amiga to good standing, so they would have been entitled to this. Sure, it would have been a "trick", but it could have been a good one.

Or maybe he is just clever at playing the victim? Hyperion filed to register Cloanto's marks well before the US "Amiga" mark expired, then publicly invented Cloanto as the enemy, and pretends that this is not a fact. Hyperion sued all the Amiga parties in 2018 (as it did 10 years before), and again pretends that this is not a fact.

The reality I see is that Hyperion, who never had a viable business other than via its in-house law services, made a last-ditch effort to foreclose on the Amiga assets, hoping that nobody would notice, while blaming others, as it always does. Very clever indeed. Or just very sad?


So when's the new book titled "The rise and fall of Hyperion" coming out lol

You mean this one?

Last edited by aria on 08-Nov-2018 at 09:32 PM.
Last edited by aria on 08-Nov-2018 at 09:31 PM.

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 21:49:20
#687 ]
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Sure there’s also 1.2/1.3 Kickstart and Boing Ball...
IIRC Evert stated recently that Hyperion is having money so will see how it goes next year I guess.

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 21:52:28
#688 ]
Elite Member
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IIRC Evert stated recently that Hyperion is having money

Surely you meant Tim (@simpleppc).


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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 22:01:23
#689 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


Hyperion is having money

Looks like a rather fitting use of the Present Continuous tense

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 22:02:28
#690 ]
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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 22:09:36
#691 ]
Super Member
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How long is this crap likely to go before someone looses case...

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 22:15:17
#692 ]
Elite Member
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How long?

court schedule is item 32


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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 23:16:22
#693 ]
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Litigation: Itec Responds to Hyperion's Lawsuit

German only atm.


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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 1:26:17
#694 ]
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How long is this crap likely to go before someone looses case...

Interesting question. It depends. Because the case was consolidated with the preceding case in NY. The parties are now both plaintiffs and defendants.,_LLC_et_al

So theoretically they could both loose and win at the same time, depending on the points of action.

Last edited by Nonefornow on 09-Nov-2018 at 01:27 AM.

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 1:43:43
#695 ]
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So theoretically they could both loose and win at the same time, depending on the points of action.

Whoever wins, we lose

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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 17:21:52
#696 ]
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Well, I don't lose jack, and I am confident there will be more "source leaks" :)


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Re: Hyperion suing Amiga, Amino, Itec and Cloanto
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 18:23:31
#697 ]
Elite Member
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So for people like you the OS 3.1.4 release was great because if the companies all file bankruptcy you think everything will be leaked or open sourced? That is moronic wishful thinking from the mind of a criminal if I've understood you correctly. But perhaps you were brought up to thing copying and distributing cracked Amiga software wasn't hurting anybody and hence your view of the value of software and IP might be a bit askew?

A win for Amiga Inc. and the withdrawal of OS3.1.4 from sale is a loss for the users because we'd have less choice. A win for Hyperion and further souring of Hyperion's relationship with Cloanto is a loss for the users on the basis that the companies remaining are even less likely to work together plus development money has been squandered on legal costs. A win for Cloanto would result in no further 68k OS development and likely the bankruptcy of Hyperion due to lack of revenue as we all wait for the delayed Tabor!

We are not talking about Linux here. The Amiga and its remaining products is not too big to fail and do you really want a situation where A-EON are left updating the Enhancer Software as an ongoing development for a unavailable proprietary OS from the defunct Hyperion? That would be a sad way for all this to end. But no doubt you'd value tinkering with a pirated version of the OS3.1.4 source code more than ongoing 'professional' development anyway

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 18:54:57
#698 ]
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So the news here, for me, is that Itec is still a going concern. I'm a bit vague on the details, but my understanding is that Amiga copyright and trademark ownership went from Gateway 2000 to Amiga Inc. WA to Itec to KMOS to Amiga Inc. DE. I assumed that all of these companies except Gateway (acquired by Acer) and Amiga Inc DE were defunct. But obviously Itec is not. My question: what Amiga assets do they have that were not transferred to KMOS?

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 19:04:09
#699 ]
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and follow the links

also useful

and this

Keep in mind that all postings are a snapshot in time.


Last edited by number6 on 09-Nov-2018 at 07:13 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 09-Nov-2018 at 07:10 PM.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 9-Nov-2018 20:16:08
#700 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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Thanks for the links. This whole thing is so complicated that I wouldn't want to place any bets on the outcome of the trial.

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