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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 7:47:59
#561 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Sep-2022
Posts: 512
From: Unknown

There was a golden Amiga time,
when people got fame
AFTER doing stuff.

Amiga coders first wrote demo,
then released it,
then they got fame.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 10:00:52
#562 ]
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Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

Dear God, I never thought I'd be the one to say things may be getting a bit off topic.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 10:07:09
#563 ]
Joined: 8-Jun-2020
Posts: 76
From: Unknown

I wanted to run "bustest" on my AmigaOne to verify those numbers mentioned earlier here but I only found the 68k version. Can somebody please point me to the PPC build of "bustest" because I don't want to measure the performance of the emulation layer, after all I want fair and correct results.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 11:19:22
#564 ]
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expecially after a right-wing government was elected in italia... sitting in glass house and throwing stones... besides from that this mud catching sucks. Both sides should agree to not agree and leave it by that

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 11:26:37
#565 ]
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such a stupid comparation is not enough here in germany to come to prison, not even enough to have to pay money because of it. But it is just stupid, saying a lot about the person that says it

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 11:44:44
#566 ]
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Both sides should agree to not agree and leave it by that

Let me ask what the goal of this forum is?

Is the goal maybe to give people a place, to ask Amiga related questions,
with the expectation to here get helpful answers?

Is the goal of this website, that people can ask for help here, and to get advice and support?

The above goals work better - if people give qualified, good, and correct answers.

If the goal of this website to give people a place where they can talk shit during office hours.
Where they can brag with their fictional vapor deeds they did in a parallel universe,
or where they can do clueless rants and post bullshit about topics they not like. (like this ####in Aros)

If you look in the recent years of Amiga scene, then you will recall our "friend" of "Phake5".

A guy, who made himself a website "Phase5",
who printed himself business card identifying him as the CEO of "PHASE 5" company
and who announced the production and sales of vapor PHASE 5 cards.

This guy was a 100% conman.
He did all these announcement only to fool Amiga fans and to scam Amiga fans.

Do you want that this forum is a breeding ground for such people?

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 12:00:21
#567 ]
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My late Grandad killed Italian fascists in WW2, his only comment when anyone spoke about it was "Their tanks only have one gear. Reverse".

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 15:18:03
#568 ]
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Joined: 2-Feb-2011
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From: Rome, Italy


In within a community you become an expert if you are recognised as such because of the value of what you have done. Not because you are just self proclaimed.


cdimauro is the king of vaporware. But not only. Among respectable experts, he has the reputation of troll. Well known is also his ability of insulting others.
So that you know.

SAM440EP-FLEX @ 733 Mhz, AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 16:20:50
#569 ]
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cdimauro is the king of vaporware. But not only. Among respectable experts, he has the reputation of troll. Well known is also his ability of insulting others.
So that you know.

A 51yr old man that insults kids no less.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 16:30:32
#570 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway



Do you want that this forum is a breeding ground for such people?

You have your own forum, what happened? All the fun people got banned, and now all replies are about joining discord?

And how about that open source SAGA - empty promises? Vapor? 5 years and 5 months…


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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 18:58:06
#571 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Gunnar created a trolling account and his first few posts were all personal/flame attacks as well as trolling. He has repeated the same personal attacks and propaganda ad nauseam. The problem is that there is no moderation.


Terms of use:


Flame/Attacks: Do not flame! Flaming refers to derogatory, abusive, threatening, sarcastic, rude, or otherwise mean-spirited messages directed at members/users. Be cautious when using sarcasm and humour. Without facial expressions and tone of voice, they do not translate easily over the Internet in posts and may be perceived as flaming. Report the flame posts immediately to an Amigaworld Team Member so that the situation can be dealt with immediately. A warning may be issued depending on the severity of flame/attacks.

Troll: Trolls show no respect for other people's opinions and deliberately crafts messages to provoke others with the intention of wasting their time and energy or just to cause anger and confrontations. There is no point in arguing with them; their minds are made up. Ignore them, and report the posts immediately to an Amigaworld Team Member. Repeat offenders may incur an instant banned.

Multiple usernames: Intentionally registering more than ONE username for the purpose of using multiple usernames is NOT allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, registering a new username to avoid a ban. Using the site (for posting messages or otherwise) with more than one username is not allowed. Users that do not follow this rule will be permanently banned. Also, do not use someone else's username, even if you were given the password to it by the owner of the username. Exceptions can be made with approval of staff, for example where the username is a company name to be shared by employees. If you would like to change your username, contact the webmaster.

I still believe this is not the real Gunnar von Boehn and is likely another (multiple) account of an existing user (Mega?) so all 3 of the above terms of service may be violated. This phony over exaggerates Gunnar's English deficiencies and I suspect is not from Germany (UK? IP lookup?). The real Gunnar is more clever unless his mental state has deteriorated explaining both the deteriorating English and increased personal attacks. This imposter is doing the real Gunnar no favor either. It damages his reputation making him look more unprofessional and petty. The cult of the Vampire running down people on other forums (EAB and now here), based on Gunnar's lies, is why I stopped all Amiga development. You cultists are doing a good job of driving a stake in Amiga cooperation and development.

It is best to ignore flaming trolls like Gunnar. Responding to trolls just fans the flame. It's too bad there is no Amiga moderation or over Amiga moderation (censorship) on Amiga forums. Where is the leadership? Is Amiga that far gone?

Last edited by matthey on 11-Oct-2022 at 07:00 PM.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 19:49:35
#572 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Bosanac wrote:

As you already know I'm not German. So, I don't know. Anyway, see above: it doesn't apply. So, I don't care. BTW, the only thing which I know is the German law about patents. Quote:

But the rules must be followed, even if you don’t know about them. You have been quite clear about how everyone must follow them or they are an “idiot”.

So what does that make you?

You're changing the context. Again. Because you clearly aren't able to sustain the discussion.

The context you're referring to was about development of games / demos on Amigas.

In real life common wisdom is and should be enough. Otherwise reaching 18 years means nothing, since nobody at that age is forced to know ALL laws of the country where he/she is living.

So, your comparison is surreal. At least. You are desperate...
Directly comparing a German man to Joseph Goebbels is unacceptable in German society.

Since you're a Parrot / Broken record, it's enough to copy this:
You are a guest in someone else’s country and don’t have the common decency to respect their rules and cultural sensitivities.

Which is correct and that's what I'm doing.
From one high functioning autist to another, please go get properly diagnosed for ASD. Your life (and the lives of people you interact with) will be much better off for it.

Sorry to delude you, but I'm not autist. And it's certified by a psychologist: not an armchair psychologist like you...



Karlos wrote:

You referred to Gunnar as Goebbels. Whatever your intention for doing so, does not change the fact that Goebbels was one of the highest ranking Nazi officials and in all probability second only to Hitler when used as a slur.

The intention was clear: highlighting that Gunnar is applying the same lie propaganda used by Goebbels.

The context was already clear, since I've reported this:

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." - Joseph Goebbels

and not only now. In fact, I did it already several times.

Referring to Goebbels when someone is spreading lies and applying his propaganda means only this: that the person is using the same tactic to discredit someone/something by building a pile of lies.

This is not invented by me, but it's a pretty common thing and there's literature also on this, which can be quickly found by searching "Goebbels lies propaganda".

For example:
"Goebells’ tactics have found parallels in social media-crazy Philippines, especially in its politics."
"As I follow the news on the so called "Obama gate" so called scandal, I am reminded of the famous statement by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth"
"“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect."

But one more recent example which perfectly fit in this case is:
"Biden Compares Trump to Goebbels, Saying He’s Promoting a ‘Lie’
Democrat asked about Trump’s claim that he’s a socialist
The concept of the ‘Big Lie’ was espoused by Hitler, Goebbels

Democratic nominee Joe Biden compared Donald Trump to Joseph Goebbels, saying the president was repeating a “lie” in the same way the Nazi propagandist did in the 1930s and ‘40s.

“He’s sort of like Goebbels. You say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge,” Biden said in an interview on MSNBC that aired Saturday."

As you can see, Biden did the same with Trump. However this does NOT mean that Biden was saying or comparing Trump to a nazi: it was because Trump used the same lies propaganda for which Goebbels is so famous.

I hope that it's clear now. If not, sorry: I did my best and I raise my hands...
I don't know the specifics of German law regarding the use of such slurs but I do know it's taken seriously when offence is taken.

It didn't apply: see before.

And Olaf also clarified.
You may be Italian but if you live in Germany, you're likely bound by the laws there.

Correct. And that's what I do.



OlafS25 wrote:

such a stupid comparation is not enough here in germany to come to prison, not even enough to have to pay money because of it.

Thanks for having clarified it.
But it is just stupid, saying a lot about the person that says it

And here I've to fully disagree: it's stupid not understanding the reason for such comparison.

It's quite evident that Gunnar is systematically acting like Goebbels: it floods his posts of lies about me with the precise purpose of discrediting me. Hence, to remove value to what I say, only because I was the one saying it.

This is a precise tactic that he started using since he put his feet here on this forum and now I can say that this was the sole purpose, looking at the very long list of infamies that he spread on me. This can easily verified by chronologically looking at his posts.

And the reason is quite simple: since he was felt "touched" by what I've said about his design decisions on the Apollo core and he found no other way to rebut it, then he felt down following this strategy.

Which is pathetic, but anyway: it's the only way that he has to "argue", since he has no arguments.

Is it clear now?

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 19:51:13
#573 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2022
Posts: 512
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Dear Friend Kolla


And how about that open source SAGA

The suggested was that SAGA could be open sourced - when the SAGA development is fully finished.
So please be patient.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:03:45
#574 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2022
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Dear Matthew Hey,

We saw many times Matthew here post that he proposed clever idea
to the Apollo-Team and they implemented feature XYZ because of _his_ idea.

People what do you think, how many of these stories he posted are true?
Or are all of them just fake stories?

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:09:06
#575 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Gunnar wrote:

I've some scans saved on my hard driver. I can share, if you're interested. I've scanned them because Giacinto asked me some years ago for an interview.

"Cessare Di Mauro": the man who gives interviews about unfinished games.

As I've already said, I never gave a single interview in my life.

Regarding the above, it was Giacinto which was giving an interview and he asked me some copies of old articles on some Italian's magazine which were talking about our games and what we did.
Cesare Di Mauro, the man who post hundreds of post,
and him and his friends give interviews and make a big website about a soon coming Amiga hardware project - before they even start working on it!
Before they even care to read the hardware documentation!

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." - Joseph Goebbels

Same as before. Replied here:
Buy now Cesare Di Mauros memoir!
Read all about Cesare Di Mauro, the man who nearly invented a cure for cancer,
the man who nearly made a computer game,
the man who nearly created a new Amiga.

And here you're delirious. No comment...
Cesare, do first, then talk!

You're nobody to tell me what I've to do. You're only a desperate which has no arguments to sustain the discussion..

Gunnar wrote:
There was a golden Amiga time,
when people got fame
AFTER doing stuff.

Amiga coders first wrote demo,
then released it,
then they got fame.

In your parallel universe. Anyway, already replied here:

Gunnar wrote:

Both sides should agree to not agree and leave it by that

Let me ask what the goal of this forum is?

Is the goal maybe to give people a place, to ask Amiga related questions,
with the expectation to here get helpful answers?

Is the goal of this website, that people can ask for help here, and to get advice and support?

The above goals work better - if people give qualified, good, and correct answers.

Like this:

If the goal of this website to give people a place where they can talk shit during office hours.

This is the only thing which I agree on: many people here are writing during office hours.

It looks like that their companies are paying them for it. Which looks strange, eh!
Where they can brag with their fictional vapor deeds they did in a parallel universe,
or where they can do clueless rants and post bullshit about topics they not like. (like this ####in Aros)

Ah, you're still burning for what happened on the AROS forum...
If you look in the recent years of Amiga scene, then you will recall our "friend" of "Phake5".

A guy, who made himself a website "Phase5",
who printed himself business card identifying him as the CEO of "PHASE 5" company
and who announced the production and sales of vapor PHASE 5 cards.

This guy was a 100% conman.
He did all these announcement only to fool Amiga fans and to scam Amiga fans.

Indeed. I recall of some other guy which is claiming that his products are 100% compatibile with Amigas:

"Apollo Core 68080 is the natural and modern evolution of latest 68000 processors. It's 100% code compatible"

which is a clear lie.
Do you want that this forum is a breeding ground for such people?

And here is it the same "request" that you made on the AROS forum: censoring people. The people which you were UNABLE to rebut because they dismantled all that you said.

This is the only way that you have to mute people when you don't like what they say and you cannot react.

That's what you're actively doing since years on your forum and on Discord: deleting threads, posts, and banning people only because you don't like what they said.

And since here you cannot do it, you're invoking the censorship: the easy way to "win" against those people which you were unable to rebut (because you have no arguments, of course)...

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:14:29
#576 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Karlos wrote:
Dear God, I never thought I'd be the one to say things may be getting a bit off topic.

I'm sorry for that, but if someone is continuously spreading lies about me, I've to defend myself.



OlafS25 wrote:
Both sides should agree to not agree and leave it by that

Having different opinions is ok and I agree that when each one is stuck on its position is better to leave the discussion.

However this is different: see above my reply to Karlos.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:18:15
#577 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Massi wrote:

In within a community you become an expert if you are recognised as such because of the value of what you have done. Not because you are just self proclaimed.

Which is absolutely correct and I agree.

cdimauro is the king of vaporware. But not only. Among respectable experts, he has the reputation of troll. Well known is also his ability of insulting others.
So that you know.

And here I full disagree.

It's quite evident that you entered the same lies propaganda.

This is because you're still burning for the harsh discussion which we had about OS4. And after so many years you're desperately trying to satisfy your violated ago.

Which is the only thing that you can do. But, hey, if that's ok to feel better... enjoy!



Bosanac wrote:


cdimauro is the king of vaporware. But not only. Among respectable experts, he has the reputation of troll. Well known is also his ability of insulting others.
So that you know.

A 51yr old man that insults kids no less.

Same here. You're still burning for our previous discussion and since you were not able to rebut what I've said then you follow the same lies propaganda to satisfy your ago...

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:24:29
#578 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2022
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From: Unknown

Matthey Hey,

I think we all agree that a forum is a great place for discussions:

- Is the PPC750 or the 7400 PPC better?
- Is the AGA or ATARI FALCON better?
- Is OS 4 better or MorphOS?
- Chunky or PLANAR better?

This is totally fine and in my opinion even strong disagreements about a topic are fine.

But is it OK, if people spin fake stories to back up their opinion?
Is it OK, if people "lie" to back up their opinion?
Is it OK, if people "invent" stuff?

Matthew Hey, I think that you are not always honest.
I think you sometimes invent stories, to impress people
and you also invent stuff to support your statements,
you invent stuff to proof that you are right.

These fake stories of you, fake results, are hard to spot.
I think its fair to point your behavior out.

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:28:45
#579 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Gunnar wrote:
Matthey Hey,

I think we all agree that a forum is a great place for discussions:

- Is the PPC750 or the 7400 PPC better?
- Is the AGA or ATARI FALCON better?
- Is OS 4 better or MorphOS?
- Chunky or PLANAR better?

This is totally fine and in my opinion even strong disagreements about a topic are fine.

But is it OK, if people spin fake stories to back up their opinion?
Is it OK, if people "lie" to back up their opinion?
Is it OK, if people "invent" stuff?

Matthew Hey, I think that you are not always honest.
I think you sometimes invent stories, to impress people
and you also invent stuff to support your statements,
you invent stuff to proof that you are right.

These fake stories of you, fake results, are hard to spot.
I think its fair to point your behavior out.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." - Joseph Goebbels

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Re: Packed Versus Planar: FIGHT
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 20:37:10
#580 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2022
Posts: 512
From: Unknown



"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." - Joseph Goebbels

like your stories about "USA racing"?
For sure you are an expert in this field!

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