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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 3:04:29
#901 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2008
Posts: 1899
From: Melbourne, Australia


WolfToTheMoon wrote:

The A1200 wasn't a bad computer and it still sold pretty good all things considering.

Oh absolutely. It’s my all time favorite computer. I owe my career in tech to that little wonder machine.

In late 1992, coming from an A500, it was the best bang for buck that I could afford at the time. Little did I know that the cutdown creative workstation was going to shape my digital thinking for decades to come.

For a very low budget, I was outdoing PC compatibles and Macs at double the price. I was titling and beautifying family home videos on VHS with a Genlock. Doing basic monochrome DTP of brochures, pamphlets, and business cards with Final Copy II + Art Expression and a HP LaserJet 4MP (later with Final Writer), my brother also managed to avoid spending $1,000+ on specialized vinyl cutting software by using Art Expression and a free HPGL printer driver, it was the first computer I connected to the internet in 1995 (1h per day), I developed my first HTML pages for internal use at a company I was working at in 1996 which set in motion the web development portion of my career. Then came color inkjet printing with the Canon BubbleJet BJC-600, the first CD burner I got (Yamaha 2x which with a simple hack can be modded to do 4x) was attached to the A1200 via the Blizzard 1230 + SCSI II.

For a while there, no matter what was happening in the world of computing this little machine could also do it, despite Commodore disappearing off the face of the Earth.
No other single computer, and I have had many since then, lasted as long or done as much.

I remember when I was living in Yugoslavia in the ‘80s, computers were very expensive, especially business machines. So home computers from Commodore/Atari/Amstrad/Sinclair were more palatable but still not exactly cheep. If my dad wasn’t working in Australia, I don’t think I’d ever have had the C64 and later the A500.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 5:46:14
#902 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Gunnar wrote:

Cesare, you told us this story:
TINA the new AMIGA that you took part in developing which ran with 800 Mips

Cesare, where is this TINA computer?
How did you manage to run a CPU in a Cyclone FPGA with 400MHz?
How did you do this miracle as the Cyclone FPGA can technically not reach this clockrate!

You claimed to have connected a memory bus to the FPGA 4 times more than the FPGA can physically handle
. How did you do this second miracle?

Cesare you never stop telling us stories about your fantasy 68K architecture...
and you tell us stories about your unbelievable good x86 INTEL CPU which you invented.

And you try to make people believe you would be an Amiga coder...

Oh, poor Gunnar: you are so desperate that you aren't able to sustain the discussion that you entered again the Goebbles' propaganda of lies to defend your crappy 68080, miserably trying to avoid talking about it and moving everything towards me.

As usual, because you've already done it here:
and continued all over the thread.

However I've already punctually and precisely replied to all your pile of LIES starting from here:
and all over the thread until my last comment:

After that you disappeared, as it happens with you when you recognize that you're able to sustain the PURE LEIS that you report to sully what you identified as your enemy.
Your head is full of crazy fantasy stories....
- honestly I think you are crazy.

You can not expect that people take you seriously and spend time to answer you crazy hatter.

And here you start with your personal attacks offending your "enemy" to discredit his reputation, with the clear purpose of invalidation his statements.

Needless to say, it's a very well know logic fallacy, the Poisoning the well:

But you've already proved several times that logic is not your friend, and there's PLENTY of proof in the links that I've provided above.

Gunnar wrote:

I will tell you - what you will do now.
I want you to stop lying to the Amiga people here.

Since many years you lie to Amiga people.

You live in a fantasy dream world in which you did a lot crazy stuff.
You did develop with your friends a new Amiga.
And you did do miracles: you ran the CPU (that never existed!)
at 400MHz in an FPGA - an FPGA model which can barely reach 100 Mhz.
You connected 4 times wider memory then the FPGA physically supports.

You made a website advertising this new Amiga.
You ran this hoax for several years.
You even gave interviews to naive newspapers talking about all your lies.

You claim you invented a better x86 than Intel.

You claim that you invented a new 68K CPU.

You try to make people believe you are an Amiga coder.

You lied to Amiga people so many times.

Cesare Di Mauro, this is you:

You work for BMW and you live in Germany Neu-Ulm.

I think you have some mental insanity and you lied to people for much to long.

I want you today to stop lying to the people here.

Another clear example that you entered Goebbles' Propaganda of lies mode: repeating the same things several times, so that people might be forced thing that what you says is true.

Again, above I've provided links to the discussion where I dismantled your pure lies one by one.

One thing that I've to highlight it that you should suffer of some disease like functional illiteracy, because you're not able to understand what people say.

In fact, I never claimed to have created a new 68k architecture and neither I've invented an new x86 CPU. I don't know what mental contortionisms have brough to those conclusion from what I've written here, but it's certainly NOT true and it's a pure invention of your not-working-so-well mind.

However and since your started again playing dirty, I'm starting paying you with the same coin, with sensible difference that I'll report TRUE things and not PURE LIES like you're used.

Let's talk again your FALSE statements about the 68080.

Dear Gunnar-the-master-of-lies, could you please give answers to the following questions?

I see this on your web site:
Back in the 80s, Motorola was leading the market with his 680x0 CISC processors range, selling it to big companies like HP, Apple, Atari, Commodore, NeXT, SEGA and others.
Today, 680x0 is still used by industrial machines, planes industry, cars vendors and is still used by retrocomputing fans around the world.

Apollo Core 68080 is the natural and modern evolution of latest 68000 processors. It's 100% code compatible

Here it's clearly seen that you're generically talking about the Motorola's 68k processor family. Could you show tell how you can claim that it's "100% code compatible" we know that it's missing instructions and features? Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

We can also see the same reported on the following page:
Apollo Core 68080 is not only the fastest 68000 series CPU ever, it also is the most fully featured.

Feature 68000 68020 68030 68040 68060 AC 68080
68 ISA

As we can see, all such 68k ISA are reported in green colour an your 68080 as well, for which you claimed that its "most fully feautured".

We know that 68020 has CALLM/RTM instructions which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68030 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68040 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68060 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.

How can you claim that your 68080 is the "most fully feautured" when it's lacking so many things? Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

Going further, we see this on the same page:
64-Bit Support
Is the processor able to handle 64-bit addresses?
If yes, is the processor able to JUMP (JMP, JSR, RTS) to any 64-bit address?
Is the processor able to set vector exceptions handlers at 64-bit addresses?

And a bit down we can also see this:
Integrated FPU

Have you implemented the FULL 68k's FPUs instruction set?
Even the BCD instructions?
Are they fully implemented in hardware?
Or are some of them implemented in software?

Continuing, at the bottom of the page, we can see this:
Apollo Core 68080 advantages:
Market leading code density

Can you provide any proof of that? We know that the 68k's code density is great, but how can you claim that it's the lead in the market?
Can you provide any proof of that with 64-bit code (see above as well), so with code located at any 64-bit address, processor data registers processing 64-bit scalar operations?
Can you provide any proof of that with 32 and 64-bit code, with code using also the new data and address registers?

Finally, regarding this:
Fully pipelined, double/extended FPU
You've already reported several times that you're supporting only up to double precision for the FPU. Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

OK, that should be enough. And since you started your propaganda of LIE, once you continue repeating the same LIES I'll copy & paste all the above which prove that you're a big liar and you're CHEATING your customers.

People should seriously think about suing you for having sold them a product with FALSE and MISLEADING information.

Gunnar wrote:

I suppose I disagree with taking a MOV and plugging it into 68K. But then, I would also disagree with taking MMX and plugging it into 68K as AMMX, simply because it's built off Intel ideas

Actually INTEL did not invent Vektor - they took a lot from HP SIMD MAX vector invention.
(which coder also called MADMAX at the time) Intel was just good in their marketing of the ideas the took.

While AMMX also has the three letters MMX in the name ..
in reality AMMX is totally different than Intel MMX.

AMMX has much more powerful instructions than INTEL MMX
And with AMMX you can do a lot stuff that it impossible with INTEL MMX.

But if you are not a programmer
and dont know this ...
then this might not be easy to for you to see...

The general idea of Vector instructions is good.
And every company uses this concept today.
And all the Vector instructions have different features and strength and limitations.

IBM calls it VMX
Moto calls it Altivec
ARM calls it NEON
Intel calls it now SSE

and there are many more names..

We call ours AMMX.
AMMX is very strong for Video and GFX operations.

As you might know myself and many of the Apollo worked at IBM in PowerPC development...
So we know Altivec / VMX like the back of our hand ... And we tried with AMMX to make something much better to use for game coding than Altivec...
And we did succeed

AMMX is easy to use and perfect for games.

Those are NOT "vector" ISAs, but SIMD or packed ISAs, as it's reported in literature.

You claim to be a super expert on this area but you don't even know what are the correct terms.

Vector ISAs are completely different things, as I've already tried (without success, evidently) to tell you in the same old discussion:

As I've already said, even the pur Samurai Crow tried to explain the concept of vector ISAs, but he failed miserably. Now it's crystal clear that the problem is only about you, because you aren't able to understand it.

OK, now I expect another pile of lies from your side. As usual with you, since it's evident that you can't sustain the discussion and you aren't able to defend your 68080, so the only way that you've found is to discredit me. But I'll not allow to do it, of course.

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 5:58:36
#903 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Karlos wrote:

Putting aside for a moment the fact you have a lot invested in the 68080, what are your thoughts around the idea of something like the SAGA paired with a PiStorm/CM4 type solution as the CPU?

Do you know why he hasn't answered to your question? Because it means killing his lucrative business.

In fact he can get out a lot of money from people selling his incredible super-68k CPU telling them: "oh, it's expensive because we need to use a so big FPGA". And "it's a real CPU, because we recreated the 68k circuits whereas PiStorm is pure emulation", so that people which have this psychological idea that "I need to touch the hardware. Emulation is not good" will have their dreamed toy.

However if he has to provide only the SAGA chipset, all this vanishes, because there are already big contenders (Minimig, MIST, etc.) on this area and which AFAIK provide better compatibility (kolla, can you finally do one useful thing in your life and provide a feedback about that?).

With PiStorm completely crashing his 68080 from performance perspective and limiting the business to only the chipset, you can understand yourself that Gunnar will loose his goose that laid the golden eggs.

And we know that he has no other job other than working on the 68080 and SAGA, as he reported on some interviews time ago. So, this business is his only business, and that's the reason he's also lying so loudly to defend it as much as he can.



Hypex wrote:

Interesting. What do CALLM and RTM do on the 68080?

As I recall, they used to CALL Module and ReTurn from Module. Something about a module. What ever a module is.

It's crap. Really. Something which is competing to Intel's protected mode descriptors & call gates, which nobody is using since very long time.



matthey wrote:
Gunnar=MEGA_RJ_MICAL. He is posting public Gunnar statements but is vague and elusive about questions. The doxing is his classic MO. Maybe we are crazy but this guy is insane and sick. He makes ppcamiga1 look good.

Sure, but unfortunately he's the original one...

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 8:34:56
#904 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Sep-2022
Posts: 512
From: Unknown


Cesare Di Mauro,

Fact is that you have a history of lying to Amiga people.

You made a website where you "advertised" a new Amiga.
This website was a 100% hoax
Nothing on it was true.

You posted technical details..
like number of FPAG used,
numbers of IO used,
like buswidth, and bandwidth numbers

Nothing of this was true.
All of this was hoax.
Most of these values were also with the used Chip technical impossible.
Everyone understanding the technology can see that this FPGA can never attach 128bit memory to it.
This is physically impossible ....
So your hoax was even totally bulllshit.

Cesare Di Mauro you are a Conman.
You are a liar.
And you are lying to the Amiga people since years.

Anyone interested can see your website on
And anyone can see what fake lies you posted on this website.

You are very creative in "Faking" facts ...
Anyone looking at your linkedin profile can see your dishonest and "creative" look on your life
and how you live in fantasy world.
You live in an alternative reality to the rest of us.
A reality where you invented better X86 CPU than Intel, where you are developed a new Amiga ...

Cesare Di Mauro, we all know that you are a fake.

Stop claiming stuff that is not true.
Stop telling people that you would be an Amiga coder.

If you want to be an Amiga coder,
then why don't you just write a Demo or write a program?
Then you could be a real Amiga coder!
Then you not need to spend time on faking your webprofile.

Get real Cesare Di Mauro,
stop faking, stop lying to the people.

Learn how to code and just do what you want people to believe you can.
Start coding and become a real Amiga developer!

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 9:19:44
#905 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Sep-2022
Posts: 512
From: Unknown


Why do you guys on Amigaworld accept Cesare Di Mauro here?

You all know that he is fake, a liar, a hoaxer.

You all know that he faked a lot stuff.

Why do you accept him here?
Why do you even talk to him?

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 17:16:05
#906 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Gunnar wrote:

Cesare Di Mauro,

Fact is that you have a history of lying to Amiga people.

You made a website where you "advertised" a new Amiga.
This website was a 100% hoax
Nothing on it was true.

You posted technical details..
like number of FPAG used,
numbers of IO used,
like buswidth, and bandwidth numbers

Nothing of this was true.
All of this was hoax.
Most of these values were also with the used Chip technical impossible.
Everyone understanding the technology can see that this FPGA can never attach 128bit memory to it.
This is physically impossible ....
So your hoax was even totally bulllshit.

Cesare Di Mauro you are a Conman.
You are a liar.
And you are lying to the Amiga people since years.

Anyone interested can see your website on
And anyone can see what fake lies you posted on this website.

You are very creative in "Faking" facts ...
Anyone looking at your linkedin profile can see your dishonest and "creative" look on your life
and how you live in fantasy world.
You live in an alternative reality to the rest of us.
A reality where you invented better X86 CPU than Intel, where you are developed a new Amiga ...

Cesare Di Mauro, we all know that you are a fake.

Stop claiming stuff that is not true.
Stop telling people that you would be an Amiga coder.

If you want to be an Amiga coder,
then why don't you just write a Demo or write a program?
Then you could be a real Amiga coder!
Then you not need to spend time on faking your webprofile.

Get real Cesare Di Mauro,
stop faking, stop lying to the people.

Learn how to code and just do what you want people to believe you can.
Start coding and become a real Amiga developer!

And here, as usual, Gunnar entered Goebbles's Propaganda of Lies mode: continuously repeating the same lies, pretending to sell them as the truth, and without giving a single fact supporting it, of course: people should trust him only by his word, because he's "BigGun".

Well, as I've said before, I've already rebutted every single thing on the previous thread, so I just copy & paste my writings (like you did).

Oh, poor Gunnar: you are so desperate that you aren't able to sustain the discussion that you entered again the Goebbles' propaganda of lies to defend your crappy 68080, miserably trying to avoid talking about it and moving everything towards me.

As usual, because you've already done it here:
and continued all over the thread.

However I've already punctually and precisely replied to all your pile of LIES starting from here:
and all over the thread until my last comment:

After that you disappeared, as it happens with you when you recognize that you're able to sustain the PURE LEIS that you report to sully what you identified as your enemy.

And here you start with your personal attacks offending your "enemy" to discredit his reputation, with the clear purpose of invalidation his statements.

Needless to say, it's a very well know logic fallacy, the Poisoning the well:

But you've already proved several times that logic is not your friend, and there's PLENTY of proof in the links that I've provided above.


However and since your started again playing dirty, I'm starting paying you with the same coin, with sensible difference that I'll report TRUE things and not PURE LIES like you're used.

Let's talk again your FALSE statements about the 68080.

Dear Gunnar-the-master-of-lies, could you please give answers to the following questions?

I see this on your web site:
Back in the 80s, Motorola was leading the market with his 680x0 CISC processors range, selling it to big companies like HP, Apple, Atari, Commodore, NeXT, SEGA and others.
Today, 680x0 is still used by industrial machines, planes industry, cars vendors and is still used by retrocomputing fans around the world.

Apollo Core 68080 is the natural and modern evolution of latest 68000 processors. It's 100% code compatible

Here it's clearly seen that you're generically talking about the Motorola's 68k processor family. Could you show how you can claim that it's "100% code compatible" since we know that it's missing instructions and features? Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

We can also see the same reported on the following page:
Apollo Core 68080 is not only the fastest 68000 series CPU ever, it also is the most fully featured.

Feature 68000 68020 68030 68040 68060 AC 68080
68 ISA

As we can see, all such 68k ISA are reported in green colour an your 68080 as well, for which you claimed that its "most fully feautured".

We know that 68020 has CALLM/RTM instructions which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68030 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68040 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68060 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.

How can you claim that your 68080 is the "most fully feautured" when it's lacking so many things? Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

Going further, we see this on the same page:
64-Bit Support
Is the processor able to handle 64-bit addresses?
If yes, is the processor able to JUMP (JMP, JSR, RTS) to any 64-bit address?
Is the processor able to set vector exceptions handlers at 64-bit addresses?

And a bit down we can also see this:
Integrated FPU

Have you implemented the FULL 68k's FPUs instruction set?
Even the BCD instructions?
Are they fully implemented in hardware?
Or are some of them implemented in software?

Continuing, at the bottom of the page, we can see this:
Apollo Core 68080 advantages:
Market leading code density

Can you provide any proof of that? We know that the 68k's code density is great, but how can you claim that it's the lead in the market?
Can you provide any proof of that with 64-bit code (see above as well), so with code located at any 64-bit address, processor data registers processing 64-bit scalar operations?
Can you provide any proof of that with 32 and 64-bit code, with code using also the new data and address registers?

Finally, regarding this:
Fully pipelined, double/extended FPU
You've already reported several times that you're supporting only up to double precision for the FPU. So, NOT extended precision. Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

OK, that should be enough. And since you started your propaganda of LIE, once you continue repeating the same LIES I'll copy & paste all the above which prove that you're a big liar and you're CHEATING your customers.

People should seriously think about suing you for having sold them a product with FALSE and MISLEADING information.

However your new post is interesting, because it gives the proof that you should be affected by some disease like functional illiteracy. Here's your statement:

you invented better X86 CPU than Intel

and now I report what's in my profile:

Designed (but still improving) a new computer architecture ISA, which is inspired by Intel IA-32/x86, Intel 64/x64, Larrabee/Xeon Phi, and ARM/Thumb-2 designs. NEx64T is a new 64-bit ISA which is both a “rewrite/rethinking” and an enhancement of the x86/x64 ISA

It should be evident that my NEx64T is a NEW architecture, inspired by x86/x64, but definitely NOT a x86 CPU.

How do you come from this to thinking that I've created a new x86 is a mistery that it's well hidden in your brain...

Gunnar wrote:

Why do you guys on Amigaworld accept Cesare Di Mauro here?

You all know that he is fake, a liar, a hoaxer.

You all know that he faked a lot stuff.

Why do you accept him here?
Why do you even talk to him?

I reveal you a secret: YOU are talking to me. CONTINUOSLY!

OK, reporting the same LIES like a broken record, but in the ending you're accepting me (!) and talking to me (!!).

You should be the first one IGNORING me, if you don't like what I write (and you don't like it for sure, since I revealed all the LIES that you've written, selling your product with MISLEADING information), but you're giving a bad example to the others.

Well, this isn't coherent, eh! However you've shown many times that logic isn't your friend. But, hey, I've to point out this as well.

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 9-Feb-2024 20:21:46
#907 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Aug-2003
Posts: 4843
From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

Woah, guys stop, ffs.

I ran out of popcorn!

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 2:24:49
#908 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
Posts: 3359
From: Trondheim, Norway


However you can already starting some practice by opening all Motorola's 68k manuals and start pointing your little finger to all features that are reported there. Then do the same with the 68080 manual and see if some slice is missing.

Well, duh, buddy
 of that I am painfully aware, and now I know your definition of 100% is that of utter totality.


If you aren't able to do it then you can ask your BigGun buddy to help you.

Buddy BigGun struggles with math, especially math with decimals, he doesn’t like it and says he doesn’t need it, and noone really need it anyways. Except when you do and then it’s just amazing, only that 100% for BigGun is more often than not 99,99996533% or thereabouts.

And then there "compatible" - nobody should need to care if a new cpu is 100% compatble with an old cpu, what’s important is that the new cpu is 100% compatible with existing software.

That's a different story which I agree.

No way!

AC 68080 is compatible with nearly 100% of existing Amiga software - that’s what the advertising should say, the current claim is both inaccurate and somewhat nonsensical.

Don't tell it to me, but to the owner of that project: I'm not the one claiming a generic 100% compatibility of all 68k ISAs...

I did many, many times. He got tired of it and insisted on seeing my passport, ‘cause that’s the natural thing to do when someone tell you something you are less than 49,99965356 or so % in agreement with - ensure who you are arguing with. Another thing Buddy BigGun struggles with, being told
 just about anything. He’s not so different from certain other buddies, no names mentioned, you know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink. That’s why you always bring passport when you visit a bierstube.

Last edited by kolla on 19-Feb-2024 at 11:16 PM.
Last edited by kolla on 10-Feb-2024 at 02:26 AM.


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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 5:20:23
#909 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Karlos wrote:
Woah, guys stop, ffs.

I ran out of popcorn!

Better to get more provisions, because the Propaganda Machine started, and forum's history tells that it'll take long until it stops.



kolla wrote:

If you aren't able to do it then you can ask your BigGun buddy to help you.

Buddy BigGun struggles with math, especially math with decimals, he doesn’t like it and says he doesn’t need it, and noone really need it anyways. Except when you do and then it’s just amazing, only that 100% for BigGun is more often than not 99,99996533% or thereabouts.

Don't tell it to me, but to the owner of that project: I'm not the one claiming a generic 100% compatibility of all 68k ISAs...

I did many, many times. He got tired of it and insisted on seeing my passport, ‘cause that’s the natural thing to do when someone tell you something you are less than 49,99965356 or so % in agreement with - ensure who you are arguing with.

LOL That's because he doesn't support extended precision.
Another thing Buddy BigGun struggles with, being told
 just about anything. He’s not so different from certain other buddies, no names mentioned, you know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink. That’s why you always bring passport when you visit a bierstube.

At the least the other one disappeared after miserably trying the same censorship strategy.

They both tried and same and people should believe them and do what they say, only because "they are the (elected) ones".

In Italy we've a very famous movie where the main character (interpreted by a local legend: Alberto Sordi) behaves like that: "Il Marchese del Grillo".
One of his sentences is now strongly part of our culture and identify the character: "Mi dispiace, ma io so' io e voi non siete un cazzo!":

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 10:10:07
#910 ]
Joined: 16-Jun-2018
Posts: 47
From: USA


How do I get one of these Tina computers? Will you post a video on how it works?

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 12:40:10
#911 ]
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Joined: 3-Aug-2015
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Gunnar wrote:

Why do you accept him here?
Why do you even talk to him?

Most people here are knowing him already, his endless babbling on obsolete details, just take a look how his threads about a CPU proposal developed ...

But for Vampire4SL are there any plans of getting a decent USB device on board?

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 12:50:33
#912 ]
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Even I can answer that, vampire is based around hardware banging (hardware registers), instead of software API’s, USB only works when you have multitasking, so unless a running UAE on top of another operating system you can't have it, but if everyone was writing system friendly programs, then of course you can have USB, but everyone here thinks that's stupid so, there won't be any USB in the vampire

So you two option software Emulation a with little emulation inaccuracy with USB,
or FPGA with high precision timing, without USB.

Converters exist, USB to 9pin joystick etc, devices like only work with joypads and joysticks, so is limited in its use. (And not everything might work, and some USB joysticks has strange button mappings)

The “what if” amiga computers, show their limitations in modern 3D, maximum bus speeds, and connectivity, already in 1993 it was understood, that hardware banging was incompatible with AHI sound and network, USB and number of other things that needs drivers.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 11-Feb-2024 at 01:06 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 11-Feb-2024 at 01:05 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 11-Feb-2024 at 12:54 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 11-Feb-2024 at 12:52 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 13:58:27
#913 ]
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roar wrote:

How do I get one of these Tina computers? Will you post a video on how it works?

I wasn't the owner and I left the project already around 11 years ago. You can check the links that I've shared for more info.



OneTimer1 wrote:


Gunnar wrote:

Why do you accept him here?
Why do you even talk to him?

Most people here are knowing him already, his endless babbling on obsolete details,

If you don't like what I write nobody forces you to read my writings.
just take a look how his threads about a CPU proposal developed ...

Logic? Not recognized.

It looks that there's a general lack of logic here, even for elementary implications...

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 14:14:59
#914 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

Even I can answer that, ...

Not really an answer, I know about VampireV4SLs problems with USB.

That's why I was asking Gunnar about plans, ...

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 18:04:46
#915 ]
Joined: 16-Jun-2018
Posts: 47
From: USA


What? Was this just a bunch of bullshit leading people on? your name is all over that site, so lets see it. where is the product?>???????

come one man back up your sites claims of this new project??????????

Frankly im sick of fake assholes like you lots of talk no action .

ether you are a liar or a crazy fuck, you tell me?

Last edited by roar on 11-Feb-2024 at 06:09 PM.
Last edited by roar on 11-Feb-2024 at 06:08 PM.
Last edited by roar on 11-Feb-2024 at 06:07 PM.
Last edited by roar on 11-Feb-2024 at 06:06 PM.

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 11-Feb-2024 20:53:14
#916 ]
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roar wrote:

What? Was this just a bunch of bullshit leading people on? your name is all over that site, so lets see it. where is the product?>???????

come one man back up your sites claims of this new project??????????

Frankly im sick of fake assholes like you lots of talk no action .

ether you are a liar or a crazy fuck, you tell me?

Despite the general lack of elementary logic (which looks very common here), I can only tell you that either you haven't read the links that I've already shared, or you haven't understood their content.

I think that the latter might be the case, since you haven't understood even simple sentences like these:

I wasn't the owner

I left the project already around 11 years ago

My English isn't so much complicated to understand and you don't need to a native speaker to get it.

However, and despite that, this hasn't stopped you to write a wall-of-total-non-sense.

Which basically confirms what I've already written to you before on a similar situation:

Unfortunately functional illiteracy seems to be a widespread disease...

Anyway, it's not my problem anymore: you've serious issues on your own and you've to deal with them.

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2024 3:42:38
#917 ]
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Hypex wrote:

I don't know how much I agree, but what I will say is that things like rendering in HAM may still require AGA to act as a dumb framebuffer and take more CPU to do, but so what? That's exactly where we are. Thanks to things like the PiStorm we now have more CPU power than we know what to do with, so why not have some fun see what the original hardware is capable of without the CPU limitations? Isn't that the whole point?

Sure it's cool to have the ability to do it now. But it's also redundant. The PiStorm offers RTG out of the box. So the HAM novelty wears off when you not only can have 16 bit modes to beat HAM6 but have 24 bit modes to beat HAM8. So there is doing it to be nostalgic because it uses an Amiga feature. And I admit a Workbench HAM hack would be cool to see.

However, that's only if you treat the bitmap like a dumb framebuffer. Or even a dump framebuffer since you just dump all the pixels to it. So just a software rendered display device with no hardware acceleration. This is what Doom is on the Amiga, it dumbs down the Amiga, because it just used old fashioned software rendering and didn't use any Amiga features. So running Doom an an Amiga is dumb.

This all changes if you combine hardware features. HAM with copper and sprites. Now your talking. BOBs are a point of contention, since they used blitter, but CPU can shift data faster. At that point you have DOBs. Dumb OBjects. Or Dump OBjects even.

The motivation is to compare IBM's retro 1987 VGA against Commodore's retro 1985 OCS HAM6.

Using a Ghz out-of-order CPU minimizes the CPU factor in the retro graphics benchmark.

Amiga OCS HAM6 mode doesn't need a PiStorm-Emu68 level CPU performance to run Japanese laser disc video interactive game ports.

Amiga 1200 (rev 1D1, KS 3.2, PiStorm32/RPi CM4/Emu68)
Amiga 500 (rev 6A, ECS, KS 3.2, PiStorm/RPi 4B/Emu68)
Ryzen 9 7950X, DDR5-6000 64 GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2024 4:20:49
#918 ]
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Hypex wrote:

John Carmack is aware of the A4000/040 with RTG card capability, but his argument is the installed base with Amiga's 68040+RTG specification.

I came across this original discussion where John talks about using planar to write the Doom screen. Which is then misinterpreted as being [Amiga style] bit planar. I thought it was funny.

In my experience, which is using an A4000/060, I found there was only about a 1-2 difference in frame rate. RTG was slightly faster. And in most cases, the screen needed rendering in fast RAM, then copying to the framebuffer for greater speed. Of course an 060 wasn't an average build back then. An 030 was more likely if that.

Even with RTG, the framebuffer tended to be a linear pixel map. But VGA doesn't always use a linear layout since it's byte planar based. And Doom used VGA tricks for parallel pixel writes. So even RTG wouldn't be fully there. Since it really needed direct VGA access for most efficient rendering.
Id Software (Doom) responds

From: John Carmack
Subject: amiga doom

The amiga is not powerfull enough to run DOOM. It takes the full
speed of a 68040 to play the game properly even if you have a chunky
pixel mode in hardware. Having to convert to bit planes would kill
it even on the fastest amiga hardware, not to mention the effect it
would have on the majority of the amiga base.

John Carmack

For Amiga end-user retail experience;

1. 68060 for Amiga didn't arrive until sometime in 1995. 68040 socket accelerator cards are not the mass-produced baseline standard on the Amiga.

The CPU by itself is useless without a price-competitive platform.

2. Single slot Zorro III Amiga 1200+ type SKU wasn't created since there large price gap between baseline A1200 and A4000/030. The Amiga platform wasn't able to promote the economies of scale for the Zorro III install base.

What's needed was a CD32 type single small board with a Zorro III slot, 68040 socket, and Fast RAM.

PC SVGA chipsets have their legacy VGA modes. For the 1993 time period, Zorro II/III big-equipped Amigas has an EGS-28/24 Spectrum (Cirrus Logic GD5426 or GD 5428) RTG option. EGS-28/24 Spectrum wasn't low-cost like their PC GD5426 SVGA card counterparts due to economies of scale issues.

Newtek Video Toaster's 24-bit graphics capability did nothing for AmigaOS's general-purpose 24-bit graphics capability.

Adobe Premiere 4.0 Non-Linear Editing (NLE) is available for MacOS 68K, hence Shapeshifter/PiStorm Emu68 can still use it.

Amiga's existing NLE software needs a specific hardware add-on and it's not transferable to NG AmigaPPC, Amithlon, and WinUAE.

In the modern PC market, low-end and mid-range PC mATX motherboard comes with a single PEG slot (PCIe 16X lanes for graphics card). This use case is the same as the late 1990s single AGP slot for mass-production gaming PCs.

Apple delivered 68LC040 Mac Quadra 605 / Macintosh LC 475 / Macintosh Performa 475 for under $1000 USD in Q4 1993. Quadra for business, LC for education, and Performa for home.

Commodore's A4000/040 asking price is comical which is close to the no-name PC brand Pentium 60's asking price.

My family's Apple switch was very close in 1993.

Microsoft has done the Doom ports for Windows 3.1/Win32s/WinG (WinDoom.exe leak) and Windows 95's DirectDraw i.e. Doom 95. Microsoft made the gaming PC platform to be one of its major priorities.

Last edited by Hammer on 15-Feb-2024 at 05:33 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 12-Feb-2024 at 04:39 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 12-Feb-2024 at 04:36 AM.
Last edited by Hammer on 12-Feb-2024 at 04:24 AM.

Amiga 1200 (rev 1D1, KS 3.2, PiStorm32/RPi CM4/Emu68)
Amiga 500 (rev 6A, ECS, KS 3.2, PiStorm/RPi 4B/Emu68)
Ryzen 9 7950X, DDR5-6000 64 GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2024 10:31:18
#919 ]
Joined: 16-Jun-2018
Posts: 47
From: USA


you need to seek out a mental health professional, you are out of your damm mind

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Re: some words on senseless attacks on ppc hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2024 11:05:26
#920 ]
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roar wrote:

you need to seek out a mental health professional, you are out of your damm mind


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