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How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 26-Jul-2010 20:56:24
#1 ]
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Joined: 3-Feb-2009
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From: Rzeszow, Poland


I just sold my MorphOS machine for money need reasons and stepped into another Amiga chapter - I now await WiFI on AROS so that I can shortly use it thoroughly.

Next year I plan changing a job with massive salary boost so I will get myself AmigaOS system, also I will regain MorphOS but when it reaches PPC laptop with wifi too. And minimig too.

Anyway now I will try to make smaller Amiga purchases. I was planning T-shirts for long time but now I can afford them, plus much else.

Then the 25y celebration passed. I mean what's the better way of supporting Amiga than advocating Amiga by wearing a T-shirt in a sunny summer??

This is all about rememberance. Nearly two years ago it was enough for me to spot "AmigaOS4.0" mark on the web to say shortly "I'm into the boat". Many people simply think no current Amiga system exist. And unlike me two years ago, they are too busy to do a web research. Mostly because too much sound given by a Linux vs. Windows mumble, with the Apple on a scene, at least since iPhone. This takes enough energy away, gives enough rocking' against needed. Also, it is really hard to believe that Amiga survived. Most of people here just face it, but all outsiders wouldn't believe until seeing it (on the web).

Anyway that's how it works - Amiga sales in 2010. Whispering marketing plus all sorts of ads. Just like T-shirts. Besides many people, ex C= Amiga owners are IT fishes. Wearing amiga T-shirts (even under a tuxedo!) would tell their collegues "I will eat you in a lunchtime". And this would be probably true.

Now comes the IP part.

Not sure about Amiga trademark but Hyperion owns AmigaOS and Boing logos. Now comes the tough words: why tha f**k aren't they including a T-shirt in a box yet??? I say and I can bet that every two T-shirts would eventually turn into new box sold. A miracle coupon, believe me.

I also saw some post with AROS t-shirt but the site was unavailable shortly. MorphOS T-shirts dunno but MOSTeam should work on licensing their system's logo in T-shirt production (outsourcing, themselves, whatever).

People could also use T-shirts as gifts to the palls that they used to play A500 with. So a bulk of T-shirts for everybody!! I remember my frient went nuts after being given original AmiKit CD (now also part of AmigaForever).

And last remark. Maybe instead of spitting at each other here or elsewhere, blue crap vs. red crap stuff, why would we not start another battle, this time a T-shirts battle? You're so full of pride by having MorphOS on the Mini? Get and give away more MorphOS T-shirts than I will. So much possessed with X1000 and can afford it? Then buy 1000 AmigaOS shirts (ok just kidding, 10 would do )

Isn't this a better way of fight?? Afterall, in this fight all the people will win; current users, new users, Amiga parties, the Amiga.

Happy goddamn 25th birthday, Amiga


PS - Anyone knows anything about AmigaOS/MorphOS/AROS t-shirt shop? But no IP violation, please

Amiga 1200 + WARP 1260 + AmigaOS 3.2

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 26-Jul-2010 21:51:43
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Last edited by sundown on 27-Jul-2010 at 02:00 AM.
Last edited by sundown on 26-Jul-2010 at 10:49 PM.

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 26-Jul-2010 22:12:19
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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 2:53:28
#4 ]
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From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"


why would we not start another battle, this time a T-shirts battle?

Oh.. I like that idea a lot! Despite the bad history regarding t-shirts and Amiga, I think it would be AWESOME to have a really excellent and modern-looking Amiga Next Gen t-shirt with a lot of visual appeal. Something that would be an "awareness-raiser" about the exciting changes afoot in the Amiga community.

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 6:15:11
#5 ]
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From: City of Lost Angels, California.


While it can be tricky, if not impossible, to get a license from Gateway/AInc/whoever for selling t-shirts using any of the official trademarks, nothing prevents us from creating designs incorporating these trademarks and giving them away for free so that people can get stuff like t-shirts or mugs made for their personal use at one of the many online custom printing outlets.

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 8:09:47
#6 ]
Joined: 27-Nov-2009
Posts: 40
From: Unknown

I've been thinking exactly the same recently and have been looking into producing some decent clothing with Amiga logos. However, who does own the trademark now? Have all 'Amiga' logos been transferred to a single copmpany?

There are a few Amiga T shirts on ebay (especially but I doubt they've been produced with any formal agreement with Amiga Inc / Hyperion / A-Eon.


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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 8:28:16
#7 ]
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From: Wellington


Not sure about Amiga trademark but Hyperion owns AmigaOS and Boing logos. Now comes the tough words: why tha f**k aren't they including a T-shirt in a box yet??? I say and I can bet that every two T-shirts would eventually turn into new box sold. A miracle coupon, believe me.

There is just too much history with the T-Shirt coupon thing!

However, I believe that AmigaKit are licensed by Hyperion Entertainment to create AmigaOS, AmigaOne, Boing Ball, etc branded goods and memorabilia. They are also licensed to create similar A-EON Technology and AmigaOne X1000 products. I would expect official mouse mats, cups etc to be available for sale in the near future. I'm sure AmigaKit would also be prepared to make T-Shirts etc. I suggest you contact them directly.

They will be also supplying other Amiga resellers with these items.


Edit: spelling

Last edited by TrevorDick on 27-Jul-2010 at 08:31 AM.

No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 10:01:41
#8 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England

I kind of agree it be nice option to buy more official Amiga products, I still on the look out for the boing ball beach ball you could buy a few years agos.

However there nothing stopping you from making your own. I got a Zazzle code to get 10% off and I was impressed by the amount of stuff they can customise with your image.

So i got a embroidery jacket made

Its very good quality and I it wore to the Gadget show and got some interest looks and a few people coming up to me saying, Amiga, I remember that, isent it dead? I corrected them, but a least I got the name back out there and did my small bit, any kind of event like this I will be going in my Amiga jacket just to see people puzzled and funny looks (however they could be just looking at me going geek alert!)

I have used Zazzle to make my own little store, I dont make any money out of it, its all Zazzle, I didn't really think about copyrights, I hope its ok to use the boing ball and the Amiga name on things like this? If its not then I suppose I will close the store, but it be a shame and already there a few other accounts on there with Amiga products advertised, but if there is a problems let me know.

One thing great about Zazzle is how well they map your image on the preview design, this is just an idea of how them amiga wares could look

Last edited by amigang on 27-Jul-2010 at 10:28 AM.
Last edited by amigang on 27-Jul-2010 at 10:28 AM.
Last edited by amigang on 27-Jul-2010 at 10:03 AM.
Last edited by amigang on 27-Jul-2010 at 10:02 AM.

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 11:41:26
#9 ]
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Joined: 8-May-2007
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From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"


There is just too much history with the T-Shirt coupon thing!

While I do understand this point, I think it an example of history that must be put in the past...

Who among us would assume if AI couldn't achieve something, that must mean A-EON and Hyperion are doomed to fail as well. Personally, I think Hyperion's record of delivery deserves more respect than to make such a false association. (Trevor, I know I'm preaching to the choir with you. Meant for other readers really).

IMO, a great opportunity to grow the Amiga community exists with former Amigans if awareness within this group can be raised. Tech news is great, but I suspect it doesn't reach that many within this demographic. But legions of t-shirts are a good way to reach them, one former amigan at a time.

So, if it makes sense, do it. Who cares if it conjures up memories of AI's failings? AI could barely deliver a snowman maker... and what's that got to do with A-EON and Hyperion?

Bottom line is, as illogical as it is, you're right, some people in the community would make that association. But the number of people in the community that would recall that offense is minuscule in comparison to the number of former Amigans and number of people such a campaign could reach though viral marketing. We can't afford to let the tail wag the dog. IMO people have to get "unstuck" on history like this, if we are to move forward with the best ideas under a new stewardship.

Last edited by jingof on 27-Jul-2010 at 11:58 AM.
Last edited by jingof on 27-Jul-2010 at 11:53 AM.

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 12:58:27
#10 ]
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From: Rzeszow, Poland

I wish there was one single entity responsible for delivering Amiga T-shirts.

It should have license from Hyperion for AmigaOS(TM) and BoingBall(TM). In case of MorphOS Team, they should give the so called license exclusively but in turn, they should take some of its price as a donation to MorphOS development. The same goes with the AROS. The guys should give exclusivity to one single T-shirts manufacturer, as an exchange for some payoff to support AROS dev.

Same goes with the Hardware. AEon should give license for X1000 shirts, also ACube with the Sam or Minimig.

Then that's a matter of negotiating the margin with some online shop, plus one's own and then - done. If I had more time, I would do it myself.

As no one is going to be sewed by MOSTeam or AROS team, violating Hyperion's IP can cause ligation. Same with the Hardware.

I think all parties should pursue exclusive licensing scheme because this is the cheapest way of marketing "their way"Amiga.

And also guys like me would then know they're dealing with "original" shirts. Read: buying them supports the party in question. Buying a T-shirt from an unknown third party vendor, though legally questionable, is the same thing as making one oneself.

This post was rather meant to stimulate discussion on T-shirts that deliver both fun AND the support. Not just fun.

IP rights regarding trademarks need to be clearer in Amiga world. Our community cannot afford TV ads, at least not yet.




However, I believe that AmigaKit are licensed by Hyperion Entertainment to create AmigaOS, AmigaOne, Boing Ball, etc branded goods and memorabilia. They are also licensed to create similar A-EON Technology and AmigaOne X1000 products. I would expect official mouse mats, cups etc to be available for sale in the near future. I'm sure AmigaKit would also be prepared to make T-Shirts etc. I suggest you contact them directly.

They will be also supplying other Amiga resellers with these items.

Sounds great!

AmigaOS exclusive T-shirt license - AmigaKit
AmigaOne exclusive T-shirt license - AmigaKit
BoingBall exclusive T-shirt license - AmigaKit
AmigaX1000 exclusive T-shirt license - AmigaKit

Looks fine. They should put that statement on their site, clearing whether the license is exclusive (i.e. only they are liable to sell T-shirts n stuff) or non exclusive (other parties might appear).

There's still no T-shirt with the Sam or Minimig. I'm planning getting both next year so Acube should make the same stuff since lotsa Sams out there already.

Also, MorphOS Team and AROS Team should create some sort of a license BUT requiring some small donation to dev.

Thanks for clarifying that.

Last edited by DiskDoctor on 27-Jul-2010 at 01:06 PM.
Last edited by DiskDoctor on 27-Jul-2010 at 01:04 PM.

Amiga 1200 + WARP 1260 + AmigaOS 3.2

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:04:14
#11 ]
Joined: 10-Jul-2010
Posts: 60
From: Germany


if you and hyperion are into it i dont think such a story can happen again (i hope). a half year before we found a big box with a lot of original packaged cdtv shirts at mediamarkt's storage place. ive grabbed myself 2 of them and told my boss not to throw them away. so he gave every person who works there a cdtv shirt and now a lot of people with cdtv t-shirts are around in the wonderfull rhineland. very funny to see. and by the way, ive got a amiga-hand&disk tattoo on my arm. maybe i will put a photo online soon if someone wants to see it.

X DIRT-EDGE X Entertainment


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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:06:51
#12 ]
Joined: 10-Jul-2010
Posts: 60
From: Germany


ok, ive replaced the amiga workbench text with lechuck on the tattoo, i wanted a connection between monkey island and amiga.

X DIRT-EDGE X Entertainment


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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:17:16
#13 ]
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From: Rzeszow, Poland

I just got myself an AmigaOS4.0 T-shirt from Vesalia. AmigaKit ain't got no shirts.

I guess, since this is AOS4, Vesalia (or some other contractor) got a license from Amiga Inc. But now since the IP rights to AmigaOS4.x passed to Hyperion, all licensees' obligations became efficient against Hyperion.

To put it another way - I hope some of my quids just went to support AOS4 dev

BTW where's Rogue? On vacation? Fired?? Why posting is he not?

Last edited by DiskDoctor on 27-Jul-2010 at 07:17 PM.

Amiga 1200 + WARP 1260 + AmigaOS 3.2

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:22:28
#14 ]
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Why posting is he not?

He doesn´t like to waste his time with some trolls that infested this great site.

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:23:19
#15 ]
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From: Sofia


I also bought AmigaOS 4 T-Shirt and Polo Shirt as well, from Vesalia. I still wear them from time to time at home, but they are too old for wearing outside. Amiga 4.0 is obsolette now. AmigaOS 4.1 is the latest version. Even if your money did not went to developers, at least I saw Hyperion devs wearing the same T-Shirts. So who knows they probably received some of them for free?

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:32:37
#16 ]
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From: Wellington

I was mainly replying to the coupon thing.

I am fully in favour of officially licensed T-shirts (or other branded memorabilia) being produced. It provides revenue for the Amiga retailers and in turn provides much need funds for the continued development of hardware and software.

I will discuss this with AmigaKit & Hyperion-Entertainment.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 19:40:21
#17 ]
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From: Rzeszow, Poland



pavlor wrote:

Why posting is he not?

He doesn´t like to waste his time with some trolls that infested this great site.

Do you have some more detailed observations of yours to share? Be my guest then. Let's together vanquish them forever!

Amiga 1200 + WARP 1260 + AmigaOS 3.2

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 20:13:03
#18 ]
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Do you have some more detailed observations of yours to share?

World of Amiga today is sometimes not so nice place. I think you thread doesn´t deserve such bitterness, thus I will retain myself from posting examples. However, you can check nearly all recent news items regarding AmigaOS 4 or AmigaOne X1000.

Let's together vanquish them forever!

Rather not. It would be too quiet here...

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 22:36:00
#19 ]
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How about Amiga contact lenses?

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Re: How to support Amiga? By wearing Amiga T-shirts!!!
Posted on 27-Jul-2010 23:57:37
#20 ]
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Frightening - but cool.


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