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Poll : What do you think?
Plain simple paranoid BS
Interesting reading, still BS
Largely BS as Nibiru isn't nearby at this point
I'm open minded, could be true... But I'm sceptical
I think there's much truth in this
I'm convinced Nibiru/Planet X is looming nearby
Interesting gotta do some research
Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 11:43:13
#441 ]
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From: Untied Kingdom

Video is long but bloody interesting.

I also tried to watch, but fell asleep. I don't remember anything about Vancouver being conscious, so I will assume that by that stage, I wasn't.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:07:17
#442 ]
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Another educated man stating the Oct 28, 2011 date.

Dates of interest with regard to "comet" ELEnin according to the data provided by NASA.

2nd of August, ELEnin will be close to earth orbit and pass the Stereo B spacecraft by roughly 0.027 AU.

27th of September, ELEnin will be in alignment with sun/earth.

17th of October, ELEnin will be at its nearest point to earth and on earth's orbit.

2nd of November, Earth will move through ELEnin's orbit at the location ELEnin passed through earth's orbit.

25th of November, ELEnin, earth and sun will align again but at more than twice the distance.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:15:16
#443 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


NASA recently claimed to have found an object which is orbiting the sun
+ Quote:
in the same line as the earth
- Not true. "only space rock known to circle the sun in a horseshoe pattern " And path takes 175 years around the sun. Looking at NASA and the two articles I find no claim of 'same line'.
and has been doing so for thousands of years
while on collision course with earth.
- Not true it's 250K km away about 5x the distance of the moon. Neither article indicates on a collision course with earth.
Apparently its movement speed is not enough for a true collision to happen
- Not true. Movement speed has nothing to do with it. It's direction of movement that's important. It appears to not be directed at earth. Gm1m2/d^2 -- nothing about speed in there. Instead it's distance. Movement will tell you when the distance is 0, or if it'll never be zero. That's what tells you collision. Speed simply tells you if 0 happens what date and time 0 will happen.

Thanks for the links they're more informational and clear that as you posted the info it was incorrect in it's details.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:17:05
#444 ]
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MikeB wrote:

Russian footage of an alledged Zeta which died from a recent accident.

Last edited by Lou on 19-Apr-2011 at 12:17 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:17:47
#445 ]
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There is no repulsive force

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:22:53
#446 ]
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You misunderstand. He was trying to explain that under different circumstances awereness/consciousness is different.
Then he was doing a crappy job at it.

Your consiousness will be different when climbing a mountain in the alps compared to when you're walking through traffic in poluted/crowded Tehran.
8:20 - " You might have noticed that different PLACES have a different orientation to THEIR consciousness. How many people have been to Vancouver? (raises hand) Okay. Does Vancouver have a different consciousness than Whitehorse? (People agree and he knods head.)" -- Clearly the assignment of consciousness was not to the individual here. You indicated that in your example and I indicated that Ian Xel said that earlier. And that's the problem the true answer was NO. Neither place has a different consciousness.

His basic message in the end is that things will improve for the better for the long run, but for the short run there will be disaster.
Well he got that last part right. He's dead now so pretty much a disaster.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:22:54
#447 ]
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Not true it's 250K km away about 5x the distance of the moon. Neither article indicates on a collision course with earth.

You seem to fail to understand that this object is claimed to make a U-turn at this distance. If it didn't it could impact the earth.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:26:19
#448 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


You seem to think the moon acts like a bolder in a sling spinning here on earth. But the conditions are entirely different in outer space for large seperate bodies
Bzzt Wrong! Magnetism and gravity work exactly the same for large sperate bodies in outer space. I've provided you the formulas for both and neither changes in outer space.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:31:03
#449 ]
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You seem to fail to understand that this object is claimed to make a U-turn at this distance. If it didn't it could impact the earth.
Sure, if gravity does not exist. Again you claimed NASA said this stuff and they clearly did not.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 12:33:16
#450 ]
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"In the solar system, the sun exert SRF while planets exerts Gravitation. The sun repells planet-satellites while they attracts the sun. So planets-satellites neither fall upon the sun by gravitation nor flungaway by Repulsion. At orbital distances both reverse forces counterbalances each other. So planets and satellites remain at mean distance in their orbits. "

"According to my discovery of strepulsion force, Newton-Einstein's theories of universal gravitational force are wrong. "

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 14:31:12
#451 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


"According to my discovery of strepulsion force, Newton-Einstein's theories of universal gravitational force are wrong. "
Oh yes another Newton and Einstein are completely wrong and I have the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything! These have been wrong, well everytime.

In a more friendly way. I am completely open to strepulsion. Like any other hypothesis it must be tested. To be accepted it must be able to make more and more accurate predictions about our universe. So far it's not reached this. Perhaps more work and time it will. In the meantime the current state of knowledge is sufficent to explain the effects between objects in our solar system.

For example, the speed and direction of moon creates centripetal force that's very slightly greater than the gravitational force of the earth. As such the moon is moving ever so slightly away from the earth each year (a couple of inches). There is no need to invoke a Universal Repulsive Force here as there's nothing missing in this relationship. Now a URF might exist but at least between these two objects it's effect is 0. So, no need to evoke another force.

And certainly we use Netwonian-Einstein equations to predict the orbits of satellites and do things such as use gravity to slingshot satellites into the outer reaches of our solar system. It'll be interesting to see if Voyager 1 sends back data. It's exceeded it's expected life already and in about 4 years it'll cross the heliopause.

Last edited by BrianK on 19-Apr-2011 at 02:32 PM.
Last edited by BrianK on 19-Apr-2011 at 02:31 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 14:53:05
#452 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2010
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From: Untied Kingdom


You seem to fail to understand that this object is claimed to make a U-turn at this distance. If it didn't it could impact the earth.

You seem to fail to understand that the original NASA article does not say that the object makes a U turn. The operations of a "Horseshoe orbit " are explained briefly in post 440 and in more detail here

Strepulsion. hmmm. Trying to find something about this that wasn't put out by its author was even harder than Cotterell. He put out a theory in 1989 claiming that Newton and Einstein are wrong. This theory mixes up solar winds and claims it to be negative gravity.
Here's the "biography" of the author of the theory:… Note: "Honorary Doctorate in Space Science" from the "International Online Space University" (google this and try and find any reference!) He is the director, founder and president of "The Indian Astrophysical Research Center" which I can't find on google. The American Biographical Institute, Releigh NC USA has conferred him two certificates: " The outstanding man of the Century" in 1999 and "The millennium medal of honor" in 2000. I'm an Aussie and hadn't heard of this "Institute", but wiki puts them as "The American Biographical Institute (ABI) is a biographical reference directory publisher based in the United States in Raleigh, North Carolina which has been publishing biographies since 1967. It generates revenue from sales of certificates and books. Its awards have been denounced as scams by politicians, journalists, and others". You can buy their awards for $195 to $295


Last edited by Nimrod on 19-Apr-2011 at 02:58 PM.
Last edited by Nimrod on 19-Apr-2011 at 02:58 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 16:05:35
#453 ]
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In 1685, Sir Isaac Newton discovered Gravitational Force and announced that “EACH AND EVERY PARTICLE OF THE UNIVERSE EXERT FORCE OF ATTRACTION” and up to now the world believe in this statement.


As in the phenomena of Magnetism, one pole exerts attraction while reverse pole exerts
Repulsion. Accordingly, there should exist bodies, which also exerts force of Repulsion. This is because REPULSION is also an elementary force as GRAVITATION. Accordingly, when two kinds of matter exist which exert either REPULSION or GRAVITATION, then, there should exist a third kind of matter, which should be neutral to the Force. That is to

Does there anywhere in the Universe exist such matter, which exerts force of REPULSION ? Is there anywhere in the Universe exist the matter which is “NEUTRAL” exerts NO FORCE ? YES!
We have DISCOVERED the matter, which exerts force of REPULSION, and also DISCOVERED the matter, which exerts no Force. This is the NEUTRAL MATTER.
Our discovery proves, Newton’s Law of Gravitation is not Universal. If all particles exerted only force of Gravitation, then, whole Universe should exist in state of a single dark massive body.

There would be neither existence of light-heat nor existence of present scattered Universe of Stars and Galaxies. The picture of present Universe proves-Newton’s law of Gravitation is no more any Universal law. Most of the particles in the Universe exert force of REPULSION. So, the Universe is on EXPANSION.

The Universe is balanced by TWO ELEMENTARY FORCES. These are REPULSION and
ATTRACTION. Observed Spherical Motion of bodies (Astronomical and also Intra-atomic) is nothing but “struggle” to achieve equilibrium between acting two REVERSE FORCES, that is REPULSION and ATTRACTION. Interaction of two reverse forces resulted into the THIRD ELEMENTARY FORCE. We have titled it as the force of RETRACTION. Retraction Force keeps bodies in Spherical Motion (revolution & rotation). So, the Physical Universe is in BALANCE and in MOTION by THREE Elementary Universal Forces.

These are REPULSION, ATTRACTION and RETRACTION. But present Science World knows only ONE elementary force and that is ATTRACTION. Other two forces are still unknown to the Science World.

Consider it for a minute (Warning: it may be addictive).

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 16:24:56
#454 ]
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The "negative pole" of gravity would be created by antimatter, so unless you suggest the sun is made of that stuff.....

But as allready pointed out, both forces dragging an orbiting object in and out have been identified and more important qualified to be of the same strenght. So any extra force could only be very small to hide in measuring-errors and would therefor not be strong enogh to stop a stopped moon from crashing into earth.

But honestly, I think we reached this point:

(nicked from Opi's post in the Haynie-thread)

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 16:28:35
#455 ]
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I'm not a troll, thus I must be stupid if that makes you happy...

/but with some laboratory background)

Last edited by MikeB on 19-Apr-2011 at 04:35 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 16:42:23
#456 ]
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Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death

Read more:

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 18:13:29
#457 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2010
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From: Untied Kingdom


Consider it for a minute (Warning: it may be addictive).

This theory was put forward in 1989.
Peer review. NONE.
Independent corroboration. NONE.
Academic integrity. NONE.
Books for sale. YES $10.

Claim made by
Four Abstracts of Research Papers in Strepulsion Physics which are announced in four international science conferences and published in physics books of proceedings are reviewed and recognized by the centre for Astrophysics (CFA) of the Smithsonian and Harvard universities and included in NASA Astrophysical Data System that is NASA – ADS. These pages are as following :

Compare with this

Dr. Navinchandra K. Shah of needs a new keyboard. the caps lock seems to be stuck on his old one.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 18:44:25
#458 ]
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If all particles exerted only force of Gravitation, then, whole Universe should exist in state of a single dark massive body.
And our state of science indicates that the universe will exist in a state of a single dark massive body. We're simply in the transition to the point where entropy will have run it's course, black holes snuff out, and all that exists are waste neutrios of innumerate distance from each other.

"He sets about creating a universe in which at least many parts of it and perhaps the universe as a whole, dies" -- Carl Sagan.

And again -- a guess at some repulsion force is fair. The problem so far is such a force doesn't explain anything that we don't already have explainations for. It doesn't give us a more useful explaination. The next step, and wholy lacking at this time, is extraordinary evidence for the extraordinary claims.

As you spin this consipracy tale it gets more fanicful as the events require another level of some special unknown and ill defined magic. It's a big pile of the logical fallacy of special pleading.

Could you and Lou at least get together and decide is 10/28/11 our fated end or is it 12/21/12... Or some other date of your choosing at least agree on 1.

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 18:45:41
#459 ]
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MikeB wrote:
Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death

Read more:

A few hours before he took a poo! Could it be the secret society of plumbers?!

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Re: [Poll] Nibiru: What if?
Posted on 19-Apr-2011 19:19:39
#460 ]
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The entropy death of the universe.

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