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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 21:47:13
#41 ]
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Joined: 29-Sep-2003
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From: SWEDEN (Sverige)


I have AOS 4.1 update3 here on my Sam440 flex. No Crash and No problem at all with this new update 3. I think its more FUN now than it ever have been with any AmigaS in all times.

Now I want X1000 here on my desk more than ever, because Iwant more power out of a great AmigaOS and of course my heart tells me to support whats coming up in future.

I use My machine on everyday basis for all kind of stuff. Play Music, divx movies, games, email, filetransfers, photos,web browsing,pdf, painting, editors, Emulators and mess around of course.

99% I spend my computer time on AmigaOS 4.1 and 1% on windows=to help children play some internet and games on win plattform..Win give me headache

IM really supriced to read about all problems people have. only one advice: Try to do clean installs.

Bye bye Mac and Win!

AmigaOne X5000, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 special super 2 cores prepared super edition v75 christmas speciale uniqe quadro prepared AmigaOS... TWO MORE YEARS IS NOTHING IF YOU BEEN WAITING SINCE 1994..

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 21:48:57
#42 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3957
From: Belgrade, Serbia


Sad to hear about all the probs, hope that clean install will help.
Sometimes its just to installs that overwrite the libs

Libs sys has its pros and cons

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 21:50:47
#43 ]
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but why dont you investigate and narrow down the cause? i mean removing hardware temporarily to check if it helps is not a death sentence. i couldnt accept randomly freezing or crashing hardware even if it was an amiga, it would drive me crazy.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 21:57:43
#44 ]
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From: In the village


but why dont you investigate and narrow down the cause?

That is exactly what he said he is doing.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 22:09:53
#45 ]
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From: Sweden


Im doing that slowly. For now it works perfect. Tomorrow ill connect the mouse..... etc...
I know that when i open my tower and try to connect/remove something i can have problems like uboot dont fint SLB so cant boot to amigaos etc. When that appears i just open again, move cables and it works again. Could be some bad powerconnection somewhere. As soon as i get it to boot then it works until i need to open the tower again which is almost never.... or like now when i connected the usb2 card.

Last edited by Kicko on 02-Sep-2011 at 10:12 PM.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 22:16:57
#46 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia



Metalheart wrote:
I use OS4 everyday for a long time. THATS why I;m frustrated with it. (not OS4 perse, but the whole user experience with all apps I use)

I'm glad some of you recongnise some of my issues.

Seriously, I'm scared of showing OS4 to anyone, because: 'that might not work', 'that might crash', 'no flash ?', 'outdated word processor', 'java ?', 'jees.. do you have to do all that cli stuff ?'... I can go on...

I find OS4 less and less fun to use... I'm loosing interest in it. I even blew my X1000 money on a new car.


All those problems could be overcomed in time - HTML5 with Timberwolf and some OpenOffice like port could do the magic for example. No steady promise, but those are likely to be the next gaps that have to be filled, even more with X1000.

Sadly you are losing interest, and money ins`t blown if the car is what you need.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 2-Sep-2011 22:19:17
#47 ]
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From: Arizona


Not joking at all. And if I want something that actually works and has modern, usable applications, I use Windows or OSX.

Last edited by ferrels on 02-Sep-2011 at 10:20 PM.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 0:43:05
#48 ]
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From: Dallas, Texas

@eXec and @ferrels

Back again to spread your usual FUD without making any positive contribution. Remind us all, what's your purpose here?


2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 0:54:11
#49 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


I'd like to add that I prefer the AOS way over Linux A LOT. If something is missing in AOS you can almost always find out what by reading the readme or docs. If that doesn't help many programs will give you a requester stating what's missing and finally you got snoopy which isn't required most of the times.

In Linux with its confusing directory structure you can be searching for quite some time, or at least I can but it might be because I'm not using it that much any more. Anyway I was about to install the java plugin in Kubuntu for Firefox. I found four different directories where the plugin could go. Why? Like Mozilla, Firefox, Firefox5 and something else that I don't recall right now. And it isn't like in AOS on your Work:Internet pratition that you've created (for example), nooo it's like in /usr/bin/mozilla/plugin or something (that is probably wrong but you get the idea).

The big frustration I had with update two was offcourse my little DDC issue that drove me crazy for a long time untill I found a solution. Then I had to deal with RAOWB that suddenly stoped responding for the longest time using up all CPU and scrolling on Facebook for example was just HORRIBLE. And then my sweet hardware that added some things to #### me off even further. I got some connection issues so I should really change my PSU. It goes like this:

Turn on the AmigaOne. Start your favourite programs that you always use. Begin to browse which I always does. AmigaOS locks up... If it has worked for a long time I might wonder why but it's almost always that a device looses power. So I turn it off, wiggle the cables, turn it on, uboot doesn't find any device, turns it off, wiggles the cable, uboot finds the devices, aos boots, I start my programs, locks up. Damn! and so on...

When it finally works it works for hours without an issue though.

These issues together made me kind of sick and tired of it, mostly because of the issues not related to the PSU though. To add a bit more the two RAM modules that I bought and was said to work did not work. My mode was really low, I was ####ed off and while testing them I managed to break a bit of plastig from the RAM holders on the motherboard! Now that was it, inserting RAM is EASY and I've done that, soldered the damn motherboard (this and my a4k) and switched an insane amount of hardware on my and others computers and then I do this! Another bad Amiga day for me. "Oh well I at least got 1GB RAM now, not that it matters much since using it is so horrible anyway, damn piece of junk" I thought to myself.

So when update 3 was released I didn't feal very good about it, it had been so long since the last release and living with the issues described had really made me give up hope on this thing and I wanted to sell it but hey, I broke it so I can't sell it! So lets install it and see how it is.

I was a little bit excited though, it doesn't seem how low I get it is always exciting when an update for AOS is released. The update was smooth, I had reinstalled AOS 4.1 upd 2 not long ago, not for any particular reason other than me being bored and ilogicaly hoping that it would improve RAOWB. Oh, IBrowse crashing when loading it and NetSurf also getting stuck like RAOWB at was other reasons for the bad experience. Anyway, I installed update 3, rebooted and no picture from DVI. So I pluged in the VGA cable, got a picture, launched prefs/screenmode, ticked the box for DDC, saved, rebooted and got the picture back, now with all the blanking glory that I hate but I had saved my previous settings so it was quickly solved.

I was a bit disapointed that I still got 128MB VRAM and that damn DDC blanking issue that I hate was still there. No that it matters that much since my settings seems to work ok 99% of the time (not being correct according to my screens handbook). So no big deal.

Then I launced RAOWB and... got stuck! CPU showed 100% usage in CPUTemp docky. Hitting reload, it continued to work, got stuck again etc. I didn't give a damn about any of the many improvements in update 3 then, I wanted to throw my A1 out the window and never look back. I missed the injoyable experience of browsing in Windows, Linux and MacOS X so much that I just wanted to switch the A1 off and keep that way.

DVPlayer was released but my mode was so low so all I thought was "this old piece of.... is too slow to play anything so what's the use". Not fair but I was really mad.

Then MUI-OWB was released and... OMG I was in heaven. It didn't get stuck. It had bookmarks in the menu like IBrowse. It got a nice download manager. Scrolling is fast on facebook. It works great! What a relief! I can finally browse pages not looking right in IBrowse without wanting to bang my head against the wall. I got in such a good mode that I could actually appreciate the faster download speed, faster graphics, new features and stability of AOS 4.1 upd 3.

I got in such a good mode that I tried to insert my other RAM module. When it started up with both RAM modules in update 2 USB didn't start when workbench had loaded which was the first bad sign. The it had no stability so it obviously didn't work. This time USB did start! "Hmm... no it won't work" I thought and started my programs with this fealing in my stomach that it would crash at any time now. But it didn't. So I copied a 1.2GB file to RAM. No issues. I copied another 700MB file. No crash! Ehm... what had changed? There might've been durt or something making connection issues. Now my mode was pretty high! It was fun to use my Amiga again.

My mode was so good so I thought that I should try a little glue to fix the broken RAM holder. I hate to use glue, nothing that I glue hardly ever lasts but I had got this new super glue from my parent so lets try it. And it worked! I thought that I would either glue my hands together or if I succeded it would come loose again when I inserted the RAM module but nopes. Really good glue, it is as good as new again and I finally got 2GB RAM.

So now my A1 is stable, I can browse and have a good experience, it feals faster and more stable. I was in a really good mode so I gave DVPlayer a try. Loaded a couple of DVDs, tried out subtitles and wow what a nice new feature. I then tried the "AUDIOSCOPE" effect listening to a MP3, and that was really nice. Lower CPU usage when watching movies and no crash this far.

Also watching youtube I can now choose FLV2 which I couldn't do before.

All in all I've gone from the worst Amiga experience since I began using it in 1987 to something that is really good. I'm in a way better mode now than I've been for a very long time and happier about the AOS situation than I'm been for the same amount of time.

All that I need to do now is change the PSU and everything will be pretty good untill I can buy the X1000! It is finally good to be an Amiga user again. Also, I haven't rebooted once today! It's been a long time since I didn't need to reboot several times a day .

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 1:09:49
#50 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


it's time to put away the drinks for tonight Martin & get yourself a coffee my friend

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 1:43:35
#51 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2003
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From: nyc


It never ceases to amaze me how some people seem to have so much trouble,

Hans not everyone is as technical or know amiga os or 3rd party dependencies and things.. there should not be this much configuration just to get the system working normally

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 1:45:38
#52 ]
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From: nyc


I used to like tinkering with all this, but its getting absurd, and I dont realy find it fun anymore....

Yeah sounds like os4 is becoming like Windows now with the "clean" install process, the reboots, crashes etc.. this is NOT what Amiga os is about. Having said this its a lot of 3rd party dependencies too.

I'll say it again instead of all the driver writing and porting to new hw platforms the os should have been really worked on and attention to new apps/games.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 1:48:26
#53 ]
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From: nyc


Just to add: the same problems users can have and with morphos,

well with Morphos every update is on ISO and is can be updated from there. Its even a LIVE cd too! And yes, you can run into similar 3rd party lib dependencies but there is also the Morphos package that installs all programs and libs to get you going for new users. Forgot the name of it. OS4 needs something like this..

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 1:57:13
#54 ]
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From: New Zealand



realize wrote:

It never ceases to amaze me how some people seem to have so much trouble,

Hans not everyone is as technical or know amiga os or 3rd party dependencies and things.. there should not be this much configuration just to get the system working normally

But I do very little configuration. I tend to leave most things at their default settings (can't be bothered with customisation). I also have very very little patience when it comes down to chasing down 3rd party dependencies. Most things work out of the box for me, despite others having so much trouble with them.

I don't think that my technical know-how or AmigaOS knowledge has much to do with it. If anything, it may be because I spend so little of my time messing with the system.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 2:09:29
#55 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


I agree regarding the "most things work ouf of the box" when it comes to downloading and installing software, it is *very* rare that I ever have any problems regarding that.

The ScummVM release was a bit on the bad side though, tracking down that library and the transmission release not having an icon could perhaps feal a little different from what you expect from a release for AOS but other than that most things are easy to install and use.

I think that there are old releases of software that might install things at weird places and copy over libraries and stuff. The good thing about AOS is simplicity though so compared to other operating systems it's easy to check what's been copied where. Check what files are in the archive, if there are libraries, MUI classes and so on see if they've been installed and if they are old, replace them with a newer version.

Best of all, check the archive first. DOpus 4 works great for that, double-click the archive, see if any such files are there and if they are don't just install it since it might install something very old that might cause issues.

The issues that I got has never been about installing software. And if it gets really bad, learn to use Shell, it comes in handy if you ever need to boot without startup-sequence to fix things so that Workbench can boot up. This I have not needed to do for a very long time, it was more common in the AOS 3.x days.

Last edited by hotrod on 03-Sep-2011 at 02:10 AM.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 2:10:37
#56 ]
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From: Arizona


How am I spreading FUD? I don't think you even know what the acronym FUD means. It stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. The high price of OS4 is a doubt there. It's around $170USD. The lack of modern apps is a certainty. No doubt there. Try to find any modern apps such as office suites, video editing and playback, etc. You won't find any.....And the lack of stability and poor USB 2.0 support on OS4 is also a certainty. No Fear being spread by me unless my comments somehow scare you.

So go ahead and spend the $170 on OS4 and another $1,256.93 on a SAM motherboard or an X1000 board (which comes in at around $3000USD when/if it's available) and what do you have? One hell of an expensive, underpowered system to run 68K apps and the few native OS4 apps out there. I'm actually being kind. My colleagues call such a system a very expensive boat anchor. I'm sorry, but the costs are just ridiculous in my book when compared to other systems out there. It's one hell of an expensive way to emulate 68k apps since there aren't any native PPC apps that I can use to get real work done. And the only thing that even resembles a modern office suite for OS4 runs under AmigaCygnix.

So I'm making a very valid point. For $170USD, I can get a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium. Heck, for $300 USD I can get a system bundled WITH Windows 7 Home Premium that will run rings around any PPC hardware on the market. And I can use WinUAE ($0.00USD) to run my 68k apps. And I don't care what you will say about economies of scale and the need for higher pricing because it's a hobby OS. Hyperion should be ashamed to be charging $170 for OS4 in its current state. For goodness sakes, it's 2011 and they're still working on stable USB2.0 support. Hardware that's been around for the past 10 or 11 years. How many years does it take to get that right if the guys at Hyperion are such fabulous programmers? And there isn't a single OS4 app that's compelling enough to make anyone in their right mind want to run out and buy OS4 just to run it.

Maybe OS4 would be more stable and a little cheaper if more people weren't shouted down by you OS4 fanboys who can't even offer up anything more subjective than statements like "OS4 is just the coolest. That's why you should buy it." I realize that this is a site for Amiga fans, but the current state of Amiga won't improve until all the cheerleading stops and constructive criticism is allowed to be heard.

Last edited by ferrels on 03-Sep-2011 at 02:18 AM.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 2:34:53
#57 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


I would say that that is valid points and that's exactly how the situation is. It isn't ready to take over the world by far, it is a long term goal that will take many years still. You must realise what you get and feal that it's worth it to you to buy it.

I can say that I enjoy using what's there more than on any other system and that is pretty much the reason for me using it. It feals good.

But if you have certain needs or can't afford it it is no question about it that choosing a PC with Windows is a better choise. It's cheaper and you get all the software you need.

I would say that right now AOS 4 is for computer geeks that enjoys using it for whatever reason. Yes it is a hobby because, like you said, there are a lack of software for using it in a business.

Still Hyperion needs money to develope it further, to let the dream live on and to get there eventually. It's either that or open source but I must admit that I prefer it to stay the way it is (I won't get into that discussion as to why and I think that I've stated my reasons somewhere).

No matter how cleaver they are facts are that it is hard work, lots to do, not as many people as for example M$ and AOS has lots of catching up to do. It's a tough situation.

The best thing is to try and relax, watch the ride, if you want to be a part of it and can afford it, spend money on it (if it's a big interest and you enjoy it).

See it for what it is.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 2:48:11
#58 ]
Joined: 20-Jul-2007
Posts: 44
From: Brisbane, in the land of Oz


Seriously, I havn't seen a grimreaper here in months on my SAM-Flex.
I use it as my primary machine every day.

Have you considered that you may have a hardware issue. ??

To have a machine dying on so many applications with a dramatic
lack of stability that appears proportional to the amount of
resources the program requires, is really sending up distress
flares to me.

Try a thorough ram test or better still try another board for
a while and see if you have similar results, i'll bet not.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 3:17:26
#59 ]
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From: Austin, TX


Metal Heart is right about ImageFX. I know when I start it up that I will be rebooting in an hour or so. Just start adding text to your images... it won't be long!

Lately, it seems to be mplayer that quits on me after a couple hours of listening to internet radio (different streamers, too).

But, I'm used to it. ANN backs up my files often enough so I'm not really caught too off guard. Reboot is really fast compared to any other of the 3 computers I work on for money.

I think M-H is just as he says... in a bad mood.

I'm not sure about the CLI / GUI|icon comment. I was musing at supper this evening that earlier in the day (I'm on furlough today [fringe benefit that such are tacked onto a national holiday] I needed an Amiga Text to Dos Text converter, but the words involved do not lend themselves to finding an existing amiga program, so I wrote one in C and using a trusty makefile template had my job done in under an hour. My musing was: how come I don't see any specific programs as a combined unit that allows either GUI or CLI operation? What am I missing?

I do the cli thing because OTHERWISE I'd be too tempted to "Gild the Lilly" for the a bazillion features. No way I'd have been done in an hour.

..effects of civilization upon...nature, the growing gap between what education was supposed to accomplish and what it consisted of, the national debt and...high taxes, the problem of the excess cost of medical care -- Philip Wylie, 1951

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 3:25:49
#60 ]
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From: Arizona


I agree with you totally. I'm also still an Amiga fan, believe it or not, just not a wealthy one.

And I do think that AEON and Hyperion are taking advantage of loyal enthusiasts simply because they can. It's a shame really, and ultimately Hyperion and AEON will paint themselves into a corner. The number of users will continue to shrink due to high prices, which will only drive the price of new hardware and OS versions higher as well. It's a death spiral and I hate to see the Amiga go down this way.

Financially, the only Amiga variant that make sense to me is AROS. True, it isn't a PPC system, but even the old Macintosh diehards swallowed their pride and eventually embraced x86 hardware when Apple decided to shift to Intel hardware. Ask a single one of those guys if they'd go back to using a PPC system. The answer will be no.

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