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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:23:04
#161 ]
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From: Sweden

@amigakit & gerograph

We will be allocating orders on a first-come, first-served basis for this limited production run.

Yes I know. I just thought that since I got two e-mails I was already in. Looks like not

I find it pretty unlikely that enough people would drop out to get me one. So when's the next run? When OS4.2 is out in minimum 6 month..? Damnit I feel sad now

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
> Amiga Classic and OS4 developer for OnyxSoft.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:26:30
#162 ]
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From: Somerset, UK


clusteruk wrote:

You have to enable it in the GuiPrefs I believe under 3d effects.

Software fall back compositing is turned off by default on the X1000 To enable it:-

Gui Prefs / Effects TAB

Set Tick Enable 3D

Set Window and ScreenBar title drop shadow X & Y shift to 0

A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E.
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X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:29:27
#163 ]
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-Sam- wrote:

What kind of improvments have been made to update 5? Are there any new features?

I'd love to tell you but I don't know! I haven't used any previous version and I don't have a change log so I cannot say. Also - I don't yet have a 4.1.5 CD.

I have the change log I will ask permission to see if it can be published. I don't see why not as anyone with an update 5 X1000 and another machine could do a diff on the version numbers between update 4 and 5.

A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E.
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X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:29:45
#164 ]
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From: Italia

you have to get into your heads to try real applications eat cpu

This are synthetic benchmark


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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:31:30
#165 ]
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From: Somerset, UK


Double Post

Last edited by JurassicC on 02-Feb-2012 at 09:34 AM.

A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E.
CDTV 8MB Fast, OS3.1, SCSI, MicroSD SCSI & CD32 FMV
X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:31:44
#166 ]
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From: Italia


from your test about ragemem and some powermac G4 with mos :)


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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:33:37
#167 ]
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From: Somerset, UK



vox wrote:

Tried Blender with Wazp - just gurus I'm afraid.

Maybe when next WazP 3D is released. Thanks!

No luck for all Blendermaniacs, even that result would be "fake"

There is nothing to stop an X1000 first contact system owner removing the RadeonHD card and switching to a PCI based Radeon 9250 card if they so desire.

A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E.
CDTV 8MB Fast, OS3.1, SCSI, MicroSD SCSI & CD32 FMV
X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:34:41
#168 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


There is a difference between "Fanboism" and just realising the real situation and try to be happy with what you got. If everyone complains all the time the Amiga world will be a place to avoid, don't you agree? It is good to try to speed up things and I too wish that things where different but first of all they could be worse than they are and second if you're part of this and expect what MS or Apple are doing then you're insane.

Also this damn expression "fanboy". It's always people from the MOS world that call AOS 4 users fanboys and while they are doing that they talk about how much better MOS is which at the same time which makes you sound like.... a fanboy? Sorry but it's stupid.

If you think that people are overly happy or blind or whater use that word instead. I'm not a fanboy I just chill a little, makes suggestions when something comes to mind and if the Amiga reality becomes to much I use my PC or play some Nintendo, problem solved. It is really insulting to call people fanboys for no reason. You could just as well say "if you don't complain like I do then your an idiot". The difference between the word "fanboy" and "idiot" isn't that big. I get your point even if you don't use that word. There are different ways to express yourself and it doesn't have to be insulting all the time.

Do you want me to say "I am sorry that I use AOS 4 and I am sorry that I don't think like you. I am also very sorry that I don't use MOS"? Because if I don't then I'm a fanboy, also known as idiot. Really nice...

Last edited by hotrod on 02-Feb-2012 at 09:36 AM.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 9:38:52
#169 ]
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735Mb movie file, copy from sfs to sfs partition, same drive, 10 sec. Had to do that one several times just to make sure it was real. A lot of small files will be slower, but I have hundreds of large movie files I've collected over time, so nice to move them fast.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 10:01:43
#170 ]
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From: Italia


blender should run with wazp3d, so you can make a blender.test at default to see something...


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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 10:06:24
#171 ]
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From: Australia


Do you want me to say "I am sorry that I use AOS 4 and I am sorry that I don't think like you. I am also very sorry that I don't use MOS"?

Yes I do because it will make you happy. Then I want you to put on a cloak and whip yourself a hundred times to atone for your sins.

"ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM!" - Speedball 2.

"Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" - Monkey Island

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 10:07:48
#172 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Its not GUI, its needed 3D instructions software emulation that is slow, but there is no other way

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 10:14:33
#173 ]
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From: Italia

however, Stream, should be a memory benchmark, so it's normal that DDR2 is faster than DDR and SDR.

some news x1000 users make some videos to explain their impressions.

Last edited by Seiya on 02-Feb-2012 at 10:14 AM.


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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 10:14:39
#174 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


That's funny. You should be a commedian and see how funny you are. I bet you'd become very popular.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 11:33:16
#175 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

Does sysinfo run on AOS4 or just in UAE?
It would be fun to see what kind of results it gives with petunia and with UAE on x1000.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 11:49:20
#176 ]
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sundown wrote:

735Mb movie file, copy from sfs to sfs partition, same drive, ...

No good test IMHO:

Copy from disc A to disk B is more a benchmark for disc speed.
Copy from a partition on disc A to a partition on disc A is a benchmark for disc latency / speed for head positioning.

If you want to do a simple realworld CPU benchmark, just use an archiver ( lha, zip ) and generate an archive from one big file on RAM: into RAM: this would meassure memory and integer calculation speed, for a comparision you should allways use the same files and the sam archiver.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 12:06:38
#177 ]
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From: Russia

While that all totally offtopic, but whatever else to discuss:


Do you want me to say "I am sorry that I use AOS 4 and I am sorry that I don't think like you. I am also very sorry that I don't use MOS"? Because if I don't then I'm a fanboy, also known as idiot. Really nice...

Why you think that i mean something agains aos4 fanboys ? I have agains any kind of fanboys. I personally use os4 more offten than other oses, and that not mean that i os4 fanboy. Fanboy its not matter if it aos4, morphos or aros user. Fanboy, its someone who do not know the real problems (technical, time ones, skills ones, motivation ones), who can't normally check the reality, he put all of this on the back of the mind, just to have ability to be happy because of what "will happens". Its like sectants, who belive in something (does not matter what), and all the time saying "soon all will be fine, soon all will be fine", and do nothing for that, and even do not understand that for "will be fine" need to do something. I can call it somekind of self-lie. And how you think sane persons should talk with ppls, who lie for yourself, and spread their fairly-hopes for every place , and when other ones say to them facts and mark on reality, they cry like a babies ?

We all see how long everything develops. We can hope that it will be done, but we can't hope that SMP will done tomorrow. Because we know how much need to do for everything else. And when persons , who even not use amigas, or even not have ones, saying all the time about that SMP , which we do not know when will come (if ever , because it happens that plans are leaves only as plans), its just annoying to read that fairly tales years by years.

Its not fanboys help progress, its ppls who critically minded force the progres . And not in amiga world only, but everythere and all the time it was and will be like this. When someone happy with something, he stay at one point, and never move. He even degradated.

Yeah, we all can be happy that x1000 done, and it works. But saying now that "soon there will be SMP" , its just like jocking. Who will do that SMP ? Brothers ? Tomorrow ? Omg .. We all know how hard all of this, and how long time it will take. And only fanboys, only them, can belive (only belive, because if check the reality, its cleary visibly that such things can't be done soon because of tons of others priorityes, and gallium, and notebook, and everything else about what we all can think) .

As someone there say better to enjoy what we have: yes. But please, no those false hopes about tomorrow's SMP.

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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 12:28:23
#178 ]
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@kas1e Quote:
Its not fanboys help progress, its ppls who critically minded force the progres

You need to distinguish between "UNconstuctive criticism" (e.g. "feature X is rubbish" or "feature Y will take forever") and "CONstructive criticism (e.g. "feature X needs Y adding before it is useful").

UNconstructive criticism helps NO-ONE. But it may demotivate developers, and drive users away because of the negativity.

CONstructive criticism helps because that is the definition - it says *how* something can be improved.

As far as I can see, you are mostly talking about UNconstuctive criticism, and therefore I think you are wrong. But I think even CONstructive criticism is unlikely to "force the progres", because you are talking to the *users* not the *developers*. Plus I think the developers are already working as hard as they can & already know what they are doing, so even constructive criticism cannot improve things further.

Who will do that SMP ? Brothers ? Tomorrow ? Omg ..

I am amazed. Apparently you know what Hyperion has been working on for the last year. When did you become a Hyperion insider?

You complain that "Fan boys" think there is good progress, despite lack of evidence. Yet you then say that Hyperion has made no progress, despite lack of evidence. Don't you see the problem here? (The fan boys are being "optimistic", but you are being "pessemistic". Neither is evidence based.)

IMHO, if someone says "SMP coming soon", you should say "we don't know when SMP is coming", rather than saying "SMP is super duper hard, so it is definitely not coming soon" (for which you have no evidence).

Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:41 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:40 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:39 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:37 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:36 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:32 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:30 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 12:31:38
#179 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK

These are the default settings for the SAM 460.. well I had to manually Tick the first one as mine came delivered with the Radeon HD 4650 as well, the drivers arrived later:

Enable (3D acceleration required) - Tick

Window Transparency - 0%, 10%, 25%

Optimize for: Performance (of course why wouldn't you!)

Window drop shadows x and y: 6, 6
Smoothness: 6, 75% and 50%, colour Black

Screen title bar drop shadow: 6, 5, 50%, Black

Strange how the Amiga X1000 was delivered without that vital top checkbox Ticked.

Last edited by djrikki on 02-Feb-2012 at 12:32 PM.


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Re: X1000 - It's arrived...
Posted on 2-Feb-2012 12:31:58
#180 ]
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From: Perugia, ITALY


Requires the audio source file and lame/mp3 settings.

simply go to my Benchmarks time thread:

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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