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Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 16:30:18
#1 ]
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Joined: 7-Dec-2005
Posts: 1906
From: Naples, Italy

Seems that Mr. Canigiani kept his promises

Although an announced price of 300 € exceeds of about 125 € price/features for this device segment.

IMHO 189/209 € should had been more honest price considering the Rebranding Nostalgia Operation and investments made, and had attracted more Commodore lovers worldwide.

Original news are on Commodore Ltd. page on Facebook:

Commodore Smart Site:


I just discovered Paolo Besser from IcAROS Desktop joined this business:

Last edited by Raffaele on 05-Jul-2015 at 05:30 PM.
Last edited by Raffaele on 05-Jul-2015 at 04:59 PM.
Last edited by Raffaele on 05-Jul-2015 at 04:33 PM.

"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 16:38:49
#2 ]
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Joined: 17-Dec-2007
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From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU



AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 17:13:57
#3 ]
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Joined: 27-Jun-2011
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From: UK


#6 has done a sterling job of keeping upto date with most of the stuff from the Commodore branding. Maybe go check it out :)

I made reference on the 1/7/15 that I thought this was a rebranded Orgtec Waphone/Wa1. After looking at the specs and, more closely, the CPU type. I asked them if it was a rebranding and was met with opposition from some guy claiming that "if it was a rebrand it would have been out by now." Well I pushed my point about the specs been nearly identical and he got very aggressive. CBM Ltd then stated that they are similar but different specs (I should point out that I kinda like looking at the Chinese smartphone market because there are some very good phones out there for very cheap prices. Thats why I spotted it).


I think, judging from the specs, it's gonna be a good phone. The price predictions. Maybe a touch high. Now we are not talking prices we have seen similarly nostalgia driven, rebranded PC's been sold at in recent years. They have to make a profit with import and such. But will it be the pricing that trips this up.

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 17:18:45
#4 ]
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Joined: 8-Nov-2009
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Will it offer hdmi mirroring ?

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 17:52:08
#5 ]
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Joined: 7-Dec-2005
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From: Naples, Italy


Yes. It has more or less the same features of all chinese phones with same CPU, chipset Mediatek MT6752.

But even rebranding and importing does not justify so expensive price.

Ecoo E04 Aurora Plus has more or less the same features (but only 16GB Flash Rom) of Commodore Pet and being imported by MyEFox in Europe at 209 euro.

Not counting MTK6752 has notorious bug in Compass making GPS almost unusable.

(Does someone knows if Android 5 Lollipop corrected the bug?????)

Also has been proved Ecoo Aurora battery of 3000 milliampere lasts only few hours. A battery of 4165 mAh minimum (5000 mAh is better) should be more suitable for that segment of devices.


As long as I know MTK6752 chipset should allow TV mirroring thru MHL/MicroUSB-HDMI adapter.
I dunno if Miracast technology thru WiFi is supported. Sorry. Must get nformations about it.

Last edited by Raffaele on 05-Jul-2015 at 06:02 PM.

"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 17:56:57
#6 ]
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I made reference on the 1/7/15 that I thought this was a rebranded Orgtec Waphone/Wa1. After looking at the specs and, more closely, the CPU type. I asked them if it was a rebranding and was met with opposition from some guy claiming that "if it was a rebrand it would have been out by now." Well I pushed my point about the specs been nearly identical and he got very aggressive. CBM Ltd then stated that they are similar but different specs (I should point out that I kinda like looking at the Chinese smartphone market because there are some very good phones out there for very cheap prices. Thats why I spotted it).

That's pretty cheap


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 18:52:05
#7 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Thank you.

How do you feel about their use of the Commodore trademark?

Source from their home page

Is their any evidence to suggest they have contacted C=Holdings B.V., who owns this trademark?

We know that the C64C case makers received their cease & desist and decided not to call their project what would be an obvious infringement.

Has CommodoreSmart/CBM or whatever they are calling themselves today also received written objection from C=Holdings B.V.?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 5-Jul-2015 19:38:00
#8 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2013
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They claim that they have nothing to do with C=Holdings and
that they registered their own company.They got tons of warnings
but if they managed to register a company in UK they have legal
protection for the field they registered , proof will be only product
that comes out for people to buy.

I tried looking for some hardware made by C=Holdings and found
none which is not good for them because if you register an ice cream
company and make no ice cream for 30 years someone else might
be able to pick up the business.Logo and wordmark , as well as the
name (CommodoreSmart) are not the same as C=Holdings (take a
close look at the logo).

I have one relatively new Android and yes it should be cheaper
but there was a "deluxe" option where you can have your case
engraved (could be the case here).

If AROS team gets involved it may be nice product otherwise it
will be another nostalgia rip-off (Commodore USA at least made
commodore cases and cherry keyboards not just slap logo although
I like ZX cases better and never had C64 , only C128 :P).

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 14-Jul-2015 20:10:38
#9 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Commodore Is Back, Baby, With a Smartphone

Interesting first acknowledgment of the trademark holder.

Two years ago, a federal court ruled that the trademark belonged to Commodore Holdings B.V.

And the usual fact that comes out of all things Commodore and Amiga, that they are ignoring the trademark owner.

they'll be customized versions of the VICE C64 emulator and the Uae4All2-SDL Amiga emulator.

Five years ago, an American company called Commodore USA released the C64x, an all-in-one PC sporting an Intel Atom processor, Nvidia Ios2 graphics, 4GB of RAM, up to 1TB of storage, and a Blu-Ray reader. Nostalgia and retro gaming weren't enough, however, and Commodore USA shut down in 2013.

Ahh...I see research and/or truth was not meant to be a part of this article.


Last edited by number6 on 14-Jul-2015 at 08:24 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 15-Jul-2015 12:04:01
#10 ]
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Joined: 22-Feb-2007
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From: Unknown


People have been asking "How to make Amiga the leading operating system".

Well, now Commodore is (part of) the leading computer ecosystem of the world. See? It really was that easy!

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 15-Jul-2015 14:38:42
#11 ]
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Joined: 7-Dec-2005
Posts: 1906
From: Naples, Italy


I'd rather prefer AmigaOS like operating systems being well placed in the ranking list more than being leading ones...

"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 15-Jul-2015 17:55:41
#12 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 24-May-2013
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just like to point out that Commodore as not come back did not make his phone it a cheap Android phone from china any one with $2000,000 can just buy name of commodore name put on new company making tv or car or computer like one come put about two year ago call Commodore U S A

Last edited by mcbone on 15-Jul-2015 at 05:56 PM.

maybe i am dyslexia

An Apple a day keep bill gates away

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 12:39:29
#13 ]
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Forgot to mention one obvious change.

The website seems to have gone into stealth mode, much like Amiga Inc.'s "doing business" links:


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*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 14:00:33
#14 ]
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Joined: 7-Dec-2005
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From: Naples, Italy


I coulndn't care less of CommodoreUSA and overpriced rebranding operations by other firms. I am just reporting news.

"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 14:21:47
#15 ]
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number6 wrote:

Forgot to mention one obvious change.

The website seems to have gone into stealth mode, much like Amiga Inc.'s "doing business" links:


Has Smaug awakened?


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 14:30:08
#16 ]
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Apparently someone besides myself has doubts about the research expended at Wired:

Well, here's the thing: I'm not going to say Wired got duped - but they also seem to have missed some pretty glaring red flags

Company Slaps Commodore Brand On Back Of Generic Smartphone, Gets Attention

Sadly this article talks about doubts regarding facts as well. Perhaps if these journalists would read AW about the CUSA/C=Holdings B.V. connections they might be able to draft a better story.
(evil grin)

To be fair, Android Police did their own research, while most articles today merely cite Wired as source and use the Wired text.


Last edited by number6 on 16-Jul-2015 at 02:48 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 16-Jul-2015 at 02:33 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 16:14:28
#17 ]
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number6 wrote:

Sadly this article talks about doubts regarding facts as well. Perhaps if these journalists would read AW about the CUSA/C=Holdings B.V. connections they might be able to draft a better story.
(evil grin)



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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 18:01:00
#18 ]
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I'm sure you recall Amibyte, who CUSA described as:

Amibyte was the only authorized CUSA configuration partner.

Well, guess what they are featuring today?


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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 19:01:05
#19 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany


Raffaele wrote:

I coulndn't care less of CommodoreUSA and overpriced rebranding operations by other firms. I am just reporting news.

well, you're promoting a Linux-based machine with some Commodore label attached over...

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Re: Commodore PET Android 5 Smartphone by CBM Ltd. London
Posted on 16-Jul-2015 19:41:40
#20 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


They claim that they have nothing to do with C=Holdings and
that they registered their own company.They got tons of warnings

That means nothing if you refer to users relating to them how litigious C=Holdings B.V. IS.

What we need to know is if they themselves confirm receiving a warning from C=Holdings B.V.

I hope the difference I outlined is clear to you.

The folks behind Commodore-Smart say they've tidied up all the necessary legals


That's as close as I can come to finding out whether they are licensed.


Last edited by number6 on 17-Jul-2015 at 01:26 AM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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