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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 17-Sep-2016 10:57:01
#241 ]
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From: Bear Delaware USA


Yasu wrote:

So the x5000 port is nearly done?

TRIPOS wrote:

So the x5000 port is nearly done?

Thanks for at least responding to those, even if its not your area (its a question better addressed to Aeon guys) AND you really didn't answer the question.

AmigaKit is only the vendor guys, they aren't the supplier OR the company providing the software.

This situation is probably Hyperion's fault.

Last edited by Beans on 17-Sep-2016 at 11:06 AM.
Last edited by Beans on 17-Sep-2016 at 11:01 AM.

Amiga! "Our appeal has become more selective"

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 11:17:10
#242 ]
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Allow me then Matthew :)

To all interested, OS4.1 for AmigaOne X5000 is on track and you can except some news soon on this. And soon means soon !

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 11:22:25
#243 ]
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Two more weeks?

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 18:59:31
#244 ]
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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 19:25:16
#245 ]
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When it's done!

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 19:53:10
#246 ]
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No no, now it is actually three more weeks. (To AmiWest)

edit: Formatting

Last edited by Niolator on 18-Sep-2016 at 07:54 PM.
Last edited by Niolator on 18-Sep-2016 at 07:54 PM.

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 19:54:19
#247 ]
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And soon means soon !

An announcement before Christmas ...

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 20:06:28
#248 ]
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So, very near now (tm)

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 20:33:39
#249 ]
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Right on "M"-Day !!!


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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 22:20:45
#250 ]
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@wawa Quote:


> So the x5000 port is nearly done?
That is a question for Hyperion, not me. As you probably realise, I cannot officially confirm the status of the OS4.1 port because I am not affiliated to Hyperion management, do not project manage any development of this port and I do not have any responsibility over the developers involved in it.

I am only involved in the completed X5000 hardware and I have a direct role in managing Team projects such as Enhancer Software, Warp3D Nova, Open GL ES 2.0 library, RadeonHD etc.


i would actually expect that if you want to sell certain hardware boundled with certain software, you would likely be interested and i hope informed about its state. i mean, if it doesnt bother you (snip ranting)

This is an honest question: Why do you bother with such blatant trolling? Or is your English comprehension so phenomenally broken that you cannot understand AmigaKit is unable to make announcements (on behalf of Hyperion) about how finished the x5000 port of OS4 is?

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 22:22:06
#251 ]
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@SimplePPC Quote:
Allow me then Matthew :)

To all interested, OS4.1 for AmigaOne X5000 is on track and you can except some news soon on this. And soon means soon !

Are you officially associated with Hyperion? Your Profile doesn't seem to indicate that.

Last edited by ChrisH on 18-Sep-2016 at 10:25 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 22:28:43
#252 ]
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He's not a fanboy, he's Timothy DeGroote, a Hyperion director and shareholder.


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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 22:38:51
#253 ]
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From: S.Wales


He was also representing Hyperion at various shows last year. One of which, I'm pretty sure you attended.

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 22:41:17
#254 ]
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Perhaps you could put a Hyperion badge under SimplePPC's avatar

Last edited by marko on 21-Sep-2016 at 05:56 PM.
Last edited by marko on 18-Sep-2016 at 10:46 PM.

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 18-Sep-2016 22:46:39
#255 ]
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Your Linked-In page does not show the email address on SimplePPC's profile. So not any kind of proof as far as I am concerned. He might as well have or for all the difference it would make :(

I would have hoped for some kind of "" email address, and/or some mention of Hyperion in the Profile itself.

Last edited by ChrisH on 18-Sep-2016 at 10:48 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 18-Sep-2016 at 10:48 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 19-Sep-2016 8:55:21
#256 ]
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@All-who-question SimplePPC's identity

This all looks very familiar

For once and for all:

SimplePPC is indeed Timothy De Groote, director at Hyperion Entertainment.


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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 19-Sep-2016 9:32:36
#257 ]
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amigakit wrote:

That is a question for Hyperion, not me. As you probably realise, I cannot officially confirm the status of the OS4.1 port because I am not affiliated to Hyperion management, do not project manage any development of this port and I do not have any responsibility over the developers involved in it.

I am only involved in the completed X5000 hardware and I have a direct role in managing Team projects such as Enhancer Software, Warp3D Nova, Open GL ES 2.0 library, RadeonHD etc.

Thanks for the answer. It's nice to see someone politely answering anything. You can't blame a bloke for trying since the party that is suppose to say something is dead silent since forever.

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 19-Sep-2016 13:37:03
#258 ]
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Lord Whorafin answers when...

I sold my SAM460ex lite... waiting for money to buy a Raspberry Pi... or a Classic A1000 with Buffee... or an A1222... and OS4.3 FE update 11

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 19-Sep-2016 16:50:41
#259 ]
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Why not be honest, it's


Now where is the next bridge for me to hide under......

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Re: Is the pre-order for X5000 going to start?
Posted on 19-Sep-2016 17:30:12
#260 ]
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From: Bear Delaware USA


Thanks for interjecting some humor Phantom.

And DeGroote's comment was welcome news (if not very specific).

Last edited by Beans on 19-Sep-2016 at 05:35 PM.

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