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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 2:39:43
#21 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway



Tpod wrote:

So although I'm a total dimbo when it comes to chip design (or programming) your statement on that other thread seemed fair & made a lot of sense:

... nobody should need to care if a new cpu is 100% compatible with an old cpu, what’s important is that the new cpu is 100% compatible with existing software. AC 68080 is compatible with nearly 100% of existing Amiga software - that’s what the advertising should say ...

advertising it's "100% code compatible" does seem slightly inaccurate however little that inaccuracy actually matters in real world use (for Amiga users). Hopefully a little tweak to the website will happen soon.

Have you ever tried wayback machine on that site? It took years to even mention the word “Amiga” anywhere, and to this day Amiga is not mentioned on the frontpage. You see, Apollo Core wasn’t made for Amiga, it was made for “the industry”, but surprisingly, very few if any at all showed any interest. It’s a mystery really.

As a side note, way back before I fell out of grace by his highness and he started demanding seeing my passport, I did take the round with other 68k communities, the BSD devs, the Linux devs, the NeXT resorts, the Atari barangays, the Macintosh favelas… and you know what they all told me? They all just wanted a damn fast (and not so hot) 68040 drop-in replacement. Nothing else. What is 68080? Well, it’s something else. So Amiga it was then, and only Amiga.

Last edited by kolla on 10-Feb-2024 at 02:55 AM.


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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 5:36:51
#22 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany



kolla wrote:

Oh come on, please. Gunnar is easily recognized by his quite consistent spelling errors, which he’s had since forever. It would be remarkable for him to host a character with way better linguistic skill than his real self.

Not only those spelling errors: he behaves the same everywhere.

On his forum (where he gives vent to his censorship nature, since he's THE god there), on AROS-Exec (where he acted the same for exactly the same discussions) and other Amiga forums where he randomly appeared when the topic was about his 68080 to promote or defend his business.

So, it's very easy to recognize him.
Also, MEGA had wits and knowledge about certain things that goes beyond what Gunnar has ever shown.

And this, absolutely!

kolla wrote:

Do you think this is good for Amiga?

Yes I do! Having a place where one can express ones opinions about Amiga related stuff more or less freely is a good thing.

+2 and merged!
I know you like to express yourself too on occasion, about other developers, other products than your own and whatever else whimsical stuff that cross your mind. Logs from IRC and from Discord, old postings that have long since been removed from your forum. Who are you to tell anyone how to behave or what is good for Amiga?

He's "BigGun" and you should trust him and execute what he says only because of that.

FACTs are irrelevant. And critics deserve a removal from the forum and the ban for the infidel...

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 7:10:42
#23 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Sep-2022
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From: Unknown


Cesare Di Mauro,

You are are fake.

- You want to people to believe that you are an Amiga coder
= But did you reality code even one program and not even one demo for Amiga? No you did not!
= You claim that you helped some friend write a game. I don't think this is true either.

- You want people to believe that you invented a new x86 architecture - better than anything the INTEL did.
= You did nothing like this.

- You want people to believe that you invented a new 68k architecture - better than anything the Motorola did.
= You did nothing like this.

- You want people to believe that you made an Amiga chipset - better than the one Commodore did
= You did nothing like this.

- You want people to believe that you made a new Amiga. Better than faster than anything before.
= You did nothing like this.

- You gave interviews to Amiga newspaper
= You advertised your fake Amiga that you invented in the interview.
Everything you said was a lie.

- You made a website advertising your new Amiga.
= This website was one big lie, one big hoax.
= The website looked excellent with tons of hardware fotos, showing schematics, showing FPGAs.
And run your own forum on this website to explain people the features of your new Amiga.
= Everything on the website was fake. Every hardware picture was not yours but taking from the internet.
= Every schematic on it was fake. Carefully made to impress Amiga fans.
= Every post about the features of your invented hardware was a lie.
= Your website contained impressive fantasy numbers.
= Your website claimed to have 128bit bus between 3 FPGA - which impresses Amiga fans, but is technical impossible with the used chips
= Your website claimed to have 128bit memory interface - this was nice to impresses Amiga fans,
but real hardware engineers know that this is impossible with the used chips.
= Your website claimed to run the FPGA at 400 MHz, this was great to impress the Amiga fans,
but people with hardware experience know that this is technically totally impossible with the used FPGAs.

Cesare Di Mauro, all the schematic on your website are fake. All the technical details are a lie. Every picture was stolen from other websites.
Cesare Di Mauro, your website is one big 100% hoax - one big lie with the only goal to impress Amiga people.

Cesare Di Mauro is your whole live not just one big lie too?

Cesare Di Mauro,
how many posts did you make on Amigaworld in which you bashed the work of
Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and the Amiga Developers?
How many post did you make complained how bad the Amiga chipset is?
How many posts did you make saying how shit AGA is?

And how often did you fake claim, how much better it could have been done?

Of course for someone like you its very easy to make the Amiga chipset better.
And it makes sense for you to look down on Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and all the rest of real engineers.

Cesare Di Mauro, why should you not look down?

You never did anything in your live

- You just claimed you did somethings.

- And then you make a fake website with fake pictures with fake numbers
and then you lie in your CV the same way as you lie to all the people here and elsewhere in your live.

Everyone can see your website. Its on

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 7:26:08
#24 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Gunnar wrote:

Cesare Di Mauro,

You are are fake.

- You want to people to believe that you are an Amiga coder
= But did you reality code even one program and not even one demo for Amiga? No you did not!
= You claim that you helped some friend write a game. I don't think this is true either.

- You want people to believe that you invented a new x86 architecture - better than anything the INTEL did.
= You did nothing like this.

- You want people to believe that you invented a new 68k architecture - better than anything the Motorola did.
= You did nothing like this.

- You want people to believe that you made an Amiga chipset - better than the one Commodore did
= You did nothing like this.

- You want people to believe that you made a new Amiga. Better than faster than anything before.
= You did nothing like this.

- You gave interviews to Amiga newspaper
= You advertised your fake Amiga that you invented in the interview.
Everything you said was a lie.

- You made a website advertising your new Amiga.
= This website was one big lie, one big hoax.
= The website looked excellent with tons of hardware fotos, showing schematics, showing FPGAs.
And run your own forum on this website to explain people the features of your new Amiga.
= Everything on the website was fake. Every hardware picture was not yours but taking from the internet.
= Every schematic on it was fake. Carefully made to impress Amiga fans.
= Every post about the features of your invented hardware was a lie.
= Your website contained impressive fantasy numbers.
= Your website claimed to have 128bit bus between 3 FPGA - which impresses Amiga fans, but is technical impossible with the used chips
= Your website claimed to have 128bit memory interface - this was nice to impresses Amiga fans,
but real hardware engineers know that this is impossible with the used chips.
= Your website claimed to run the FPGA at 400 MHz, this was great to impress the Amiga fans,
but people with hardware experience know that this is technically totally impossible with the used FPGAs.

Cesare Di Mauro, all the schematic on your website are fake. All the technical details are a lie. Every picture was stolen from other websites.
Cesare Di Mauro, your website is one big 100% hoax - one big lie with the only goal to impress Amiga people.

Cesare Di Mauro is your whole live not just one big lie too?

Cesare Di Mauro, why should you not look down?

You never did anything in your live

- You just claimed you did somethings.

- And then you make a fake website with fake pictures with fake numbers
and then you lie in your CV the same way as you lie to all the people here and elsewhere in your live.

Everyone can see your website. Its on

And here, as usual, Gunnar entered Goebbles's Propaganda of Lies mode: continuously repeating the same lies, pretending to sell them as the truth, and without giving a single fact supporting it, of course: people should trust him only by his word, because he's "BigGun".

Well, as I've said before, I've already rebutted every single thing on the previous thread, so I just copy & paste my writings (like you did).

Oh, poor Gunnar: you are so desperate that you aren't able to sustain the discussion that you entered again the Goebbles' propaganda of lies to defend your crappy 68080, miserably trying to avoid talking about it and moving everything towards me.

As usual, because you've already done it here:
and continued all over the thread.

However I've already punctually and precisely replied to all your pile of LIES starting from here:
and all over the thread until my last comment:

After that you disappeared, as it happens with you when you recognize that you're able to sustain the PURE LEIS that you report to sully what you identified as your enemy.

And here you start with your personal attacks offending your "enemy" to discredit his reputation, with the clear purpose of invalidation his statements.

Needless to say, it's a very well know logic fallacy, the Poisoning the well:

But you've already proved several times that logic is not your friend, and there's PLENTY of proof in the links that I've provided above.


However and since your started again playing dirty, I'm starting paying you with the same coin, with sensible difference that I'll report TRUE things and not PURE LIES like you're used.

Let's talk again your FALSE statements about the 68080.

Dear Gunnar-the-master-of-lies, could you please give answers to the following questions?

I see this on your web site:
Back in the 80s, Motorola was leading the market with his 680x0 CISC processors range, selling it to big companies like HP, Apple, Atari, Commodore, NeXT, SEGA and others.
Today, 680x0 is still used by industrial machines, planes industry, cars vendors and is still used by retrocomputing fans around the world.

Apollo Core 68080 is the natural and modern evolution of latest 68000 processors. It's 100% code compatible

Here it's clearly seen that you're generically talking about the Motorola's 68k processor family. Could you show how you can claim that it's "100% code compatible" since we know that it's missing instructions and features? Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

We can also see the same reported on the following page:
Apollo Core 68080 is not only the fastest 68000 series CPU ever, it also is the most fully featured.

Feature 68000 68020 68030 68040 68060 AC 68080
68 ISA

As we can see, all such 68k ISA are reported in green colour an your 68080 as well, for which you claimed that its "most fully feautured".

We know that 68020 has CALLM/RTM instructions which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68030 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68040 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.
We know that 68060 (not castrated versions like EC) provides a PMMU which you have NOT implemented.

How can you claim that your 68080 is the "most fully feautured" when it's lacking so many things? Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

Going further, we see this on the same page:
64-Bit Support
Is the processor able to handle 64-bit addresses?
If yes, is the processor able to JUMP (JMP, JSR, RTS) to any 64-bit address?
Is the processor able to set vector exceptions handlers at 64-bit addresses?

And a bit down we can also see this:
Integrated FPU

Have you implemented the FULL 68k's FPUs instruction set?
Even the BCD instructions?
Are they fully implemented in hardware?
Or are some of them implemented in software?

Continuing, at the bottom of the page, we can see this:
Apollo Core 68080 advantages:
Market leading code density

Can you provide any proof of that? We know that the 68k's code density is great, but how can you claim that it's the lead in the market?
Can you provide any proof of that with 64-bit code (see above as well), so with code located at any 64-bit address, processor data registers processing 64-bit scalar operations?
Can you provide any proof of that with 32 and 64-bit code, with code using also the new data and address registers?

Finally, regarding this:
Fully pipelined, double/extended FPU
You've already reported several times that you're supporting only up to double precision for the FPU. So, NOT extended precision. Why are you lying to people reporting FALSE and MISLEADING statements?

OK, that should be enough. And since you started your propaganda of LIE, once you continue repeating the same LIES I'll copy & paste all the above which prove that you're a big liar and you're CHEATING your customers.

People should seriously think about suing you for having sold them a product with FALSE and MISLEADING information.

However your new post is interesting, because it gives the proof that you should be affected by some disease like functional illiteracy. Here's your statement:

you invented better X86 CPU than Intel

and now I report what's in my profile:

Designed (but still improving) a new computer architecture ISA, which is inspired by Intel IA-32/x86, Intel 64/x64, Larrabee/Xeon Phi, and ARM/Thumb-2 designs. NEx64T is a new 64-bit ISA which is both a “rewrite/rethinking” and an enhancement of the x86/x64 ISA

It should be evident that my NEx64T is a NEW architecture, inspired by x86/x64, but definitely NOT a x86 CPU.

How do you come from this to thinking that I've created a new x86 is a mistery that it's well hidden in your brain...
Cesare Di Mauro,
how many posts did you make on Amigaworld in which you bashed the work of
Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and the Amiga Developers?
How many post did you make complained how bad the Amiga chipset is?
How many posts did you make saying how shit AGA is?

And how often did you fake claim, how much better it could have been done?

Of course for someone like you its very easy to make the Amiga chipset better.
And it makes sense for you to look down on Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and all the rest of real engineers.

And here comes the usual blind fanatical fundamentalism: the "Faith" shouldn't deserve any critic...

I've report FACTs and PROVED with math / numbers where it was the case.

I can understand that Talibans like you don't like them, but, hey, it's YOUR problem!

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 7:41:13
#25 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Sep-2022
Posts: 512
From: Unknown




Cesare Di Mauro,
how many posts did you make on Amigaworld in which you bashed the work of
Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and the Amiga Developers?
How many post did you make complained how bad the Amiga chipset is?
How many posts did you make saying how shit AGA is?

And how often did you fake claim, how much better it could have been done?

Of course for someone like you its very easy to make the Amiga chipset better.
And it makes sense for you to look down on Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and all the rest of real engineers.

I've report FACTs and PROVED with math / numbers where it was the case.

Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and the other Amiga developers did something in their live.
They invented something, the created something.

Cesare Di Mauro,
are you maybe just jealous them this?

The Amiga engineers did what you want to be able to do.
But you can not.

All you could do was faking a website, stealing fotos, and make fake schematics.

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 7:46:17
#26 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Oct-2012
Posts: 4127
From: Germany



Gunnar wrote:

I've report FACTs and PROVED with math / numbers where it was the case.

Jay Miner, Dave Haynie and the other Amiga developers did something in their live.
They invented something, the created something.

Sure, and? Was it all good?
Cesare Di Mauro,
are you maybe just jealous them this?

Maybe you should learn logic? Where this comes from?
The Amiga engineers did what you want to be able to do.

Sure, and was it all good?
But you can not.

And I don't care.
All you could do was faking a website, stealing fotos, and make fake schematics.

Again, you start with your usual Propaganda of LIES.

What about the CHEAT of your 68080, that you're selling to people with MISLEADING and FALSE statement?

Care to give the answers that I've already requested multiple times, dear King of the Lies?

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 7:55:32
#27 ]
Joined: 16-Jun-2018
Posts: 47
From: USA


going after someone for spelling errors? thats pathetic.

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 8:19:17
#28 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


… and you know what they all told me? They all just wanted a damn fast (and not so hot) 68040 drop-in replacement. Nothing else.

Hmmm, if only there was some sort of solution for that. I dunno, bare metal JIT on a popular hobby ARM device of some kind...

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 8:48:24
#29 ]
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roar wrote:

going after someone for spelling errors? thats pathetic.

Leave out the "question" part and your spot on.

Wannabe community leaders, arrogant donothings, obnoxious pseudo commercial actors combined with endless amounts of gullibly and stupidity...

Feels like it is 2004 again

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 9:13:38
#30 ]
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it is arm. want people to use arm give them something as good as ios/android.

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 9:30:44
#31 ]
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Keeping wet farts like Karlos, ...

I take exception to that. I'm more of a prolonged dry fart, a slow building but muscular waft, threaded with low notes of freshly fertilised farmland.

This is the realm where *I* usually use to shine. The realm of the odorous anal gasescapings, either accidental or intentional, either booming or merely whispering. And I'm quite proud to state that at times I'm a skillfull and resourcefull master in the art, hence...


Life is a waste of time.
Time is a waste of life.
Get wasted all the time
and you'll have the time of your life!

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 9:57:28
#32 ]
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Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


It's your supper power?

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 10:26:30
#33 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


It's your supper power?
No supper, no power. No power, no means to shine in the art...


Life is a waste of time.
Time is a waste of life.
Get wasted all the time
and you'll have the time of your life!

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 10:59:03
#34 ]
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From: Norway


People that have post thousands of posts ...

When I was young, we use to compete for points.

12731 comments / (20 years * 365 days per year) = 1.74 post per day.

if make 2 post per day for 20 years you will catch up.

I joined the forum 2 years after it was created.
there where people posting a lot more than me but have not been so consistent over the years.
Only tomazkid has posted more than me, he was a site moderator.

Almost no one of the top 20 are posting here anymore, the site has shifted a lot from what it used to be.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 10-Feb-2024 at 11:13 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 10-Feb-2024 at 11:07 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 10-Feb-2024 at 11:03 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 10-Feb-2024 at 11:00 AM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 11:25:45
#35 ]
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Almost no one of the top 20 are posting here anymore, the site has shifted a lot from what it used to be.

I can see this is true.

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 11:32:02
#36 ]
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From: Germany



roar wrote:

going after someone for spelling errors? thats pathetic.

I also make a lot of spelling errors, so I would be an hypocritical for pointing put such things. But it wasn't the case.

In fact, someone can make much less spelling errors being a (English/American) native speaker, but it doesn't mean that he/she understands what other people have said.

Which is exactly the case with those mentioned "spelling errors".

Those were pointed out NOT per sé (read: to make jokes against people committing them), rather because it was a way to RECOGNIZE a specific person by the mistakes that he makes.

Unfortunately functional illiteracy seems to be a widespread disease...



Kronos wrote:


roar wrote:

going after someone for spelling errors? thats pathetic.

Leave out the "question" part and your spot on.

Wannabe community leaders, arrogant donothings, obnoxious pseudo commercial actors combined with endless amounts of gullibly and stupidity...

Feels like it is 2004 again

... and blind fanaticism from zealots defending their faith is another rather common plague.

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 11:37:25
#37 ]
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From: Unknown


At least you have self awareness

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 11:40:07
#38 ]
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From: Germany



Kronos wrote:

At least you have self awareness

I've only enough to recognize such forms of delirium, which affects many community of pseudo-religion believers.

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 11:55:27
#39 ]
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Joined: 16-Oct-2009
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From: UK


That was an interesting bit of history.

I've not tried wayback machine but I do have some memories of the debate over a V2 FPU vs AGA getting space in the core. The V2 was all about compromise (still a nice product compared to the competition or lack there of at the time). It was a stepping stone to the V4 which has a lot going for it (despite what is for the now market, a minor description issue) . I would guess it was decided the CYCLONE 5 was too expensive at the time the V2 was being conceived.

Last edited by Tpod on 10-Feb-2024 at 12:18 PM.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Why does Amigaworld give con mans, hoaxers, liars a platform to talk? Is this not a big shame for Amiga?
Posted on 10-Feb-2024 20:28:03
#40 ]
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From: Unknown

This is beautiful, there is no hard censorship on this site... Please keep it this way



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