I've made a port of this old LCD console game Caveman. I never owned this game before, so the gameplay is recreated from playing the c64 version and the online version at https://itizso.itch.io/tomy-caveman (from where I grabbed the gfx) The sound samples could be more accurate, so if anyone van supply me with better ones, I'd be happe to add them
Here is a link to first playable release for all amiga flavours, as well as android. Note its made with Hollywood so a gfx card would be requires.
I have experimented with the plananarama Hollywood plugin. This should enable the game to run on Amigas without graphics card.
There is an OSC and an AGA version. I only tested in in WinUAE on various OS3x setups and it seem to run on OCS systems and with 68020, 1 MB Chip and 8 MB fast ram. A faster CPU is highly recommended, as it was very slow when I tried to emulate real A1200 speed. Codesets.library (aminet is requered)
It would be nice if somebody can test this on real hardware, and see how it performs on the real thing. How fast amiga is needed to make it playable?