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EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 12:20:04
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Joined: 22-Nov-2003 Posts: 1962
From: Birmingham, England | | |
| That man is amazing...
I wanna say a massive thanks to Rich for the recent availability of EUAE.
I have just been playing SlamTilt, in a window, at full speed (100%, 50fps) with all the bells & whistles & music going on.
Thank you!!!
PS. There had to be at least ONE question didn't there How do I insert different disks during use. F12 + F1 didn't give me anything. |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 12:24:25
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| @FuZion
SlamTilt?! Isn't that AGA-only?! Nice!  _________________ After a decade away from the scene, I am back! |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 12:31:52
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| @amipal
That it is my pal... That it is! 
Hehe, look at me. I forgot the link Although I should bloomin well hope you all have this in your "Important Sites" bookmarks.
FuZion. Last edited by FuZion on 17-Oct-2004 at 01:11 PM.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 12:31:56
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 12:52:10
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| @FuZion
As with Coder I am a bit perplexed. I assume we have to compile the src somehow? Sorry but I am a bit new to this, I have just spent all day replacing Yellowdog with Debian and updating and adding programs where I could manage, not at all a pleasant experience (some successes though!). I nearly died when I saw the Master's announcement and immediately went to his site only to download the slowest 1mb or so of my entire life (shows how popular it is with everyone banging the site!)
Then imagine my horror to find I have to compile and I am a midget in that area but wait that is not the end, you then come on board and brag about playing Slamtilt, my all time favourite game of any platform and one which my wife has taken over posession of my 1200 every night after work.
Please help us poor mortals, how do we compile the src??? I would rather ask you than the Master (Evil One ) as he has already given so much this week!!
Any help appreciated.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:00:50
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| @acefnq
I too am a mere mortal, I had trouble compiling a "Hello World" example. Anywho, there's an executable ready to run. Head to the bottom of the page & it's (Currently) the 4th item down, just under the source link... Unless of course you mean a Linux binary, in which case you've got me.
You've got me too. It run straight off from me. The only difference is that, simply cuz I wanted to use it yesterday, I double clicked the icon (Show all files) & ran it from there.
FuZion. Last edited by FuZion on 17-Oct-2004 at 01:03 PM. Last edited by FuZion on 17-Oct-2004 at 01:01 PM.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:37:06
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| @FuZion
You've got me too. It run straight off from me. The only difference is that, simply cuz I wanted to use it yesterday, I double clicked the icon (Show all files) & ran it from there. |
I just tried that too but also the Grim Reaper comes. Did you change the config file a lot? Maybe the problem lies in there?
Coder_________________ Can't get enough of me? The Bucket Diary Blog The Bucket Diary Twitter Account |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:39:43
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Super Member  |
Joined: 22-Nov-2003 Posts: 1962
From: Birmingham, England | | |
| @Coder
Not really. Here's mine:
# Example UAE configuration # # Lines beginning with a '#' are comments
# Path to file containing Kickstart ROM image kickstart_rom_file=kick.rom
# If you have an encrypted ROM image from Amiga forever, # this is a path to the key file #kickstart_key_file=rom.key
#Show status LEDs on emulator screen show_leds=true
# Floppy image in drive 0 floppy0=Fun:+ADFs+/
# Joystick port emulation #joyport0=mouse joyport1=kbd1
# CPU type to emulate cpu_type=68020 # CPU emulation speed # real = approx A500 speed. max = CPU emulation will run as fast as it can cpu_speed=max
# Amiga chipset to emulate # Can be ocs, ecs or aga chipset=aga
# Amount of chip memory to emulate # in multiples of 512K. Thus chipmem=4 is 2MB chipmem_size=4
# Amount of fast memory to emulate in MB fastmem_size=4
# Sound output # none=no ouput sound_output=normal
# Frequency of emulated sound output in Hz #sound_frequency=48000
# Prompt for screen mode to use amiga.screen_type=ask
# Don't dither #amiga.use_dither=false |
FuZion |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:40:06
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| @Coder
i think a gui is needed for all us not too clued up in shell commands |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:41:54
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| @FuZion
You sir are a gentleman, thakyou. I of course feel a much bigger pratt than earlier today fighting with Debian. The reality is i looked at the dates of the files and did not proceed down the page. Slamtilt here I come. Wooooheee.
Evilrich, expect something in your Xmas stocking from me.
ace |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:53:29
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Joined: 22-Nov-2003 Posts: 1962
From: Birmingham, England | | |
| @acefnq
No worries Mr.
If you suss out how to insert other disks drop me a line, until then, Mean Machines it is. My fave was Ace of Space, although they were all pretty fine.
I have another question now. I've seen pics of UAE where the display is showing your game, app, workbench etc withough the great big black border around it. I imagine the border is because the classic Amiga could display quite large screens beyond the border of normal viewing.
How can I set it so that I see the bits I want. ie. Games that run in 320x240 can be used on that same screen mode?
Huh, edit, edit, edit... My typing fingers are broke today. Last edited by FuZion on 17-Oct-2004 at 01:58 PM.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 13:57:05
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| @Coder
missing the rom file or wrongly named maybe? , i got the GR on this a while back so most likely thats the prob.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 14:40:02
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| @FuZion
In the new UAE drawer you will find a file called UAERC, drag it across your notepad icon on the dock, you can then reconfigure it, at the second to last set of parameters you can set your screenmode, I am no expert but I think the black screens will depend on what mode you are using + the settings. I run os4 on 1024x768 32 bit, if I set the screenmode to "ask" then a requestor comes up at the start of each game, If I use 640x480 it is good but "grainy" 800x600 "not bad' but @1024x768 you will get the black border but very very good resolution (all these modes in 8bit).
Also from memory you can change or add disks by hitting ctrl alt F1 (F2, F3, F4). Hope this helps.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 14:44:52
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| @Toaks
missing the rom file or wrongly named maybe? , i got the GR on this a while back so most likely thats the prob. |
I don't think so. I dropped the rom file in the same dir as the exe. Does it matter what the name of the drawer is were UAE is in? I will check it double since if it works for others it should also work for me.
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 15:05:34
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| @Coder
Put it in th exe directory or point to it in the UAERC file, also make sure it is called kick.rom, other emulators will only accept this name despite the verion, I am unsure as to what EUAE expects but it works for me.
ace |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 15:17:12
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| @acefnq
also make sure it is called kick.rom |
I tried it but no luck. I double checked everything but it just does not work. I guess today is really not my day. Not much, actually nothing, is working. Bah!
Coder_________________ Can't get enough of me? The Bucket Diary Blog The Bucket Diary Twitter Account |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 15:42:10
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| @FuZion
EUAE RELEASED????!!! YEAH THANKS! _________________ ikir |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 16:01:07
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| Coder no!
First the MP3 problem, now this. Is there a doctor in the.....
"I got here as soon as I could!" (Futurama - Bend Her - Series 3 - Final Scene)
FuZion. |
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 16:22:59
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| @FuZion
First the MP3 problem, now this. Is there a doctor in the..... |
Your typical sunday. Monday's are even worse so maybe I should leave the machine untouched. 
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Re: EUAE... A work of pure evil (Genius) Posted on 17-Oct-2004 16:27:09
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 19-Oct-2003 Posts: 534
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| @FuZion
PS. There had to be at least ONE question didn't there How do I insert different disks during use. F12 + F1 didn't give me anything. |
It's Ctrl+Alt+F1 for the AmigaOS version (see the README).
Cheers, Rich
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