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software Classic   software Classic : Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to support the Octodapter
   posted by AmigaPapst on 18-Jul-2024 16:12:37 (968 reads)
We are looking for game developers who would like to adapt their existing Amiga games or future developments to our new 10 player adapter called Octodapter.

The Octodapter provides 8 additional joystick ports via the Amiga's parallel port and will even support wireless joypads and joysticks in the final version.

Development documentation can be found on Aminet. Every developer who is willing to adapt their game to the adapter will receive a free Octodapter from us as a thank you.

Interested developers should contact us at:

The release date of the adapter for end customers has not yet been set, but autumn 2024 is the target date.

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Re: Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to
Posted on 20-Jul-2024 23:35:45
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6370
From: S.Wales

If you can convince Paul Burkey to update Sneech to support this adapter that would be great for Amiga gatherings and shows.

The game currently supports up to 6 players 2 on Keyboard, 2 on a 4 player adapter and 2 on the standard joystick ports. There are four additional players that can only be controlled by the CPU but with support for this adapter it would be possible to have 10 players competing in front of a big screen.

His contact details are on his website.

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Re: Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to
Posted on 8-Aug-2024 8:45:15
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 2-Nov-2003
Posts: 637
From: Amigavatikan

I have contacted Paul, I am curious.

AmigaOne X1000 1,8 Ghz/2 GB Ram + Radeon 6670 2 GB + AmigaOS4.1
A4000T CyberstormPPC 604e-200Mhz/060/128MB+CybervisionPPC 8MB + AmigaOS4
and anymore other Amigas...

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