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 OneTimer1:  4 hrs 13 mins ago News News : AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
   posted by AMIGASYSTEM on 4-Sep-2024 10:30:50 (1132 reads)

AROS One x86 v2.6 includes a lot of new and updated software, also some important Core files have been fixed.

The various System and Application configurations have also been improved.

From this version on the AROS One website you will also find the specific update for AROS One 2.5, for all those who want to upgrade to version 2.6 without re-installing the new system.

In the Upgrade AROS One 2.5 To v2.6 package you will also find a file called "Aros-One 2.5-Fix" this must be run before the update via its Icon, and serves to clean up AROS One v2.5 of files no longer needed or to be replaced.


This is the list of new features you will find in AROS One v2.6 (read more)

Update AROS One Core:
- IconList.mui
- i8042.hidd
- crt.library
- debug.library
- Keymaps Spanish
- muimaster.library
- Catalog Dutch (Icons)
- Wanderer
- New Buttons ArosPDF

Update AROS One OS System:
- New Icon Bar AmiStart (Glow Icons)
- New splash (Grub)
- New Backdrops AROS One
- New Descriptors Datatypes
- New Def _Icons
- SMB2-Start
- New Play-List Radio (Music 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s)
- Script Empty .Recycled (Also Empty Folders)
- Script Show .Recycled
- Script Hide .Recycled
- Update DOpus4 Config
- Update SMB2 Docs
- Set clock on AmiStart

Update AROS One Apps:
- PintorWeb v5.0
- VindentiumPicta v3.5
- iConecta v5.25
- Vintage Song Player v2.60
- Omanko v1.25
- WitchCleaner v3.20
- Image2PDF v2.7
- Crono v3.0
- FIGlet v2.2.5
- SFSobject v1.6
- DeleteIcons v1.0
- Leeko (Demo Scene)
- Micery (Demo Scene)
- AnimWebConv KeyCode
- AROSDebugView (A viewer for debug messages)
- RapaGUI v2.2

Update AROS One Games:
- BlackjuanPoker KeyCode (unblock the adult mode)
- Caveman

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AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
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Re: AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
Posted on 9-Sep-2024 9:47:21
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2004
Posts: 3670
From: Unknown

A little tip with Pintor Web you can resize the image in this article before to upload, because with some browsers the web will show a few bad.

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Re: AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
Posted on 9-Sep-2024 15:44:06
#2 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 27-Nov-2022
Posts: 113

Thanks Juan, usually this 800x646 resolution is fine on all forums, even on mobile phones it is perfect as a resolution.

Pintor Web works well and I have noticed that you don't lose quality when reducing image resolutions

AROS One Home Site
AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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Re: AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
Posted on 9-Sep-2024 21:31:49
#3 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 21-Nov-2004
Posts: 316
From: Zdzieszowice, Poland

Does Aros support standard Amiga Newicons? For example an 32 col Glowicons set?

I miss draggable screens in MorphOS... and do you? I know I'm in a minority unfortunately.

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Re: AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
Posted on 9-Sep-2024 23:59:50
#4 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 27-Nov-2022
Posts: 113


AROS supports Icons Amiga OS 1.3, 2.x, 3.1, 3.2, 3.9, OS4, OS 4.1, PowerIcon, MorphOS Icon, Glow Icon OS 3.9, Glow Icons DualPNG OS3.

Practically any icon is supported, however using old Glow Icons on AROS x86/68k is mortifying as AROS uses high quality RTG screens, whether you have a supported Video Card or in VESA mode.

Last edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 10-Sep-2024 at 12:00 AM.

AROS One Home Site
AfA One Amiga OS 3.9

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Re: AROS One v2.6 x86 ABIv0 Released
Posted on 18-Sep-2024 11:53:43
#5 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2007
Posts: 653
From: Finland

I was wanting to try AROS by installing it to my PC, but I don't seem to find any simple guide on how to do it, or is it so that it is not simple to do at all?

Seemed to be talking of making partition to hard disk etc.

Is there any clear tutorial how to install AROS to a modern PC, or is it even doable?

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