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Events   Events : Finnish Amiga Users Group's Saku 2024 Event on September 22nd
   posted by jPV on 15-Sep-2024 16:23:56 (229 reads)
Finnish Amiga Users Group is happy to announce the return of the Saku events! Started in 1997, Saku is the longest running Amiga show in Finland. We will hold our Saku 2024 event in Oulu, Finland on Sunday, September 22nd.

The event will feature many classic Amiga computers from A500 to A4000, FPGA setups, and next generation systems. Visitors can use all setups freely for gaming and other activities.

There will be several game competitions with prizes and demos are shown on a big screen. The latest Amiga Future magazines are available for reading, as well as other magazines from all decades.

Finnish Amiga retailer AmiGarage will be present with some Amiga goodies.

Admittance is free of charge. Saku 2024 will start at 14:00 on September 22nd at Oulun Tetra ground floor conference room at Makelininkatu 31.

Please visit the users group's website at for more information.



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