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Software News   Software News : Exodus The Last War joint order
   posted by AndreasM on 21-Sep-2004 18:50:10 (5323 reads)
After the release of the GFX patch for Exodus on the Amiga Future homepage many people have asked where to buy Exodus.

We have contacted the developers and organized a joint order. The game can be ordered at the APC&TCP homepage and the prize is 9,50 Euros plus shipping costs.

User outside of Germany can obtain the game via PayPal or bank transfer at the APC&TCP.

We guarantee that you get the game still this september!

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Re: Exodus joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 19:39:41
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway

Way is it joint order? is it not working?

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 20:32:24
#2 ]
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From: Europe

For those people who don't know Exodus The Last War, you can find more information at the following websites:

Amiga Flame (pictures)
The Amiga Games Database (English review)
The Amiga Games Database (English 2nd review)
Hall of Light (English with pictures)
No RIsc No fun (German review with pictures)
AmiWorld On Line (Italien review with pictures)


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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 20:45:03
#3 ]
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Joined: 21-Jun-2003
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From: Beds, UK

Does it work on AmigaOne/OS4? I'm in serious need of some games that run


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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 21:17:13
#4 ]
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Joined: 16-Sep-2003
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From: Germany

I think (i dont know!) the game dont run on aos4 or mos.

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more. - -

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 21:42:14
#5 ]
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From: Norway

There is patch, it's not working on the demo version, I don't think it works on full version,

This kind of reminds me of the first upload of ImageFX demo on OS4Depot the one that replaced importent MUI system classes.

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 22:11:37
#6 ]
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From: Germany

the patch works with the fullversion from exodus

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more. - -

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 22:47:28
#7 ]
Elite Member
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From: Norway

I have a hard time believing this, as on my system I'm not allow to define
CDDA device = A1ide.device unit 1 it simply not saved, every thing else is saved.

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 21-Sep-2004 23:05:20
#8 ]
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i'm still having problems with this game on the a1 , it boots fine and enters the levels but then the game just hangs , but im hoping it will work when os4.0 is out

that said, i doubt it will work on pre release versions , the update might bring it as far as i get now but lets wait and see.

im atleast filling in a second order on this great game as it deserves it.


See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 0:13:02
#9 ]
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Hey, I'm all for buying things I can use. But if I cannot use it then I'm not buying it. I'm not a charity!

So hopefully I'll hear that you're running it in all its glory on the A1 soon, at which point I might want it.

This goes for a LOT of stuff. Doesn't work on my machine? Why should I pay for it then?

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 1:26:07
#10 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

@ Olegil

This goes for a LOT of stuff. Doesn't work on my machine? Why should I pay for it then?

You're a die-hard fan who pays for everything that says Amiga?

More seriously though, you got a good point there.
Just because we're starving for new software, is not a reason to buy software for charity, or software that one does not need.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 10:33:11
#11 ]
Elite Member
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From: Lyon, France

CDDA device = A1ide.device unit 1 it simply not saved, every thing else is saved

Even if it is not saved, it works. You just have to define it everytime you want to run the game.

Didn't try the patch yet....

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 10:59:10
#12 ]
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From: Italy

It it will run on OS4 i could consider to buy a copy


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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 11:32:40
#13 ]
Elite Member
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Posts: 8042

sure i see your point , and its a valid one.


the big problem with this game is the usual stuff, game is hard to find (the copy i got here is boxless as the shop that sold it to me in the uk suxxor as he wanted to save postage...AAAARGH (thats a big grief for someone like me who is a box collector )

And this game is expensive , an example in sweden at ggs it costs iirc 500+ sek.

so all in all im going for the joint order.
and when i see it works (I HOPE I HOPE!) then i will scream it out loud here and laugh eviliy and become a evil powermonger...umm

if this game doesnt work in the near future then we can stick to earth2140 while we wait, shame that it doesnt got Internet play like Exoudus got.


See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 13:41:10
#14 ]
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From: Bureå / Sweden


Make that 645 SEK.


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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 14:16:57
#15 ]
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menthos: ok, as i suspected then

andreasM:any chance for the developers to fix this game if it doesnt work on MOS/AOS4 ? or have they left as they said back in 2001 when they dropped the sequel to exodus TLW.

(screenshots of the sequel is on the TLW cd btw)

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 14:34:06
#16 ]
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no matter what u guys think....i went for it , now lets hope its fully boxed with the cardboard box i saw at a show some time ago....

and yes i will try my old one while i wait and report how it works now since i have updated os4 quite alot since back then.


See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 18:48:13
#17 ]
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Joined: 16-Sep-2003
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From: Germany

btw. dont forget that the offer time limited...

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more. - -

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 19:41:17
#18 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Sep-2003
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From: Gothenburg, Sweden


Please try to answer Toaks question, since the game works on mos (as the home page for the game has some FAQ reagarding it) I guess it should be able to run in OS4. If at least there will be some effort in making it work I think it will sell much better.

Time limited or not time limited..



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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 19:57:19
#19 ]
Elite Member
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Sorry, but if there's no work being done to ensure the game will work on my system it's not very likely I'll spend that kinda money on it

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Exodus The Last War joint order
Posted on 22-Sep-2004 22:30:16
#20 ]
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Joined: 16-Sep-2003
Posts: 337
From: Germany

hmm, i dont know its a chance for a os4 or mos version.

i write today to the developer with this question and wait for the answer.

but i think the porblem ist that they dont have a amigaone, pegasos, os4 or mos and cant make a patch without help from a other good devleoper.

and yes, my english is horror pur :)

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more. - -

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