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Software News   Software News : The MorphOS/MUI version of OWB 1.9 for AOS4 is released
   posted by kas1e on 1-Sep-2011 6:17:05 (17598 reads)
The MorphOS/MUI version of OWB 1.9 (now called Odyssey Web Browser) has just been released for OS4, you can grab it from os4depot upload section for now.

Please no need to saying "good work", "thanks" or anything like that while you not have aos4 to test that port, or you have, but just have no time to try it out. You should be sure that browser works for you, and you like it, before saing something like "good work" and all the other bananas. We will be more in interest to heard about problems and normal critic about port.

[b]You also should to understand that its _NOT_ amigaos4 browser , and we not authors. Author are Fab, and browser was done for Morphos, and only because Reaction OWB feature less, have problems, and no more in develop, we dedicated to port it. So, please, no boing-balls and other aos4-only-possible stuff

Now, after you download archive, be sure that:

1. You should have update3 installed, and all mui apps works for you already. You should be sure, that you use ONLY new classes which come with new MUI in update3. Its easy to mess things up, and everything will be crashy and buggy. So, the better way, its just one more time copy manually all the mui libs and classes from update3 archive to your mui directory. For example there is new Lamp class (68k one are buggy and crashy). So, be very carefull, and before saying "browser crashes and not works" , try to be sure that your mui installation 100% up2 date.

2. You should have some expirience with amiga like oses. I saying it, because many amigaos4 users looks like they first time run amigaos, and have milions of problems , which, they should not have. So, we expected that you are advanced user and can dig in yourself in some problems which can occurs at begining before screaming "it not works!".

3. Read all the readmes !
I know, it very hard and not interesting, and all of you will just double click on OWB-Launcher icon , but i still in hope that you will read all the readmes soon or later. There is 4:
1. main OWB readme (adapted to aos4 of course)
2. Amigaos_User readme - there you will found some users Q/A , which will be updated as well
3. Amigaos_Devel readme - there you will found some devels Q/A, which also will be updated.
4. Bugs_and_suggestions.html - VERY VERY important file, to which you need dig in before you will start to saying "please add that", or "please change that", or "that and that not works as should". In that file you will found about what we aware already, and, if your suggestion or problems are not listed here, then, send all the stuff for us and we will works on it as well.

First run are slow because font generation will happens. It will be only one time at first run

In end of all, i want to say thanks to:

Fab, who kindly give us the source to make a port, and help a lot with understanding his code , mui and everything related to. Its not so offten that morphos dev are kindly to aos4 devs, and help them to make amigaos4 a bit better.

Tboeckel (Thore) , who in general did _very very_ hard job in updating our mui3.9, to "almost" mui4, and he still works on it, so , we can expect better versions of mui in next updates. It will be never mui4, but it will be very-very close soon or later, so developers will do their code without problems.

Deniil from OnyxSoft, who do all the hardcore mui work and mui-bugs-hunting. Without him we also will have nothing.

Samo79 for his interest and betatest and to Realize who started a thread about "what you waiting for".

To all the others who help, and to all who saying that port is not possible and make no sense (that add a bit motivation as well).

So .. Test it, play with it, use it, collect bug reports, send it to us, try to be smart, try to be productive and try to not be fanatic of one OS, because only in cooperation something positive will happen here.

Of course bugs are present in our port, problem can happens, something not done, but we will see if you all will in interest about it , and if all will going well, we will port Plugins, Mediplayer, SwfDec parts as well as merging with latest Fabs code.

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Re: The MorphOS/MUI version of OWB 1.9 for AOS4 is released
Posted on 16-Nov-2012 15:14:15
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