Software News : New videos of the Soms3D-Engine in action
posted by MikeB on 20-Nov-2003 9:24:44 (2227 reads)
The Anime Development for Amiga (ADA) team has released some new videos demonstrating the Secret of my Soul (SOMS) 3D-Engine. The Videos were captured on an A1200 with Bvision, 603e+@166 Mhz PPC and 96MB Fast. Other teams who are developing a Pirates! clone named Drake and another the Civiliazation clone Realm of Power are seeking additional help.
SOMS is starting to look like something indeed, looking 4ward to see some more of it.. but i didnt see any other people in the video, wonder how it moves when that gets in place.
drake looks awesome and hopefully he have got some help with gfx by now, reall a game that i will appriciate when it comes.
the last one mentioned (realms of power?) is the one i know the least about, but i know he have been looking for people on this game for a long time now, lets hope someone steps up soon.
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Re: New videos of the Soms3D-Engine in action Posted on 20-Nov-2003 18:41:56