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Internet News   Internet News : "Made for Linux" computer reference design gets airing
   posted by GadgetMaster on 5-Jan-2004 0:08:19 (2609 reads)
An article at OS Views discusses a computer using Linux that would be as accessible to people as the Mac or PC platforms.

The article says that while the Open Source community has made great gains over the years in quality and quantity, hardware designs have perhaps been overlooked.

read more in the Inquirer Article, or Original Source of article

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 5-Jan-2004 8:46:35
#1 ]
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From: Unknown

So the Article basically say's for linux to be a popular end user operating system it needs to change. It needs to remove everything that makes it linux, and create a small highly functional operating system, which " Works" without having to mess around with all manner of crap.

Sounds less about actually making a linux desktop solution, than just making a decent alternative operating system.

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 5-Jan-2004 15:11:09
#2 ]
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From: Cheltenham, UK

Sounds less about actually making a linux desktop solution, than just making a decent alternative operating system.
Hmmm, theres one of those floating around here somewhere... cant quite place it though :o)


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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 5-Jan-2004 15:38:14
# ]

linux needs to become far, far less complicated and more user friendly if it wants to gain more users and acceptance IMHO

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 5-Jan-2004 15:58:33
#4 ]
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And you don't make things less complicated by adding more code.

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 5-Jan-2004 19:38:17
#5 ]
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From: TrustVille

What this article, and the subsequent comments, show is that people are getting more and tired of Windows and are looking for a viable alternative.

As linux is gains popularity outside of the programming community, it is the OS that people are pinning their hopes on. It is in the publics eye and hence it gains the focus of the article writer.

The fact is that Linux is still not as easy to use as windows. There is still a market for an 'easy to use' OS other than windows. The first OS to fill that niche will win the publics favour. It remains to be seen whether Amiga OS has the ingredients that will entice new users. If that happens it definatelt won't be very soon. It will take many years to carve out a userbase and to attract new developers.

Now we can only hope that people will at least start considering alternatives apart from Windows and Linux.

The problem of the chicken and egg comes to mind. developers wont make programs if there are not enough users and users won't buy if there are not enough programs.

One solution (albeit not a realistic one) is for the entire current userbase to become programmers and to start coding for the platform. Then in a few years there will be enough programs to entice more users. More users will create a more lucrative market for the developers to consider as a sound investment.

And maybe i will awaken from this dream soon....

Nice to see that someone mentioned Amiga in one of the last comments though.

Trust me. I'm a doctor.

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 5-Jan-2004 23:43:52
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From: Seattle, Washington (North Wet USA)

Poster: GadgetMaster Date: 5-Jan-2004 11:38:17
The fact is that Linux is still not as easy to use as windows. There is still a market for an 'easy to use' OS other than windows. The first OS to fill that niche will win the publics favour.

Why is it then that Mac has not made any headway?
People are clearly tired of Windows but the easy to use Mac is not doing well at all.
What is the magic ingredient to capture the hearts and minds of the world where computers are concerned?

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 6-Jan-2004 2:02:39
#7 ]
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From: TrustVille

You have a point.

I guess the computer running the OS has to be dirt cheap too, also the OS has to be easy to use as well as have plenty of mainstream apps. That sounds like a recipe for success.

Or did I miss something.

Trust me. I'm a doctor.

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 6-Jan-2004 4:08:02
#8 ]
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From: 3rd Rock from the Sun!

I think Java Desktop is the best stab at building a user friendly Linux distro thus far. Of course I assume that Sun has no interest in regards to JDS and the consumer at this point. Of course they plan to bring out a version of Solaris using it's JDS environment. I would rather run Solaris than Linux if I had my choice with respect to JDS.


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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 6-Jan-2004 5:29:56
# ]

didn't miss a thing GadgetMaster. That's exactly why the Mac hasn't become "the computer for the rest of us". It costs too much more money for how much (little) better than Windows it is.

Unfotunately, no matter how much better OS4 is too many people are not going to want, or be able to afford a whole 'nother system.

AmigaOS has to also either go x86, or have the PPC hardware come WAY down in price. I think a great solution would be a PCI-based PPC card that would use the rest of an x86 PC. Maybe someone will come out with something like that.

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Re: "Made for Linux" computer reference design get
Posted on 6-Jan-2004 16:55:34
#10 ]
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AmigaOS has to also either go x86, or have the PPC hardware come WAY down in price. I think a great solution would be a PCI-based PPC card that would use the rest of an x86 PC. Maybe someone will come out with something like that.

Sun's UltraSPARC III 64-bit machines are affordable - $1400, have a tidy version of UNIX - Solaris, and can have PC compatability with x86 PCI cards (below). The cards cost more than a equivelant PC but at least they are in the same case. Nobody is banging down the doors to get one though.

Still would like to see another PC bridgeboard again though.



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