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Announcement : issue 47 (March/April 2004) of Amiga Future released |
posted by AndreasM on 7-Mar-2004 18:19:45 (1425 reads) |
Today, issue 47 (March/April 2004) of the Amiga Future has been released. This means, that all subscriptions and single orders have been given up at the post office today.
It will naturally still take some time until the booklet arrives.
In this issue you will find a detailed test of the Pegasos II beside many other articles. Suitably we started the 1. Part of the "Linux on Pegasos" workshop.
Beside many other reports like eTeacher test, adventure special, interview and news we again gathered and published all possible information about Amiga OS 4.
A detailed content list as well as samples can be found under
On our additional CD you will find masses of PD software and in in addition:
* Complete homepage of the on-line magazine "NoCover" with all current issues! * Amiga magazine "Amiga Intern", second expenditure as pdf magazine * Free operating system Athens OS * Film "Pegasos 2"
The Amiga Future is directly available at the editorship as subscription and as single booklet.
Editors wanted:
We are looking for booklet editors as well as on-line editors for the Amiga Future.
Interested users can announce themselves at or have a look at:
We are moving: We move momentarily. Therefore we are nearly not attainable on the phone and also e-mails can take sometime longer. The post office unfortunately changed our p.o. box address! We still have the postal address "p.o. box 83, 83234 Uebersee". We are not reachable at the adress "Dorfstrasse 17" anymore. |
| STORYID: 1285
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