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Announcement : Amiga-Midwest new Yahoo Group/ML for the central U.S. |
posted by erwin-k on 11-Mar-2004 3:30:51 (1594 reads) |
So that Amiga users from the central United States can keep in touch a new Yahoo group has been created.
Recently Yahoo shut down the group used by the Kansas City Users Group. Let's face it, there was little traffic. A recent thread on AmigaWorld got me to thinking. Comments came from Indiana to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Everyone wanted to know just who is still out there.
So, in hopes of meeting a need I created the Amiga-Midwest Yahoo Group. The group will be just a mailing list for now. User Groups and individuals who consider themselves to be in the Mid-West are invited to join. Please send an email to Include a short message about your Amiga experience so I can tell you are not a SPAMer.
Once you are signed in, please post any information about Users Groups or Amiga get togethers of any kind. Discussions of anything Amiga related or semi-related is welcome. However, leave the flame throwers, the bad language, and the politics outside.
Be glad to have you!
Bob Kennedy |
| STORYID: 1293
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