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Internet News   Internet News : A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
   posted by z5 on 18-Apr-2004 18:46:26 (3079 reads)
At Breakpoint 2004 (April 8-10), the Amiga platform made a remarkable comeback in the demoscene. The first batch of stunning releases has now been added to the Amiga Demoscene Archive.

The following productions were added:
- Ikanim / Loonies (Aga, 68k, winner of the 4k intro competition)
- Respirator Stories / Ephidrena (Aga, 68k, 3rd place in the demo competition)
- Silkcut / The Black Lotus (Aga, 68k, 1st place in the demo competition)
- Heartcore / IRIS (Aga, 68k, 4th place in the demo competition).

82 screenshots were added from these 4 fantastic productions. More releases to come soon.

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 18-Apr-2004 19:58:24
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Sep-2003
Posts: 1585
From: Gothenburg, Sweden

TBL r u l e z ! ! ! ! ! !

Me and a couple of friends got an "audio commentery" of the winning demo by Kalms^TBL last night at our barbque


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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 18-Apr-2004 20:04:43
#2 ]
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From: Belgium


Agreed. But most of the other stuff released was of an exceptional standard as well. Quite amazing what happened there. It is one of the most exciting updates i have done in two and a half years of A.D.A.

By the way, the music of TBL's demo was done by Blaizer, who is probably known better for his fantastic tunes on the Amiga Pinball series from Digital Illusions (and his two fab tunes on the Merregnon soundtrack).

The next batch of demos will be added soon (i hope), including the very fresh and original demo from Up Rough, the nice demo from Tulou and some others...

A.miga D.emoscene A.rchive

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 18-Apr-2004 23:19:44
#3 ]
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From: Cambridge, UK

Ah, this is the demo party with the 96KB first person shoot-em-up PC game isn't it (well worth looking at if you have a PC that meets the minimum spec requirement, although the AI isn't that great).

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 1:25:09
#4 ]
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From: Azjol-Nerub

Holy ####:

amazing looking demo

Truly stunning

actually i just the screenshots of the black lotus group <-- that smilie says it all

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 9:45:10
#5 ]
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From: UK/South Wales

Yes...I love amiga demos. I can watch them for hours and hours.
Hay if classic amiga demos are good imagine how good Amigaone OS4 demos will be.


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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 10:22:39
#6 ]
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Joined: 4-Jan-2003
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From: South Wales, UK

One thing I do find missing from the Amiga Demoscene website is the ability to search for demos which support specific features. For example, my system is currently incapable of displaying AGA screens (unless I drag the multisync down) and benefits from a top of the range PPC processor with a Voodoo3 3000 Graphics cards, so I would like to be able to ask the site to return all demos which are PPC/RTG compatable. Sometimes I find it hard to find out what is supported and what isn't.

I have very recently taken an interest in the demo scene and I have to say, the quality of some of the work is amazing. Push Entertainment do very good stuff, as well as a lot of others. I notice that a lot of the demos, even new stuff is AGA based which unfortunately means I can't view them but even the screenshots on those look amazing. I guess I've forgotten what AGA can do when it comes to graphics!!

Keep up the good work everyone


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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 10:55:54
#7 ]
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From: Belgium


As a matter of fact, this feature (the sort and search options) was available until a couple of days ago (changes from 16 April) :). You could see/sort the main demo list by year, chipset, demotype,... This feature will return one of these days. I just took it down for a small rework.

A.miga D.emoscene A.rchive

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 15:10:12
#8 ]
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003
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From: Mid Atlantic State USA

Thanks z5:

Nice looking web site as well.

I went to your FAQ and managed to find the Divx section and am watching and dnld now. The first site seems broken but Spoonwizard is working just fine.

Been a while since I've seen Amiga Demos!

Bob C


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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 19-Apr-2004 16:29:41
#9 ]
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Joined: 30-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

Yeah another proof how lame the pc scene is.. their demos on ghz pentiums get beaten by 50Mhz 060 demos.. and why? because they have no style..I cant wait for the first amigaone demo..

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 20-Apr-2004 8:36:05
#10 ]
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Some of the Amiga demos I downloaded were fantastic (TBL for a start), but others are giving me grief. So far, I have not once managed to see the 13.3MB Critical Mass demo because I cannot work out what screenmode that darn thing is trying to open. It always shows a garbled mis-coloured mess (which I have had with other demos in the past when they open the wrong screenmode from my CGX list even though the correct one is present).

Atm, I have modes for:

320x200, 320x240, 320x256, 640x400, 640,480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024, 1600x1200

256x256, 320x200, 320x240, 320x256, 384x240, 640x400, 640,480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024, 1600x1200

320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600

I have 2 or 3 other 15/16 bit modes which I cannot remember the exact sizes of, but they were specifically there for mame games with resolutions like 512x3?? and 480x3??.

I have tried removing all modes bar 320x200 and 800x600, and also with 320x240 and 800x600 which for some demos in the past has forced it to pick the right one, but this CM demo didn't want to play nice. It is times like this that really frustrate you - more so when the demo is a PPC one. It is a shame that sometimes just getting a demo to run (even though you have the spec to run it) can be such a PITA.

Test sig (new)

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 20-Apr-2004 10:59:34
#11 ]
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From: Belgium


Are you talking about the Creative Minds demo Demotron++ (Critical Mass?). If yes, they are working on a final version so maybe the problem will be solved.

A.miga D.emoscene A.rchive

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 20-Apr-2004 22:04:39
#12 ]
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Yes, that was the one. I was at work when I posted and I couldn't
remember the name of the demo. It is just one of many over the years
that I have had problems getting to work.

Iris-Heartcore causes me problems if I enable my prelude - as it
crashes. It is fine if I do not run the "preludereset" command to
activate the card.

Many years back there was a PPC demo written entirely in PPC-ASM that
was released at a party. Again the name elludes me, but I had no luck
getting that to run ever on my PUP system before I changed over to

Having said that though, quite a few 68K demos can give grief. It took
a lot of effort to get Loonies The Castle running on my system here
too, but it was well worth it

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 21-Apr-2004 10:10:49
#13 ]
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From: Belgium

Well, the best configuration for demos still is:
- a plain A1200, preferably with 68060 inside
- AGA chipset
- 16Mb Ram (allthough some demos need more memory: Silkcut, Heartcore, Magia, Mental, Amsterdam Blessings and some more).

That is the reason why i never installed/bought any additional hardware like graphic cards,...

It seems that things really start to get difficult when PPC and graphics cards is concerned.

A.miga D.emoscene A.rchive

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 22-Apr-2004 8:03:38
#14 ]
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From: Poland

@ z5

...although there are "quite a few" marvellous CGX/PPC demos [i.e. every Mawi or Encore productions and much more].
We shouldn't close in a frame like AGA machines, the world's going on...

Harthon gerithach raid gelin a chwest adel thraw lín :)


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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 22-Apr-2004 10:12:28
#15 ]
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From: Belgium


Ofcourse there are (never said there weren't). Just stating that 95% of the demos out there run on 68k. So if you want to see demos, 68k config is still the best option.

I hope the Amiga scene stays 68k though. But that is just my personal opinion.

A.miga D.emoscene A.rchive

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 22-Apr-2004 15:15:45
#16 ]
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From: UK


I hope the Amiga scene stays 68k though.

I have appreciated many of the PPC demos. Some of the Warp3D PPC 64K demos have been awesome, exceeding even some 2MB+ demos out there on both PC and Amiga.

It would be nice to see what can be achieved on AOS4 too with the new hardware. While a majority of demos are still 68K, they do not all seem to want to work on all systems even if the spec is there. There are problems with running on OS3.9 sometimes due to things SetPatch, or with the way the accelerator card you have installed does things (my old MBX1230 030/50 produces a level 6 interrupt that caused no end of problems with games and demos that ought to have worked but crashed instead).

However, some of these problems can be overcome when running the demo under UAE. The drawback here is some coders don't want you doing that and coded their demos to delete files when they detect you using a UAE system (Kill My Jazz for example). The only other drawback is sometimes UAE isn't able to handle things the demo does so you could end up missing bits or not being able to view the demo as it ought to be.

Test sig (new)

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 22-Apr-2004 15:44:58
#17 ]
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From: Belgium


Well, i must say that i never really had any troubles running demos on my setup. Ofcourse, demos from the 68030 period don't really like my 68060, but for that i plug in my 68030 once in a while. For older demos, i use my A500 or WhdLoad. It seems that the less additional hardware installed (soundcards, graphic cards,...), the better. I've just got the very simplest of setups and no software hacks like mcp, birdie,...

I'm not really that curious to see what is possible on AOne and OS4. Look at the pc-scene and you will see what is possible. I think the demos will go in that same direction with powerful hardware. And although i'm interested in pc demos aswell, they don't impress my as much as the 68k releases. I'm a strong believer of the 'pushing the limits on a limited hardware platform'. I think it brings the best out of demogroups on the creative side.

A.miga D.emoscene A.rchive

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Re: A.D.A.: The Amiga demoscene is back!
Posted on 22-Apr-2004 22:28:58
#18 ]
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From: Poland


well, you're right about 68k demos, I love them too, but every child know that Amiga need some hmm... killing apps now.
After finally releasing OS4 I suppose there'll be no crowd on big commercial Amiga apps market :)
So I hope at least Amiga Scene will show what to do with new os/hardware, and making AGA/68k demos is rather "fighting with limits" competition now, like i.e. 64k intros, rather than "letting the world know" ;)...

Harthon gerithach raid gelin a chwest adel thraw lín :)


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