posted by COBRA on 26-Apr-2004 12:52:36 (1870 reads)
A new version of the RiVA MPEG Player has just been released with AHI support and some bugfixes. More information and the latest demo can be found at this webpage.
Joined: 4-Jan-2003 Posts: 727
From: South Wales, UK
The only reason I've never tried Riva is because it's 68K only. If it were WOS or PUP compatable then I'd definately be interested, but it seems to me that playing movies on 68K only would be a bit of a waste of time unless you like slow motion.
Still, I might give it a go just to see what speeds it can achieve.
Status: Offline
Re: RiVA v0.48 Released Posted on 26-Apr-2004 21:34:52