Announcement : Project: Reality website is online!
posted by GazSP on 16-Sep-2004 18:03:57 (4076 reads)
The new Reality Design website is now online! The website is the home of Project: Reality, which is a manufacturing and design project that will bring life to the Amiga Fantasy design by Marko Hirv.
Please feel free to register on the forums and post questions in the FAQ section. More content will be added to the site over the coming weeks.
Joined: 18-Apr-2003 Posts: 3041
From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom
Looks really good. I hope that this project can get to a released state as I believe that it will greatly help AInc. rebuild the brand and machine with original and new users.
_________________ Sam
Status: Offline
Re: Project: Reality website is online! Posted on 16-Sep-2004 22:48:13