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Announcement : Amiga Future Issue #52 (January/February) out |
posted by AndreasM on 14-Jan-2005 15:55:28 (1676 reads) |
The issue 52 of the Amiga Future (January/February) has been released just in time as always.
This means that all subscriptions and single orders have been taken to the postal office today.
In this issue we've reviewed Papyrus, the new Competition Pro, the Amiga Classix 4, Boxikin, VIM and much more for you.
But besides that a workshop about the adaption of source codes to AmigaOS 4, a special preview of the Vivaldi aren't to be missed either.
On the cover CD you can find lots of PD software, a full version and the "How to build the machine" video of bPlan in a higher quality version (169MB).
The Amiga Future magazine can be obtained as a single issue and as a subscription with or without a cover CD at the online shop of APC&TCP.
In the "issues" section of the Amiga Future homepage you can find a complete and detailed description of contents and read samples of new and older issues.
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