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Software News   Software News : Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
   posted by Drule on 23-Feb-2005 15:01:07 (3576 reads)
Hot on the heels of the good work by salass00, I am pleased to announce an
update to the WAVE datatype originally submitted to OS4Depot last month.

Support for IMA ADPCM, Microsoft ADPCM, u-Law, A-Law and IEEE 32 and 64 bit
floating point encodings has been added. Also, multichannel samples are
minimally supported by filtering the left/right channels. It's not overly
efficient but seems to work.

Full information in the README on

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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 23-Feb-2005 16:38:02
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 16-Mar-2003
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From: Cheltenham, UK

Ooooh, competition in the industry! Rock on!


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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 23-Feb-2005 18:31:45
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
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From: Lyon, France

And what about using your time working with the other guy or writing a datatype for another file format?

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 23-Feb-2005 18:38:26
# ]


This guy was first.


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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 23-Feb-2005 19:03:15
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
Posts: 3428
From: Lyon, France

True. But it's not because someone does a mistake (the second guy) that someone else should do the same
Anyway, you understood my point.

Edit: and I tend to think that the fact that the source was released with the second datatype was helful in bringing the first datatype updated. I can be wrong of course.

Last edited by elwood on 23-Feb-2005 at 07:08 PM.

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 23-Feb-2005 19:43:16
#5 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 11-Jun-2004
Posts: 49
From: Harrogate, UK

I tend to think that the fact that the source was released with the second datatype was helful in bringing the first datatype updated. I can be wrong of course.

And indeed you are wrong. I actually integrated the ADPCM and other bits of stuff a couple of weeks ago - just got distracted with other work but the release yesterday did remind me to do something about it.

In truth, salass00's datatype does something my version doesn't - namely the IMA 3-bit ADPCM encoding - I only had notes for 4-bit encoding since that's all the 1992 minutes documented. I don't think coding the datatype is the hard part - I know I found either samples of required formats or actual specifications of the encodings to be the more difficult to obtain.

Plus, I don't think releasing anything in duplicate can be considered a mistake; the source code with the other version is an important addition - I can't release my source just yet as it's part of something bigger I'm currently specifying and testing out which needs more work before going public.

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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 23-Feb-2005 20:39:16
#6 ]
Elite Member
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From: Lyon, France


I don't think releasing anything in duplicate can be considered a mistake; the source code with the other version is an important addition - I can't release my source just yet.

What I call "mistake" has nothing to do with releasing the source code.
My thought is just that obviously Amigans won't put two identical datatypes in SYS:, so in the end, one of you will have wasted his time.
In your particular case, maybe you had to do it for your project so you had to write the code, maybe not the datatype but at least the decoding code. In this case, it's not a big waste of time.

BTW, there is already an OS4 WAV datatype (maybe not released, I don't know).

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
Amiga Translator Organisation

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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 24-Feb-2005 0:04:11
#7 ]
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Joined: 11-Dec-2002
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From: Chicago, Illinois

Great work to both you guys! To be honest, I can't live without my .wav samples. I use them for system sounds, Airc sounds, and other programs!

I noticed that this paticular wav datatypes is loading all the .wav files I have were as the other one only loaded a couple of them. I am not sure what format they are in to be honest. However, the other one seemed to play them on both the left and right speakers, where this one only plays on the left.
(NOTE: I just realized this is only the case on my MicroA1 with the GX cpu card. My other two A1-XE, and MicroA1 with FX cpu card, both of them play on the left and right speaker!)

Keep up the great Work!


Last edited by Yogi27 on 24-Feb-2005 at 12:11 AM.

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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 24-Feb-2005 3:57:06
#8 ]
Super Member
Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: North Florida - Big Bend area.

Time for "stupid operators .WAV question?"

That would be me..
I have just connected my micro to a N.A.S. drive via Samba.
Believe it or not it worked the first try! The contents of the
NAS include my entire CD collection in .WAV format, as recorded
by musicmatch jukebox on my PeeCee.

So, I install the WAV datatype, and unfortunately get no music.

Trying from Multiview, "Object is not of required type"..

So either Multiview is graphic only and not audio..??
or I'm using a type of WAV that's not cool with this datatype.

I've been too busy yet to figure it out, but maybe someone smarter
than me can save me the experimenting.. Any suggestions?



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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 24-Feb-2005 11:13:33
#9 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 11-Jun-2004
Posts: 49
From: Harrogate, UK


Trying from Multiview, "Object is not of required type"..

So either Multiview is graphic only and not audio..??

I use Multiview to play my wav files at the moment, so rest assured it can play them. It's likely that either the file header/structure is corrupt or your files use an encoding not supported (although that should return "unknown compression type" - I'll check my error codes!)

As a little gesture of help, download this quick and dirty program I use to peek at the headers of the files. The accompanying doc file shows what the Format tag means. My dt supports PCM, IMA and Microsoft ADPCM, uLaw (MULAW), ALaw and IEEE floating point. If the format tag is 0xFFFE, this is a little more awkward. If you want to, send me the output of the waveinfo program and I'll tell you what it means.

I have a copy of MusicMatch jukebox somewhere so I might even have a play at encoding to WAV.

However, the other one seemed to play them on both the left and right speakers, where this one only plays on the left.

I made it such that mono samples are played through the left channel only. If it's annoying, it should be easy enough for me to change it to play the mono sample through both speakers - this is what my previous version did.


Last edited by Drule on 24-Feb-2005 at 11:14 AM.

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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 24-Feb-2005 18:44:01
#10 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 11-Jun-2004
Posts: 49
From: Harrogate, UK

There was indeed a problem with the datatype on files generated by MusicMatch. Strictly speaking I'm not sure why this threw it up, since the headers were no different from other files I have - but it did highlight a problem!

Version 50.3 just uploaded to os4depot should fix this.

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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 24-Feb-2005 20:00:54
#11 ]
Super Member
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Posts: 1142
From: North Florida - Big Bend area.

That sounds great (I hope)

I'm still at work, but I'll check out the new version as soon as I get home.




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Re: Update to (the other) WAVE datatype
Posted on 25-Feb-2005 2:04:04
#12 ]
Super Member
Joined: 1-Sep-2004
Posts: 1142
From: North Florida - Big Bend area.

I have dl'ed todays version from the Depot, but I'm unable
to unpack it.?? I did "import" a few hundred old wav files
from my A4000 today, and it plays them wonderfully!

Thanks for the help!



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