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News   News : AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
   posted by MikeB on 13-Apr-2005 16:32:33 (11337 reads)
April 12, 2005 - San Francisco, CA – Amiga, Inc. today announces the launch of the new AmigaAnywhere™ SDK (software development kit) version 1.5, providing increased performance, time to market and revenue opportunity for Amiga's global developer community. The new SDK combines both new features requested by existing developers, customers and users, and new services and technologies designed to extract the maximum potential from the next generation of digital devices.

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 16:56:31
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 19-Aug-2003
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From: Netherlands

Is this suppose to be an update of the SDK I have at home ? The book with the $ coupon ?

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 17:01:57
#2 ]
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Whoopie do...

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere" SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 17:17:49
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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 17:25:53
#4 ]
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA


Yeah, I thought the same thing.

Especially after noticing it STILL doesn't list PowerPC as a host processor.

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere" SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 17:25:55
#5 ]
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@ Toaks

It's called AmigaAnywhere now.

BTW for anyone still unfamiliar with the underlying technology I collected some information some months ago. (Zeoneo's Invasion is a great PDA game! )

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 17:41:06
#6 ]
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My thoughts exactly. AmigaAnywhere isn't going anywhere and ISN'T Amiga OS related because it doesn't even RUN on Amiga OS. It was a good idea at the start that was screwed up big time and they have a lot of ground to make up to prove to people who have been burnt it's worthwhile.


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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 18:00:11
#7 ]
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@ Oxygenet

Poster: Oxygenet Date: 13-Apr-2005 10:41:06


My thoughts exactly. AmigaAnywhere isn't going anywhere and ISN'T Amiga OS related because it doesn't even RUN on Amiga OS. It was a good idea at the start that was screwed up big time and they have a lot of ground to make up to prove to people who have been burnt it's worthwhile.


The world outside of Amiga community doesn't have any idea of the performance of Amiga Inc. So, they may give the company a chance. Wether they are going to blow it or not is another story.


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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 19:25:49
#8 ]
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Joined: 6-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown

OK, So what happened to and can existing SDK users download this?

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 19:36:27
#9 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Alberta, Canada

Most excellent! Great to see something happening at Amiga Inc. again. Let's hope they get the ball rolling this time around because I seriously doubt they will ever get another chance.

However, they really can't call it AmigaAnywhere until it at least runs on AmigaOS. I think this should happen with the 4.1 release despite what the rest of the luddites think. Until then I'll have to call it AAA (AlmostAmigaAnywhere).

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 19:59:42
#10 ]
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It would be good if Amiga Inc could work out a deal and get their content on this device:

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 21:42:52
#11 ]
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From: Look to where the waters meet in the midst of the land. It is here! St. Louis, Missouri, USA!

Stay clear of that web site unless you don't mind your browser ignoring your command to stop transfering data with it.

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 21:49:15
#12 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom

The world outside of Amiga community doesn't have any idea of the performance of Amiga Inc.

Well the 'world outside' will have to know that AInc. exist first so it will be interesting to see where and how much they advertise in the press to get interest in this release.

I wonder how much of this SDK is a). different and b). AInc’s own work and not just re-badged TAO Intent stuff.


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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 23:27:52
#13 ]
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From: Perth Australia

What do we really know about AmigaAnywhere that you can say so categorically it does not run on OS4 -- OS4 is, after all, a work in progress as well.

I have no idea at what stage AA is at, for all I know they have a OS4 version ready to go at this moment, they may be waiting for OS4's official release, or even after it - who knows. Tao has PPC translators, why would anyone not think the thing would come out to run on OS4 sooner or later?

I believe it was a good idea then and an even better idea now and who was burnt?

I've just applied to be a developer for AA (working in conjunction with a third party software company), and basically I have been waiting for two things to happen, one is this 1.5 release of Intent, the other is OS4 being released, it is the second one that is taking longer than I supposed - not that is such a big deal. My point is that evertyhing is in the air and things need to settle before anyone should make up their minds.

Greg Schofield, Perth Australia

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 23:34:40
#14 ]
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada

As long as the developers who worked for AmigaInc on AmigaDE/Anywhere get paid fairly for their work..

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere? SDK version 1.5
Posted on 13-Apr-2005 23:36:54
#15 ]
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain

However, they really can't call it AmigaAnywhere until it at least runs on AmigaOS. I think this should happen with the 4.1 release despite what the rest of the luddites think. Until then I'll have to call it AAA (AlmostAmigaAnywhere)

At the moment, in honour to the trust, they have to call it AmigaAnyWindows

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere� SDK version 1.5
Posted on 14-Apr-2005 2:22:08
#16 ]
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From: Charlotte, NC

At the moment, in honour to the trust, they have to call it AmigaAnyWindows

But it also runs on Linux, so it's not a Windows exclusive thing. I do wish they would make it available for OS4, and I believe that they will eventually. No harm at this point in them going after the bigger fish, especially if it creates a cash flow for them. That can only be a good thing. More cash for them = more oportunity to expand their market. They certainly do need something to bring in more cash than a thousand or so royalty payments from OS4/A1's. I wish them great sucess. It will ultimately flow downhill if they are sucessful in that market (IMHO).

@Some in this thread

I cannot believe how people think... You lot bitch and whine when nothing is happening and nobody tells you anything, and then when Amiga does actually do something, you bitch and whine, or just say "whoopdee do" or "who cares". I honestly don't think those of you who are bitching would ever be happy with anything if it were served up to you on a silver platter with a golden spoon for free. You just have to have someone to brand "the Evil".

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere� SDK version 1.5
Posted on 14-Apr-2005 2:47:13
#17 ]
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Joined: 28-Oct-2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia

I absolutely agree about the bitching and whining.....
You lot ought to take a good long look at yourselves.....
Ummmm.....(taking a good long look at myself.)
Yeah, everyone is soooo bitter.... oh well.

What is bloody stupid is that the AmigaOne partners apparently have to pay for the honour of getting AA, when there are currently no apps. One would think that AmigaInc would port AA to OS4 merely to pick up interest from Amiga developers.

But it appears to me that AInc only want to support proprietry projects and stuff they can make a buck on. They aren't interested in people wanting to port FOSS projects to AA for instance. I just applied to become a developer and I had to give them a project description. Just so I may receive the honour of using their SDK that I don't particularily need for my project but I thought would be cool to use and would help them out. It's like I have to justify why I should be given an SDK when I am purchasing the damn thing in the first place. Then I get the message.

"Thank-you for your interest. Your submission will be reviewed and a developer support.person will contact you soon."

My submission is going to be reviewed folks....and if they don't like it....what then? I don't get one??

Ok. Going back to my happy place now.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
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Commodore/AMIGA "Beautiful, High-Performance, Home Computers for Creativity and Entertainment."

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere" SDK version 1.5
Posted on 14-Apr-2005 4:57:54
#18 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

It's great technology, sure, but its not Amiga*OS* related (yet).. so for me its not interesting.

Remember what Garry Hare said: if Eyetech/Hyperion (AmigaOne partners) want it on OS4, they can talk. I would think they have higher priorities right now though. E.g. finishing OS4, finishing A1 designs (XC, microA1-I).

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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 14-Apr-2005 5:53:04
#19 ]
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Joined: 15-May-2003
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From: The Netherlands

Ok so where to get it? I see "launch" and "today" but there is not a clue where to get it. Yeah a link if you are interested which ends in a login screen or something. Tsk tsk.


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Re: AMIGA Introduces AmigaAnywhere™ SDK version 1.5
Posted on 14-Apr-2005 6:02:20
# ]

It's a bit odd. I was a registered developer, with NDA and everything. Used to visit the developer site from time to time. But now I have to reapply as a developer ? Well screw that then. If they want to build interest around their technology this is the wrong way of doing it. Dev tools should be easy to access so that people can try it out and see if it is something for them.


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