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Software News   Software News : Feelin release 050517
   posted by Gofromiel on 17-May-2005 8:13:21 (2951 reads)
Feelin is an object-oriented system (OOS) for the AmigaOS. It provides two things : A small shared library, fast and powerful (the object-system's core), offering everything needed to create a complete object-oriented environnement ; And an extensible system to create and maintain GUIs. Although Feelin comes with a lot of GUI oriented classes, Feelin is not limited to that, and can be used for a variety of projects.

New preference item standard

Preference items are now defined in a CSS style format e.g. $button-frame (note well the dollar sign). The preference system has been partially rewritten and is now even more efficient.

Preview / Pop / Adjust

Created an adjust system with two new base classes FC_Adjust and FC_Preview. All previous adjust and pop classes are now subclasses of those two. FC_Adjust and FC_Preview subclasses are very modular, it's so simple now to create preview, popup and adjust classes.

Documents : XML / HTML

FC_XMLApplication has been split to create FC_XMLObject. FC_XMLDocument has been split to create FC_Document, which is now the base class for documents interpreting. FC_HTMLDocument is one of its new subclass. As FC_XMLDocument is used to parse XML code, FC_HTMLDocument can be used to parse HTML code (which is less formal).


Feelin is not only able to create whole applications from XML files, but is now also able to create XML objects anywhere in your applications (and classes) very easily ! For example, all groups used by the preference editor are generated from XML files.

XMLApplications was a first step in the separation between code and GUI, now the user can do WHAT HE WANTS with its GUI.

FC_PreferenceGroup totaly rewritten

ALL preference groups (group objects used by the preference editor to adjust preferences) are now using XMLObjects ! XML files are available in the "Feelin:XMLSources/Feelin/Preferences" directory.

Only ONE tiny little line of code is needed to create a preference group !! It was already very easy to create preference groups, now everything is AUTOMATIC ! Thanks to the new preference items standard (e.g. $button-frame), the XML support and the FPreferenceScript type the whole preference process (object generation, loadin, saving and object disposal) is TOTALY AUTOMATIC !

A LOT of preference items have been added to a LOT of classes, making the GUI EXTREMELY configurable.

Layout & Rendering

At last, FC_ImageDisplay is capable of drawing GRADIENTS. This awaited improvement make the GUI really nice and soft.

Feelin GUI is now powered by a new layout rethinking system, the fourth and the last (I hope), it's just fabulous ! Rethink requests are now buffered, even if 20 rethinks are requested, only 1 redraw is performed ! And as usual only modified objects are updated.

Window expansion is nicer now. The window is expanded from all sides, thus a centered window expanding remains centered, instead of expanding only to the left and the bottom.

FC_Area and FC_Window are now subclasses of FC_Frame, which now handles the FA_Back on its own making refreshing just perfect The complex refresh mode has been improved and is now fabulous !


The new event code FV_EVENT_BUTTON_WHEEL of class FF_EVENT_BUTTON has been added and can be used to react on mouse wheel. Most classes are now uses this nice features. In fact, eveything that can be adjusted with the mouse can also be adjusted with mouse wheel e.g. lists, sliders, proportionals, cycles, event group pages !


Subclass of FC_Window, the new FC_Dialog class can be used to create a lot of commom requesters e.g. "Ok", "Yes | No", "Save | Use | Cancel"... Custom objects can be added very easily making dialog window fully customizable e.g. FC_PreferenceEditor is now a subclass of FC_Dialog.


FC_List has been particuliarly updated and is now become as powerful as configurable. Column format is now defined in XML and a lot of features are available.


With, 20 new classes (76 classes available), I've done my best to offer a more complete, powerful and pleasant framework for Amiga developers; and an attractive GUI for users that like customizing A LOT

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 17-May-2005 13:25:43
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 16-Mar-2003
Posts: 742
From: Cheltenham, UK

I'm sure I've asked this before, so feel free to slap me down Is it possible for the user to customise it to look just like any other AmigaOS4 software?


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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 17-May-2005 14:09:11
#2 ]
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK



Feelin is not only able to create whole applications from XML files, but is now also able to create XML objects anywhere in your applications (and classes) very easily ! For example, all groups used by the preference editor are generated from XML files.

XMLApplications was a first step in the separation between code and GUI, now the user can do WHAT HE WANTS with its GUI.

Now that sounds like a very nice feature! Curious to how it actually works though so I may have to have play with this

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 17-May-2005 19:43:55
#3 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2003
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From: Vancouver, Canada

I am in the same camp as Gnarly.

This system is starting to sound quite nice but it relies on custom gadgets.

Are there plans to have an OS4 look and feel, or perhaps to even use Reaction gadgets?

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 17-May-2005 22:10:24
#4 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 731
From: Espoo, Finland

This system is starting to look quite good. Especially that XML support is interesting,

Last edited by miksuh on 17-May-2005 at 10:12 PM.

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 2:11:23
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Apr-2004
Posts: 3404
From: Sweden

Yes the features sounds really good! But please.. PLEASE make better previews!
Some that shows it off with NORMAL colors that people will actually use..
These screenshots looks AWFUL to me. Please DON'T use all the colors of the
rainbow the next time.



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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 2:26:08
#6 ]
Joined: 22-Jul-2004
Posts: 52
From: Toulouse, FRANCE

@gnarly & gregthecanuck There is no builtin look in Feelin. If you want an OS4 look, just adjust preferences. BTW, the preferences provided use a window decorator called "Shade". If you want to get back Intuition window borders, launch the preference editor, choose "Decorator" from the list, erase "Shade" in the "class" string, and press the "Test" button. You'll get back standard window borders.

@gregthecanuck There are no plans to support ReAction gadgets, since they use BOOPSI and I have my own object-oriented framework. More over ReAction is sooo limited, there is absolutely no interest using it (IMHO).

@Samwel Normal colors ?? You mean GREY ? The preview have been "rainbowized" to show that the GUI is extremely customizable and that each object (and parts of it) can have their own colors. BTW I like them a lot They are very warm, and its summertime !

.: wafer's paradise :.

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 3:59:46
#7 ]
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Considering the fuss that came of early OS4 screenshots, I wouldn't worry about complaints about your using the same color scheme Hyperion did. After all, look how it all turned out.

Last edited by ShadesOfGrey on 18-May-2005 at 04:00 AM.

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 5:56:28
#8 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2003
Posts: 846
From: Vancouver, Canada


I would like to suggest that by default a Feelin application looks like any other OS4 application and uses the OS4 preferences for look and feel. Does the current framework support this? If Feelin is really flexible then this shouldn't be a problem.

I really like the fact that this framework is becoming more reliant on XML.

Do you have any plans for end-user customization of the interfaces?


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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 11:24:07
#9 ]
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I don't think I've ever seen a GUI screenshot with Pink elements before - and there may be some reason for that! Personally I think that your pastel shades is an interesting idea, but clever colour schemes tend to scare people away.

Anyway, since you are trying to attract developers (not users), it'd be better to try attracting them with explanations of how easy & powerful (or not) it is, perhaps with some example code, rather than trying to scare them with wacky colour schemes

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 13:45:55
#10 ]
Joined: 22-Jul-2004
Posts: 52
From: Toulouse, FRANCE


I would like to suggest that by default a Feelin application looks like any other OS4 application and uses the OS4 preferences for look and feel.

The fact is that there is no default settings in Feelin, so each Feelin release comes with my current preferences. I know nothing about OS4 look and feel and I don't think it's that important, but if you have suggestions...

Do you have any plans for end-user customization of the interfaces?

Plans ?! Well, currently with the preference editor you can customize EXTREMELY every aspect of your GUI, and with XML you can EDIT your GUI as YOU like. For example, all preference groups are created from XML files located in "Feelin:XMLSources/Feelin/Preferences". Try to play with them


I don't think I've ever seen a GUI screenshot with Pink elements before

There is a biginning to everything Usualy screenshots are very dark, but its not MY personnal taste. I like shinny things with a lot of unusual colors...

Anyway, since you are trying to attract developers (not users), it'd be better to try attracting them with explanations of how easy & powerful (or not) it is, perhaps with some example code

What could I say : Feelin is the most powerful framework available on the Amiga platform, but it's brand new and lacks of support ?! There are some demos in the "Feelin:Demos" directory. They are not awesome but show little things like gadgets and XML support...

I need YOU to ask me questions about Feelin. But you have to read the website documentation first

.: wafer's paradise :.

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 14:36:50
#11 ]
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What could I say : Feelin is the most powerful framework available on the Amiga platform, but it's brand new and lacks of support ?!

If I ever get my language/compiler finished (don't ask!), I might well consider Feelin as the first GUI I'll try to use on the Amiga... but having kept an eye on it for a while, I have been put-off by the fact that major changes keep being made! I realise that is because you keep finding better ways to do stuff (which should make it really good in the end), but personally I don't want to start learning a GUI tookit while it's design isn't fixed yet. :-/

So please keep up the good work - hopefully it'll start to pick-up in popularity once it's stabilised a bit more, and is used by one or two programs.

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 18-May-2005 20:55:23
#12 ]
Joined: 22-Jul-2004
Posts: 52
From: Toulouse, FRANCE

@ChrisH Well thank you (I think ?? ) Yes I keep finding better ways to do things, I don't want to keep old things just because they where there for a long time. Since Feelin is not used by ANYBODY I don't care losing compatibility. I just want Feelin to be at its best, and used by EVERYBODY .

Some things are becoming fixed. For example feelin.library as not changed much this time And XML applications as well as XML objects are future proof... I hope Now I'm working on menus... but I'll try not to modify to much classes

But, you know, it's not such a big deal, since all classes are totaly opaque. Sometimes I make huge changes without any troubles... chance ?

Last edited by Gofromiel on 18-May-2005 at 08:55 PM.

.: wafer's paradise :.

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Re: Feelin release 050517
Posted on 22-May-2005 21:01:54
#13 ]
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but I'll try not to modify to much classes

Well, better to modify the classes now, rather than later...

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