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Miscellaneous News   Miscellaneous News : Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
   posted by DaveAE on 20-Aug-2005 21:35:05 (20534 reads)
Terratec Aureon 51. Fun (and Sound Card A1 Summary)

The CMI8738 based Aureon 5.1 Fun was succesfully tested with the CMI8738 AHI driver. I've added digital out support in version 5.7 of the driver (on OS4depot), however I couldn't get the digital in to work, even after copying the same register settings as found on the PC. I've contacted Terratec on this, so I hope they can help.

The Aureon 5.1 PCI (20 euro) is the same card as the Aureon 5.1 Fun (40 euro), however, the Fun comes bundled with PC software and has a gameport on a separate add-on plate which takes up a PCI slot. Both cards have 3 stereo outs, mic in, line in and optical digital I/O. I tested the sound quality compared to the SB Live and a Sweex (9 euro) card with the same CMI8738 chip. The Aureon sounded a tiny bit better than the Sweex, but both were a bit 'dull' (less high frequencies) compared to the Live. This is confirmed by the popular Rightmark Analyzer test which you can find here:
However, I'm testing on a good HiFi system, so if you have so-called 'PC speakers', you probably won't notice much.

Sound card summary

Confused about all the chips and cards that are supported on the AmigaOne? I'll try to give a summary on each chip/card and their possible quirks.

* Creative SoundBlaster 128 (also known as SB AudioPCI97, SB PCI, SB Vibra, SB128 and SB64(V) ). These cards use one of Ensoniq ES1370/1371/1373, Creative CT5880 or Ectiva 1938. These are all supported by Ross Vumbaca's SB128 AHI driver. Cheap card and depending on the codec used, it can sound reasonable.
Quirks: these chips are a bit slow and there have been reports of stutter here and there.

* The Terratec 512i and lots of other old cards use a fine ForteMedia FM-801 chip with an AC97 codec. Cheap cards, probably not available anymore, but come with working digital out. A bit better than SB128's mostly.
Quirks: pity they don't make them anymore!

* The Sweex 4.1 (7 euro), Sweex 5.1 (9 euro), Hercules Muse, onboard chip of the MicroA1, Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Aureon 5.1 PCI all use the CMI8738 chip. This chip is both an audio controller and codec. Very cheap cards. If you don't want to spend lots on a soundcard and mostly play mp3's, don't hesitate to buy a Sweex. You want digital I/O with that? Buy the Aureon 5.1 PCI. The CMI can do bit-for-bit exact copying on 44.1kHz, unlike the SB Live or Audigy cards that always convert the sample rate to 48kHz first!
Quirks: Digital in doesn't work yet.

* Creative SoundBlaster Live! and Audigy 2. Sigh, so popular, so much trouble. There are no public docs on the emu10k1 and emu10k2 chips that these cards use. The chips always convert to 48kHz. Creative has so many different models and only the chips with device ID's 0x0002 and 0x0004 are supported, but you won't know until you buy. The SB Live! 24-bit may not work. The Audigy LS uses a totally different chip and does not work. The Audigy2 has no Mixer support, because it works differently and I spent a lot of time already trying to get it to work without luck. The emu10kx cards happen to be the only cards that cause the A1 to freeze when used with (heavy) network activity. There is no solution as of yet, if ever. We'll know a bit more what it causes when and if new hardware comes out. If you or a dealer are going to build a new A1 system, please use an alternative card like the Aureon 5.1 PCI if you were going to put in a SB Live originally.

The next generation from the Creative stable, the X-FI chips, have even more power than the emu10kx series. They are even proud to say that this power will be used for even better sample rate conversion! Guys and girls, stop buying Creative cards, they are no good.
Quirks: yeah, right!

Finally, the good cards!
The following cards are based on the Envy24HT audio controller. Different codecs are used on the cards, but they are all much better than the previously mentioned cards, and hence more expensive:

* Terratec Aureon 5.1 Sky (discontinued) and 7.1 Space. Excellent card with digital I/O. Uses a Wolfson WM8770 codec.
RMAA link:
Product link:
Quirks: I couldn't get the digital in to work, perhaps later. Also, the CD and Aux inputs are hard to configure/program, so they don't work yet fully.

* Terratec Phase28. Semi-pro card with quarter inch balanced connections, coaxial digital I/O and MIDI in/out. Uses a Wolfson WM8770 codec. Great for the musicians among us! I also have the Phase88 working, but that's for eXtream!
RMAA link:
Product link:
Quirks: None!

* M-Audio Revolution 7.1. A bit like the Aureon 7.1, excellent card. Uses AKM codecs. I've seen RMAA graphs that were good but the Aureon 7.1 was slightly better. The Revolution 5.1 should work as well, but is untested.
Product link:
Quirks: None!

* ESI Juli@: Stereo in/out with balanced and unbalanced connectors, digital I/O and MIDI. Excellent stereo card. Uses AKM codecs.
Product link:
Quirks: analogue monitoring does not work, will be solved later.

Companies that are supportive are Terratec and ESI/Egosys. M-Audio and Creative were silent.

eXtream Audio currently has minimal drivers for the Envy24HT and CMI8738, but all of the above should be supported at release.

I hope this helps!

Davy Wentzler

Late addon:
Some issues with Terratec Aureon 5.1 and Radeon 7000 (RV100), more details in this thread /tomazkid

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and sound card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 22:54:03
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 16-Nov-2003
Posts: 467
From: Sherborne, UK

Great write-up DaveAE. Been waiting for something like this. Thanks for your work on the drivers too!


AmigaOne XE-G4, 512MB RAM (AmigaOS 4.1)
Radeon 9250, Terratec Aureon 5.1

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and sound card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 22:57:28
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-May-2003
Posts: 2959
From: Auckland, New Zealand

great summary dave!

edit: this text needs to be saved somewhere, maybe on os4zone and intuitionbase.

Last edited by jahc on 20-Aug-2005 at 11:00 PM.

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and sound card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 23:01:23
#3 ]
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Joined: 7-Jul-2003
Posts: 302
From: Unknown

Yeah, very good. Someone make a FAQ out of this right now. :)

Q: How do you make an Amiga run?
A: Threaten to put in a Windows CD.

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 23:28:07
# ]

Now we know that Aureon 7.1 has the best audio performance of all these cards. It's a pity that CD and AUX/Digital in don't work fully yet. Try to talk to TerraTec about documentations to these features, so supporting these features will be easier. I'm sure TerraTec will be very helpful in providing documents for these things

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 23:35:37
#5 ]
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Joined: 21-Mar-2003
Posts: 1091
From: The Netherlands


No, they specifically said they wanted to keep it a secret how the Xilinx chip accesses the AC97 chip that handles the CD/Aux inputs. But don't give up hope yet!

Audio Evolution

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 23:40:42
# ]


You know me I never give up I'm kinda like Indiana Jones never giving up hunting for treasures

You know? I discovered that Datakompaniet in Tronheim has TerraTec Aureon 7.1 Space PCI-soundcard, so next month i will buy it from them

Yeah, i noticed that Creative has released the SB X-FI, which they claim is the product they're proud of. How silly. Even a PC-friend of mine, who is also my partner at work, says TerraTec are one of the best, and a true music card (besides ESI @Julio of course), so there we have the answers

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and sound card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 23:48:17
#7 ]
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Joined: 29-Nov-2004
Posts: 8554

this text needs to be saved somewhere, maybe on os4zone and intuitionbase.

Yes, am going to do so and make a copy of it available in OS4Zone. IBase should ask DaveAE for permission but the more places we have consistent correct info the better.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 20-Aug-2005 23:57:38
#8 ]
Team Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
Posts: 11694
From: Kristianstad, Sweden

Thanks for the fine summary.

Companies that are supportive are Terratec and ESI/Egosys. M-Audio and Creative were silent.

Perhaps time to found an award called "Amiga-certified", to those companies that does co-operate.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 0:15:16
#9 ]
Super Member
Joined: 29-Mar-2004
Posts: 1812
From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered.

No, they specifically said they wanted to keep it a secret how the Xilinx chip accesses the AC97 chip that handles the CD/Aux inputs. But don't give up hope yet

that would be very interesting to know.

Excellent article, spent some time getting into it and many of the links.

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 1:41:44
#10 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11662
From: In the village


Thank you for this marvelous effort. This is something the community will be
truly grateful to have.

May I say agree 1000%?

Love your idea of "Amiga-certified" for companies that co-operate.
Frankly they -should- co-operate. It is simply good public relations for them
to do so.

Best Wishes,

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 1:47:56
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Apr-2004
Posts: 3404
From: Sweden

Great work DaveAE!

Hope you get all your quirks to work.
Especially the skitty Creative cards..

I applaude your efforts in making audio drivers for µA1-C that FULLY
supports the hardware. Much needed when OS4 final is released.

Thanks again for all your support.

Btw what's the problem with digital in? No signal at all? bad signal?


[SOLD] µA1-C - 750GX 800MHz - 512MB - Antec Aria case

Avatar by HNL_DK!

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 1:53:22
#12 ]
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From: Sweden



Perhaps time to found an award called "Amiga-certified", to those companies that does co-operate.

It should'nt be taken as a joke (the smiley afterwards)?!
This is truly a good idea.

Terratec, ATI and the others that have sent docs on hardware SHOULD get a
"Amiga Certified".

What do you say Hyperion?


[SOLD] µA1-C - 750GX 800MHz - 512MB - Antec Aria case

Avatar by HNL_DK!

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 1:57:37
# ]

I'm pretty sure that Hyperion would say exactly the same about TerraTec, ATI and others we love. I'm sure they already do, but would love to hear them claim that

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 6:53:09
#14 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1185
From: Belgium

Thanks DaveAE,

I was just abouth to upgrade my A1SE.

This is verry helpfull indeed.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 10:20:35
#15 ]
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Joined: 31-Jul-2003
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

It should'nt be taken as a joke (the smiley afterwards)?!

I didn't mean it as a joke, put the smiley there, because it was just an idea I got.

Last edited by tomazkid on 21-Aug-2005 at 10:24 AM.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 10:46:45
#16 ]
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From: Croatia


Thanx for this..great news for all ppl who have A1/oS4!!


Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich :)

Croatian Amiga portal

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 11:58:51
#17 ]
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Joined: 22-Nov-2003
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From: Birmingham, England


You the man!

Great write up. I don't know if I've every mentioned this, but Audio is quite an important thing for me . I'd rather have a graphical glitch & perfect sound that the other way around.

Thanks again, FuZion.

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 15:24:48
#18 ]
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Joined: 30-Apr-2003
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From: Italy

@ DaveAE

Thanks for your work on the driver for the onboard chip of my MicroA1 and for all your audio expertise carried to the amiga...

AmigaOS, the last hope...

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 21-Aug-2005 21:16:01
#19 ]
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Joined: 21-Mar-2003
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From: The Netherlands


Btw what's the problem with digital in? No signal at all? bad signal?

Random noise. I need to set a couple of bits in a register, but they refuse to be fiddled with. Some other bits are "reserved" in the doc, but are actually used (I saw that on the PC). Tried all day, couldn't get it to work.

Audio Evolution

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Re: Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun and Sound Card summary
Posted on 22-Aug-2005 0:01:59
#20 ]
Team Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden

I ordered a Terratec Aureon 5.1 PCI yesterday, found a cheap one, 190 SEK.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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