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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 21:02:14
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 21:19:54
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| this is really cool!.
will try it out asap!. _________________ See my blog and collection website! .
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 21:20:29
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003 Posts: 1334
From: Stockholm (Sweden) | | |
| I love flow chart apps, very nice when writing papers and such.
Some questions:
Can you save as an arbitrary picture format, such as .png, .bmp, etc?
Is there inbuilt help for centerering objects relative to each others (like in Omnigraffle)?
Any plans on using a gfx engine that supports anti-aliasing? Last edited by Eric_S on 30-Aug-2005 at 09:21 PM.
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 21:26:18
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 21:36:25
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Joined: 21-Sep-2004 Posts: 185
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| Great work reminds me of MS VISIO Even though we Amiaga users had suff in the early 80 and 90 that MS Visio is now catchthing up to. I lke this APP some really imperssive Cisco flow charts and Office org charts can be mad with this. Keep up the great work. |
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 21:53:36
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Joined: 4-Aug-2003 Posts: 1333
From: Stourbridge, UK | | |
| @ Eric_S
Can you save as an arbitrary picture format, such as .png, .bmp, etc? |
Free version will export in .iff only. Full version will support datatypes so will save in most formats.
Is there inbuilt help for centerering objects relative to each others |
x,y co-ords for objects are centre-based, so you could set same co-ords for each object. The current drawing system is a rough prototype only. A snap-to-grid function is planned, so a snap-to-centre could be implemented too.
Any plans on using a gfx engine that supports anti-aliasing? |
Not at the moment. Just using very straight forward OS calls. (My first Amiga app, y'know) _________________ Happiness is mandatory. MindSpace: MindMaps and UML diagrams for OS4
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 22:06:17
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003 Posts: 1334
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| Quote:
Not at the moment. Just using very straight forward OS calls. (My first Amiga app, y'know) |
Good stuff none the less. |
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 22:12:44
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Joined: 25-May-2003 Posts: 1369
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| Great prog. Looks very promising! I can definetly use it! Thx. Keep on the good work. _________________ A computerworld without MS products and Windows! Connect your Amigas ... ...The Red ONE-A1XE G4 - A3000T- A3000 - A4000 - A2500- A1000 - A600 - CDTV - CD32... and your PDAs and laptops ... Psion 5mx Pro - Psion NetBook - Apple iPhone - MacBook Pro
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 30-Aug-2005 22:39:22
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| Looks very interesting! Keep it coming!  |
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 6:58:20
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 22-Aug-2003 Posts: 5900
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| Awesome. UML and flowcharts is something I use for virtually all software projects, be them work or leisure (is there such a thing as leisure software projects?) _________________ This weeks pet peeve: Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 7:07:37
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 550
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| Nice project. Will also download it ASAP. _________________ AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4. A4000 PPC A1200 PPC
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 8:13:15
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Super Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 1956
From: The City of Xebec's Demise | | |
| @yoodoo2
Excellent work! Applications like this can form a niche/core market - and it looks versatile enough to appeal to several different requirements.
Does the toolbar use the new OS4 toolbar window class? i.e. is it moveable, resizable, doesn't take the focus, etc. Also, is it possible to for the user to choose to use smaller icons?
In any respect, it's an impressive looking bit of software - especially as it's your first OS4 app! Respect!  _________________
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 8:33:28
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Joined: 4-Aug-2003 Posts: 1333
From: Stourbridge, UK | | |
| Quote:
Does the toolbar use the new OS4 toolbar window class? |
Uh, no. It's just a few buttons banged together atm.
Also, is it possible to for the user to choose to use smaller icons? |
The icons are loaded a drawer in PROGDIR: . Theoretically the user could replace them with something else, but I've never actually tried to see whether it works or not.
What resolution are you running? _________________ Happiness is mandatory. MindSpace: MindMaps and UML diagrams for OS4
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 11:02:36
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 2738
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| @yoodoo2
On your website it says something about "2 versions for each supported platform", does that mean we will see non-OS4-versions ? An 68k-one would be welcomed.
Does Mindspace work with floats or ints for positions ?
Do you plan to go soley into the direction of dev-tool/organizer or will you add feature more suitable for CAD and/or artistic drawing ?
If you at one point decide to use floats (to allow zooming) and have an interest in antialiasing I might send you my "RBuffer"-class which wraps the Antigrain-lib into a easier to digest API.
You also mention Bezier-curves for future versions, here I could offer some easy-2-use routines that not only draw precice curves, but also make sure that number of calculated points stay reasonable, allow hit-testing and the determination of what angle the curve follow at any given point. Mind you, these are in a bit chaotic shape, but aslong as they work... _________________ - We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet - blame Canada
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 11:13:25
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| And as an afterthough:
Doesm Mindscape support multiple project-windows, or is it one-a-time ? _________________ - We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet - blame Canada
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 12:08:03
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Joined: 4-Aug-2003 Posts: 1333
From: Stourbridge, UK | | |
| Main supported platforms are OS4, Linux and Windows. A few people have asked about 68k/MOS/AROS and I would like to offer a 3.x version, but I don't have access to a useful 68k machine atm or the time to set one up. Over the next couple of months I need to bring the x86 versions up to date, so a 68k build might be available around Decemberish.
The original design spec was to build a tool for MindMapping (similar to ConceptDraw/SmartDraw etc) and adding UML/Flowcharts to that is a no brainer especially when positioning doesn't need to be that accurate.
Over the next couple of days I'm hoping to rewrite the main drawing framework to allow proper (paper) page sizes and zooming. Then I need to implement the real object model rather than the rather hacky prototype currently in place. Anti-aliasing and half-way decent accuracy are a way off into the future.
It would be nice to use a cross-platform library like AntiGrain, but I think licensing issues would prevent that. _________________ Happiness is mandatory. MindSpace: MindMaps and UML diagrams for OS4
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 12:11:49
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Super Member  |
Joined: 4-Aug-2003 Posts: 1333
From: Stourbridge, UK | | |
| Quote:
Mindscape support multiple project-windows, or is it one-a-time |
Just one at the moment, but that will change: multiple projects and views of the same project in design. I need to see if I can come up with some shortcuts to ease the logistics of this across 3 different platforms. _________________ Happiness is mandatory. MindSpace: MindMaps and UML diagrams for OS4
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 13:03:06
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 2738
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| @yoodoo2
The antigrain-licence in short:
"Include a copy of the licence into every archive."
No need to supply sources (even if you changed the lib itself), no restictions when used for commercial SW.
Guess, why I use it.... ;) _________________ - We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet - blame Canada
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 13:09:01
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Joined: 4-Aug-2003 Posts: 1333
From: Stourbridge, UK | | |
| @Kronos
Interesting. I might have to have a play. _________________ Happiness is mandatory. MindSpace: MindMaps and UML diagrams for OS4
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Re: MindSpace v.02 available for OS4 Posted on 31-Aug-2005 14:34:07
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Joined: 26-Apr-2004 Posts: 1809
From: Auckland, New Zealand | | |
| Excellent work! We really need new developments like this, keep it up!  |
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