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Announcement : Amiga Future #58 (January/February 2006) Preview and try-out online |
posted by AndreasM on 16-Dec-2005 18:29:45 (1848 reads) |
Already today the preview of the Amiga Future issue 58 (January/February 2006) has gone online.
In this isue there are all articles for all sectors included again.
We have tested Desert Racing for the classic Amiga, Blobwars for AmigaOS 4 and Virtual GP for MorphOS.
But of course there are not only reports about games. There is a review of MyApacheStarter as well as a special about the AmigaOS 4 prefs or RAM and a review of AmiKit.
Of course this is not the whole content of the Amiga Future. Using the following URL you can find a more detailed description of contents and try-outs:
As a special highlight besides lots of further full versions we have Main Actor and Ports of Call on our cover CD. (A fitting interview about POC is not missing either)
The number of Amiga Future editions is rising frequently. Unfortunately some of the single issue customers didn't get an issue because of this. To avoid this we please you to order your issue as soon as possible so we have a little clue how many magazines we have to print. You would help us a lot.
The Amiga Future can be obtained at your Amiga dealer and on the Amiga Future and APC&TCP homepage and will be released on January 15th 2006. |
| STORYID: 2759
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