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hardware OS4   hardware OS4 : Amiga Big Bash 4
   posted by Bobsonsirjonny on 4-Aug-2006 20:02:06 (7125 reads)

3CAG proudly presents BIG BASH 4,
Peterborough, Saturday 16th September 2006.

Confirmed Highlights to include:
Troika Amy '05 in PCB form!
The Coldfire Project

Website with further information to follow.

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 4-Aug-2006 21:46:13
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 6-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown

Well, that's two good exclusives to start with!

Lets hope its a good show.

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 4-Aug-2006 21:53:18
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042

sounds good, lets hope there aint any complications!.

best of luck guys and have a nice bash!.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 4-Aug-2006 22:24:54
#3 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

That's great news!

You can be sure that some of us from SEAL will be along with Total Amiga.

I should also have a new version of AmiPodder (my podcasting utility) ready to demo at the show.

We'll be in touch to confirm a table etc.

Thanks for putting in the effort to stage a show,


Total Amiga (Archive)

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 4-Aug-2006 22:42:54
#4 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2574
From: will be there too.

Great to see a UK show this year. Thanks to all involved.

Last edited by amigakit on 04-Aug-2006 at 11:24 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 4-Aug-2006 23:14:04
#5 ]
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Joined: 13-Mar-2003
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From: Somerset, UK


Its been a tough decision for us all. However, we thought lets do it.
We would be honoured to have you there. Usual corner sir ?

A1200T 603e 330Mhz - Mediator TX OS4.1 F.E.
CDTV 8MB Fast, OS3.1, SCSI, MicroSD SCSI & CD32 FMV
X5000, X1000, A1XE with OS4.1F.E.

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 3:45:06
#6 ]
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Joined: 30-May-2003
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

will the Amy be running OS4.. or just Linux?

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 4:15:57
#7 ]
Team Member
Joined: 4-May-2004
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


Will it run at all?

Common sense - So rare it's almost like a super power

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 5:21:54
#8 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

will the Amy be running OS4.. or just Linux?

That would definitely be the showstopper.

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 8:54:48
#9 ]
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From: United Kingdom


Troika Amy '05 in PCB form!

I'll believe when I see it, wouldn't be the first no show afterall

Fingers crossed.

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 9:07:45
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 23-Mar-2004
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From: Peterborough, UK, Planet Earth (I think...)

I was at BB1 which was great !
I was at BB2 which was better... And helped me convincing my wife to let me buy an A1XE !
I was at BB3, a bit over crowded, and it was amazing. I had a realy great time ! I came with my broken A1XE in the hope it could be fixed or at least diagnosed...In fact it seems the cpu was dead...
Since I bought a new A1XE (Which I'm so enjoying)... Ready to bring it to BB4 which promisedto be THE Event ! I'm really looking forward to it !


- AOS has been ported to ex-86 ! It's called AROS and WinUAE... Or E-UAE on Linux !

- A1XE-G4 up and runing with:
512MB Ram / 200GB and 80GB HardDisks on Sii0680.
AOS4 Final Update / AmiZilla 0.1 Alpha

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 9:29:09
#11 ]
Super Member
Joined: 4-Apr-2003
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From: U.K.

I'll be there with the latest version of TuneNet for OS4 on display. ..hmm,
don't use that as an excuse to stay away!

OS4.1 + SAM Flex
RIP my A1XE.. that used to have an appetite for batteries!

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 9:40:00
#12 ]
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From: Unknown

Excellent news guys. Looking forward to it already.

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 11:11:27
#13 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Dec-2003
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From: Dumfries, Scotland

I missed the first three Bashes 'cos I always ended up working on those weekends. I've got a new job now, which doesn't include weekend working, so I should be there. If required I'll bring my A1 just for those would-be users who've never had the chance to use OS4.

Fred Booth
A500, A600, A1200 c/w Mediator and 030
AmigaOne and OS4.1
Mac LCII, G4 Powermac running OSX + Amigakit and MorphOS 3.0
Dell Mini 10 Netbook running IcAros and AmigaForever+Amikit+AmigaSys
2006 Macb

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 11:40:22
#14 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom

A very courageous list!

Hope it works out.


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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 12:39:17
#15 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington

Excellent news! Unfortunately I have to be at a wedding in Durham!!!


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 13:01:11
#16 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Aug-2004
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From: Kernow Cornwall

Troika Amy '05 in PCB form!
The Coldfire Project!!

I cant miss this big bash!!

Add ME!!

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 13:07:28
#17 ]
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Joined: 23-Jun-2005
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From: Bradford, West Yorkshire

Anyone know what time the bash starts

1 AmigaOne G4XE (OS4 Pre-Release Update4)
Sam440ep + OS4.1FE
Sam460cr + OS4.1FE

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 13:08:33
#18 ]
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One day after me b'day! Hopefully we have some great news and info!


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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 13:20:44
#19 ]
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From: Kernow Cornwall

Unfortunately I have to be at a wedding...

Congratulations on the engagement

Add ME!!

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Re: Amiga Big Bash 4
Posted on 5-Aug-2006 13:28:24
#20 ]
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From: Surrey

Poster: 1Mouse Date: 5-Aug-2006 13:07:28

Anyone know what time the bash starts

About midday til late!!

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen

Some people are like slinkies. Not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

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