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Miscellaneous News   Miscellaneous News : Video demonstration of the Efika
   posted by adiaux on 31-Jan-2007 8:39:21 (7376 reads)
A real-life demonstration of the Efika hardware has been released, in the form of a video showing Linux, QNX and MorphOS running. The system in the video is an Efika 5200 (MPC5200B/400Mhz, 128MB Memory) with a Radeon 7000 PCI graphics card.

EFIKA Demonstration

At the top of the page, there is a flash-based video player showing the film, but at the bottom of the page there is also a 17MB mpeg4 version of it.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 31-Jan-2007 23:45:17
#21 ]
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I agree, it's nice to see a low-power board that MOS developers can buy very cheaply (compared to a Peg). For the same reason, it'd be great to see OS4 on such a system, particularly once they add memory paging (to cope with the Efika's small-ish memory).

In fact, since the Peg stopped production, I think this is the only production board that MOS can now run on? Maybe not a great system for general use, but beggars can't be choosers! (And of course, the same reasoning applies to OS4, at least until Samantha/etc appear.)

Last edited by ChrisH on 31-Jan-2007 at 11:46 PM.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 1:50:53
#22 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand

Mr Spackles is a known troll, just ignore him guys.


Examples of other news not OS4 related:

PS3 and YDL on PS3

Samantha and Panda

All of the above lacks a license to run OS4.
(Hopefully at least one of them will get one)

ACube and Troika have openly stated they want OS4 running on their boards. I know you have to try and stay neutral because youre a mod, but saying that those boards arent OS4 related is just stupid. (Their situation is different to Genesi, because they havent got bad blood and legal disputes from the past).

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 3:35:48
#23 ]
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Believe me, I really really hope that ACube and Troika gets a license.
But untill they do, those boards are no different from the IBM PDA and Mac Mini. (If the Mac Mini rumour was true )
Regarding Efika, BBRV too has stated that they also want OS4 on that board.
So really not much that differs, except what you wrote about bad blood and legal disputes, a correct observation imho

Anyway, enough of OS4, hopefully we get some official announcements regarding hardware with a license soon.

The video shows quite good performance, and shows that a "low-end" cpu can still be useful today

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 4:15:38
#24 ]
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Regarding Efika, BBRV too has stated that they also want OS4 on that board. So really not much that differs, except what you wrote about bad blood and legal disputes, a correct observation imho

Not quite true as Rogue stated only 2 weeks ago that plans for OS4 on Efika were not on the table. The same has not been said for the others.

"I would not get your hopes to high. That supposed "key developer" was Timothy, and he is everything but a developer. There are no plans whatsoever for OS 4 on the Efika. This is all a marketing ploy to get you to believe it. Typical BBRV marketing crap."

Sure, long term, things can change, but not for final. It's a cheap solution for those that want to run MorphOS as they need new h/w as well. MorphOS has some really cool software that I would hate to lose & if those apps aren't ported to OS4, Efika could be a cheap alternative.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 6:02:51
#25 ]
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From: Italy


ACube and Troika have openly stated they want OS4 running on their boards.

The same BBRV have done.

No license, no party, I'm afraid. Same rule for everyone, no?

Last edited by falemagn on 01-Feb-2007 at 06:03 AM.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

~~ Henry Ford

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 6:18:22
#26 ]
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


The same BBRV have done.

-edit- removed my post, I'll explain my viewpoint a different way..

The EFIKA system is a grey area as to wether its OS4 related or not, but the Troika and ACube systems are definitely OS4 related. (Sorry, i was trying to comment on these systems originally, but I accidentally veered off and commented on EFIKA without thinking).

Last edited by jahc on 01-Feb-2007 at 06:26 AM.
Last edited by jahc on 01-Feb-2007 at 06:22 AM.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 7:25:00
#27 ]
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Not quite true as Rogue stated only 2 weeks ago that plans for OS4 on Efika were not on the table.

1. The same was said by the MorphOS Team 2 weeks before this. Things change.

2. BBRV has said that they won't necessarily need Hyperion's support for doing it.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 7:44:17
#28 ]
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From: Right here...


I'll agree that nothing is set in stone & I have no problems with OS4 on Efika.
Its just that Rogue says one thing & bbrv says another & I don't trust bbrv.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 7:45:19
#29 ]
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The EFIKA system is a grey area as to wether its OS4 related or not, but the Troika and ACube systems are definitely OS4 related.


Hyperion can not make OEM deals for OS4 themselves (they can only sell stand-alone versions for BPPC/CSPPC or other Amiga PPC expansion cards). But AmigaInc, as the owner of OS4 IP *could* do business on OS4. At least theoretically. In practice, they *can't do a thing*, since Hyperion hasn't handed over OS4 to them. They are in conflict, and I find it difficult to believe that AmigaInc would be interested in channeling money in Hyperions direction for the very thing they are fighting about; the rights to OS4 and the right to do business based on it. So you can't ask Hyperion for an OEM license, and it would be fruitless to ask Amiga Inc.

Say that the power-struggle between AmigaInc and Hyperion locks down OS4 completely and no OEM licenses can be obtained by *anyone*. Say that Genesi manage to bring OS4 onboard the Efika *completely independent* of that OEM licensing scheme. Which hardware would definitely be OS4 related then, and which would be in the grey zone?


When it comes to OS4, we can only wait and see. And this goes for any kind of hardware, no difference whatsoever.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 8:41:49
#30 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2006
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From: Dar al-Harb

I'll agree that nothing is set in stone & I have no problems with OS4 on Efika.
Its just that Rogue says one thing & bbrv says another & I don't trust bbrv.

If only news would be posted from/about entities that each and everyone of the site's visitors trusted, then the news page would be very very empty.

Trust no-one. :)

- This isn't OS4 hardware!
- *BLAM!* So what? There is no such thing. And this is "Miscellaneous News".
- Nobody's got a licence to sell it with OS4!
- *BLAM!* Same as with every other piece of hardware on the planet then.
- More BBRV advertising!
- *BLAM!* Maybe, but so what. It's not better or worse than "PS3 advertising", "Troika advertising", or whatever products that are mentioned here. At least this news item was neutral in tone.
- All this does is take space away from real OS4 news.
- *BLAM!* Tee-hee. Oops, that shot was wasted, the clay pigeon only skipped along the ground and disintegrated all by itself.
*Awaits next strained euphemism for "it's Genesi related so I don't like it and thus it shouldn't be mentioned"*

Oh, bother.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 10:57:42
#31 ]
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Joined: 11-Dec-2004
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From: Serbia

come on ppl, you went off topic once again!

I dl'ed the video, but cannot see it. Damn, it might be i have no mpeg4 codecs. Until i solve it, do you consider buying efika, even it has no os4 installed?

I am thinking of it. It should be good enough for web browsing and mail, right?

Can DVD be played on Pegasos I (600mhz) with no glitches and perfomance hits?

I am asking because if playback is not cpu demanding on 600mhz pegasos, it might happen that efika can replace my crappy dvd player i have.

May the force be with you...

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 11:46:56
#32 ]
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From: Vienna/Austria


>BBRV has said that they won't necessarily need Hyperion's support for doing it.

Sorry, but that´s nonsense. This is the old "We have a AmigaDE-license and therefore we have a AOS4.0-license"-story. BBRV already tried to get the license with this "trick", but the court clearly said "No!", because AmigaDE and AmigaOS4 are different products.

The only way to make AOS4.0 on EFIKA happen is getting a license from Amiga Inc. and work together with Hyperion (as they have the sources and own ExecSG).

AmigaOne X5000/40, 2.2 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 240 GB SSD

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 12:38:24
#33 ]
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A short final note about this though, is that BBRV consider they have a solid case to present to the judge, and if/when the judge gives green light, then they have everything they need to press ahead on their own, if that would turn out to be the only way.

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Last edited by AMiGR on 01-Feb-2007 at 09:22 PM.
Last edited by AMiGR on 01-Feb-2007 at 09:05 PM.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 13:51:33
#34 ]
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From: Vienna/Austria

@takemehomegrandma: I think time will tell, but currently it is very simple: If you want AOS4.0 on hardware XY (in this case on EFIKA), than get a license from Amga Inc. and talk with Hyperion. Everything else would be illegal or is just wishful thinking.

AmigaOne X5000/40, 2.2 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 240 GB SSD

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 1-Feb-2007 20:10:14
#35 ]
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From: Alberta, Canada

...if/when the judge gives green light, then they have everything they need to press ahead on their own...

Note that winning in the courts means sqrt(0) when it comes to enforcement because you can't force somebody to give you anything. Ask tronman how that works.

ExecSG Team Lead

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 2-Feb-2007 16:35:10
#36 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 26-Dec-2004
Posts: 770

The 50,000 EFIKA deal is that ODM Technologies have bought the
license to manufacture 50,000 EFIKAS themselves.
It's the design and firmware that means alot to Genesi.

They can let bPlan build them or they can build them in South-East
Asia. It's up to them. They don't even have to build anyones. What
they must do is pay the license the deal is worth.

Freescale purchased a few hundred EFIKAs* to the EFIKA Developer
Programs and more were built for the resellers. I know GGS-Data
has a bunch in stock -- boards and complete systems.

"Over 300 boards have been shipped through the Developer
Program since last week."
/BBRV, 2006-12-12.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 3-Feb-2007 1:22:21
#37 ]
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From: Under The Moon - Howling in the Blue Grass

I think the Efika is a valid news item for because MOS, like AROS are cousins in our community. Its OK to own more than one OS. If an OS is not acceptable then it should be Win$. But people still talk about Win$ here, and it has NOTHING to do with Amiga in the least. . . .

The Efika to me isn't a commercial product yet. It needs more ram, onboard video and another IDE port. It looks like a developer board. That doesn't mean it doesn't have uses.

If you are going to spread vitriol, then aim it a Evil Bill and M$. If they had there way you would use Winblows and nothing but Winblows.

A to those who prefer peace over war. . . . .

About the video, well it was playing video in and out. QNX looked ok, and game ran very smooth.

I know, I'm a

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 4-Feb-2007 9:24:02
#38 ]
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I think the Efika is a valid news item for because MOS, like AROS are cousins in our community. Its OK to own more than one OS. If an OS is not acceptable then it should be Win$. But people still talk about Win$ here, and it has NOTHING to do with Amiga in the least. . . .

Good points!

The Efika to me isn't a commercial product yet. It needs more ram, onboard video and another IDE port.

It *is* a commercial product; perhaps you were thinking more in lines of a *desktop* product?

RAM - the amount of memory is a result of a tradeoff between specifications and cost. The board is positioned as a low cost (and relatively low performance) board, hence you have to draw the line somewhere. 128MB is a good amount IMHO; if your application needs more memory like that, then this hardware probably isn't well suited for your application anyway.

On-board video - I'd like that, but that is only useful for some applications. Servers of various kinds does not even need a graphic card, but could use a SATA card instead. Putting on-board video would remove the PCI-slot since there is only a single PCI in the 5200B. So yes, I'd like on-board video, but in a different type of product; a derivate from this current Efika, not a replacement. Besides, AFAIK Genesi is working towards custom SoC's, like this, and then this. Then you will have a cost effective and lean solution for creating STB's, DVD players/recorders, smart phones, video devices of various kinds, computers, etc. But IMHO, there will *still* be room for an Efika of today's version.

IDE port - This is set in stone by the 5200B design. If you want more IDE ports, you can't use this CPU, it's as simple as that.

It looks like a developer board. That doesn't mean it doesn't have uses.

Well, it is in a way. They say it's a 5200B evaluation board, and as you say, it *does* have its uses. It also prepare the grounds for the future SoC hardware based on the same e300. When the "4U2" arrives, there will already be OS's, applications, etc that runs well on lean e300 solutions, and much knowledge and experience will be gathered in various developer communities!

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 4-Feb-2007 9:34:41
#39 ]
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Note that winning in the courts means sqrt(0) when it comes to enforcement because you can't force somebody to give you anything. Ask tronman how that works.

Not only poor Tronman; you could ask *a bunch* of other people as well about their experiences with Amiga Inc and their promises and behaviour, like Garry Hare for instance.

As Amiga Inc has clearly showed, time after time, you can't count on Amiga Inc's compliance of court orders. They are not trust worthy and does not respect neither laws, written agreements or court rulings.

That's why you have to take care of things on your own. AFAIK, Genesi have everything they need already. Amiga Inc does not need to give them anything. The only thing Genesi needs now is a green light from a judge that say it's fully legal for them to go ahead.

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Re: Video demonstration of the Efika
Posted on 5-Feb-2007 19:56:23
#40 ]
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As Amiga Inc has clearly showed, time after time, you can't count on Amiga Inc's compliance of court orders. They are not trust worthy and does not respect neither laws, written agreements or court rulings.

And what exactly does that have to do with the title of this thread? Nothing. Keep OT out of this thread from now on.


That's why you have to take care of things on your own. AFAIK, Genesi have everything they need already. Amiga Inc does not need to give them anything. The only thing Genesi needs now is a green light from a judge that say it's fully legal for them to go ahead.

Do they have the source code and/or support from the developers to make OS4 run on the Efika? You don't honestly think that you can get the current semi-public version of OS4 with the UBoot HALs and make it boot on totally different hardware just like that, do you? Or do you think that enforcement of the court order will suddenly end up with the source code changing hands? It's more complicated than that, Amiga Inc does not own the changes to the sourcecode, they own the original source code. The developers could clear their changes to the CVS and the sourcecode would instantly be useless to everyone else AND still would comply with their contractual obligations. Reply to a new thread please.


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