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Software News : Battle for Wesnoth 1.3.1 on OS4Depot |
posted by salass00 on 3-Mar-2007 8:11:34 (3071 reads) |
The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme.
Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir, or use your dread power over the Undead to dominate the land of mortals, or lead your glorious Orcish tribe to victory against the humans who dared despoil your lands. Wesnoth has many different sagas waiting to be played out. You can create your own custom units, and write your own scenarios or even full-blown campaigns. You can also challenge your friends or strangers and fight multi-player epic fantasy battles.
Download link Link to Wesnoth site
Changelog: Quote:
Version 1.3-svn: * Campaigns * Eastern Invasion: * Drowned Plains: the dragon now starts on grassland. * The Crossing: fixed a bug which prevented the undead leader spawned at turn 8 from having a keep. * The Duel: the keep is now replaced by a castle tile instead of grassland. * Heir to the Throne * Battle for Wesnoth: allowed Asheviere to recruit non-scout units. * Elven Council: the leaders are no longer standing in keeps but on normal castle tiles. * Two Brothers * Updated the portrait of Bjarn to match the new mage colors.
* Graphics * New unit graphics: the entire Mage line. * Added a recruit animation for Skeleton. * Added death animations for Orcish Assassin, Orcish Grunt, Ghoul, Ancient and Elder Wose, Thief. * Other new animations: improved Elvish Hero melee attack, magic shield for Elvish Sorceress line. * New attack icons: undead axe, undead crossbow, pick axe, glaive, elven staff, mace-and-chain. * Fixed misaligned animations of gryphon units. * Fixed some female versions of units using male images in some animations. * Item graphic improvements including an animatable campfire. * Added visible peaks to the impassable mountains. * Improved the hex grid. * Crown icons for heroes and expendable allied leaders. * New terrains: farmland, Elvish castle, bridges crossing swamp and deep water. * Updated terrain: added peaks to the impassable mountains. * Items with a halo have their halo hidden when under a shroud. * Units with a hide ability now properly show where they're hidden and the mouseover also gives the right indication.
* Language and translations * Updated translations: British English, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish. * Fixed spelling mistakes in the default en_US language. * Switched to mainly using single space.
* Map editor * Maps can now be opened directly from a scenario file and saved back to it. * Upon entering a new starting position the underlaying terrain remains unchanged (starting positions no longer need to be keeps). * When overwriting a starting position and undo that action only the terrain was undone, not the starting position that's fixed. * Flipping a map over the Y axis no longer resizes the map. * Flipping a map over the X axis uses slightly different filler rules. * Added the paste option to the edit menu. * The terrains are now split in groups to the list of terrains per group is a more friendly list. * When not in drawing mode the brush setting is ignored and drawn with the size of one tile. * Added the an alpha blended preview of the selected terrains upon drawing.
* Multiplayer * Maps * New maps: The Manzivan Traps, 4p Hamlets. * Revised maps: Blitz, Den of Onis, Sablestone Delta, Sulla's Ruins, Wesbowl. * Added an option for choosing a random starting time of day. * Lowered the multiplayer lobby lag. * Wesbowl: the respawned units are fully healed again.
* Sound * New or revised sound effects: morning star, holy magic. * Added an advanced sound tab to preferences, allowing one to specify the values used for sample rate and buffer size.
* Terrain system * The entire underlaying system has been converted to a new system (this might render some user-made content broken, read this forum thread for more details:
* Unit changes and balancing * New traits: healthy (+3 HP, +4 rest healing), fearless (ignore unfavourable time of day). * Dark Adepts no longer get the 'strong' trait. * Added the 'skirmisher' ability to the Shadow line. * Increased the HP of the Longbowman from 45 to 51. * Decreased the XP requirement of the Longbowman from 80 to 68. * Increased the HP of the Master Bowman from 58 to 67. * decreased the HP of the Arch Mage from 57 to 54. * Increased the melee attack of the Elvish Shyde from 4-2 to 6-2. * Increased the ranged slow attack of the Elvish Shyde from 7-2 to 6-3. * Increased the ranged magical attack of the Elvish Shyde from 7-3 to 8-3. * Increased the melee attack of the Elvish Enchantress from 5-2 to 6-2. * Increased the melee attack of the Elvish Sylph from 5-3 to 6-3. * Increased the ranged slow attack of the Elvish Sylph from 6-4 to 6-5. * Increased the HP of the Elvish Sylph from 58 to 60. * Increased the XP requirement of the Guardsman from 42 to 47. * Increased the HP of the Stalwart from 48 to 54. * Increased the XP requirement of the Stalwart from 65 to 85. * Increased the HP of the Sentinel from 56 to 68. * Decreased the cost of the Mudcrawler from 9 to 5. * Decreased the HP of the Shadow from 26 to 24. * Increased the HP of the Goblin Rouser from 26 to 31. * Increased the melee attack of the Goblin Rouser from 5-3 to 6-3. * Fixed a bug which prevented a Mermaid Siren picking up a storm trident. * Fixed a bug which caused the slow effect being applied twice. * If a unit gains enough XP to gain 2 levels this will be done directly.
* User interface * Users in the MP lobby can be marked as friends, and notifications received when friends join the lobby. * Added a sub tab of multiplayer to the preferences menu to view and edit your friends and ignores list. * Many performance improvements making the game run faster now. * Made some tooltips visible again.
| STORYID: 3627
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