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hardware OS4   hardware OS4 : Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
   posted by meet.mrnrg on 18-Nov-2007 20:33:12 (7346 reads)

Hardware name System Work Notes

Please read more for an exhaustive list!


Amiga 3000 Desktop + Cyberstorm PPC A3000D YES
Amiga 3000 Tower + Cyberstorm PPC A3000T YES
Amiga 4000 Desktop + Cyberstorm PPC A4000D YES
Amiga 4000 Tower + Cyberstorm PPC A4000T YES
Amiga 1200 + Blizzard PPC A1200 YES


AGA A1200 - A4000 YES
BVision PPC A1200 YES
CVision PPC A3000 - A4000 YES
Cybervision 64 A3000 - A4000 YES
Cybervision 64/3D A3000 - A4000 YES
Merlin ZorroII YES
Picasso II ZorroII YES
Picasso IV ZorroII/III YES
RetinaZ3 A3000 YES
Voodoo 3 3000 PCI Prometheus/Mediator YES
3D Labs Permedia 2 PCI Prometheus YES
Voodoo Banshee PCI Mediator 1200 YES
Radeon PCI gfx board Prometheus NO

PCI slot

Prometheus A3000 - A4000 YES
Mediator 4000 A4000 YES
Mediator 1200 A1200 YES
GRex 4000 A3000 - A4000 NO
GRex 1200 A1200 NO

Zorro slot

Micronik Infinitiv V5 Zorro II Busboards A1200 YES Reset Button causes a warm OS4 Reboot with Timer.device 52.4 - Needs to be held for 10 seconds to reboot to 68K ESS
Zorro IIIi rev 6.8 A1200 NO The zorroboard Switches the data chache off , but OS4 requires datacache


Cyberstorm SCSI A3000 - A4000 YES
A4000 onboard IDE A4000 YES
A1200 onboard IDE A1200 YES
DKB Rapidfire SCSI II contoller A3000 - A4000 YES
A1200 4 IDE interface A1200 YES
IDE FIX Express A1200 A1200 YES
FastATA 1200 MK-III A1200 YES AllowBasePageAccess required, CDFS might need a own Dosdriver when the Fastata driver is used.
FastATA 4000 A4000 YES AllowBasePageAccess required
Buddha Pheonix Edition Zorro IDE Interface A1200 - Micronik Zorro II YES Hard disk can be moved to this when installed, however Hardware hangs if an x-surf 3CC is present and x-surf.device is opened by roadshow. Happens under 3.X too with miami. Zorro card Problem or Micronik Z2 Problem.
Yamaha SCSI Adapter cybppc.device YES Works with both HDs and CDs without problems
A3000 onboard SCSI A3000 NO No working driver
A4000T onboard SCSI A4000T NO No working driver
Blizzard SCSI A1200 NO No working driver
PCI IDE cards 3.3V Mediator 1200 NO No 3.3V support in PCI hardware
PCI SCSI cards Mediator 1200 NO No DMA support in PCI hardware


Ariadne ZorroII YES
Ariadne II Ethernet card ZorroII YES
PCMCIA network cards A1200 YES cnet.device works
NetPCM003 AmigaKit PMCIA network card A1200 YES
Netax A1200 PCMCIA network card A1200 YES Using cnet.device
ConneXion network card A4000 YES
Realtek RTL8029AS PCI Prometheus YES
A2065 Ethernet card (+ transceiver) Zorro II YES
X-Surf Zorro II YES
X-Surf 3CC Clock Port Zorro II YES Works when used with Micronik V5 Busboards
X-Surf 3CC Network Card Zorro II YES Works with Micronik Busboards in the A1200 and x-surf.device V1.2 filesize 13448 Patched Ariadne file not required
X-Surf 3CC IDE Interface Zorro II NO Media Tool Box could not find any devices on 2ndscsi.device with XSURFIDE in WBStartup
PCI 3Com ethernet card Prometheus/Mediator NO No DMA support in PCI hardware
Realtek RTL8139 PCI Mediator 4000 NO
Hydra Systems AmigaNET Zorro A4000 NO


SUBWAY USB A1200 YES Works on either of the X-SURF 3CC Clockports
Norway/Romulus A4000 YES Does not interfere with normal booting and Poseidon seems to load its classes. Not tested with Sirion yet.
Poseidon 2 OEM USB Stack A1200 YES Works with the SUBWAY - Don't install input.device patch
Poseidon 3.8 USB Stack A1200 YES Works with the SUBWAY - Don't install input.device patch
USB PCI OHCI card Prometheus/Mediator NO No DMA support in PCI hardware
USB PCI UHCI card Prometheus/Mediator NO No DMA support in PCI hardware

Sound board

Delfina lite v1.2 A4000 YES Must blacklist delfina.device, delfina.library, delfinit
MasterSound Parallel Sound Sampler A1200 YES Tested with AHI and AHIRecord
Terratec 128i PCI Prometheus/Mediator YES On Mediator A1200 still some problems
Toccata v1.0 A3000 YES AHI Requires Toccata.library v12 on aminet and Toccata software.
Repulse Zorro II soundcard Zorro II NO Apps using sound lock up
Most PCI sound cards Mediator 1200 NO No DMA support in PCI hardware

Mouse, Joystick, Interfaces

Amiga Black Branded Mouse (Amiga Technologies) all systems YES
Amiga White Branded Mouse (Amiga Technologies) all systems YES
Commodore CD32 Joypad all systems YES
Commodore A1200 "arched" mouse all systems YES
Keyrah all systems YES Works with SUBWAY and Poseidon
Micronik Infinitiv A1200 keyboard (PS2 A4000 Style) all systems YES Works with Micronik keyboard adaptor or Power Tower keyboard adaptor
Micronik Infinitiv PS2 keyboard adaptor all systems YES
Power Tower Keyboard AT adaptor all systems YES
Zipstick Joystick all systems YES
Standard PS2 keyboard all systems YES Using Power Tower PS2 keyboard adapter
Standard PS2/Serial mouse all systems YES Using Punchinello or Coccolino adapters

Mass memory

Syquest 270 removable cartridge disk drive A4000D YES

Video editing

Impact A4000-HC+8 (A4008) A4000 YES
Vlab v1.3 A3000 - A4000 YES Tested with ImageFX 4


Multiface III IO Zorro Card Zorro II YES Works also in the Micronik Zorro II busboards

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 18-Nov-2007 23:52:33
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2007
From: Noranda Canada

This a great idea.
I'll get my friends to check their systems to see
if they're compatible.


µA1-C 750GX@800 using OS4.1

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 0:05:45
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Mar-2005
Posts: 1053
From: Glasgow, Scotland

Well my hardware support list is looking good, the only sticking point for me is that my Realtek RTL8029AS PCI is only listed as supported on the 4000 with the Prometheus PCI busboard not Mediators.

I can live without support for by Blizzards SCSI controller as I have a Fast-ATA (not currently fitted to my main A1200 as I cant use it as the same time as my BVision and mediatorSX bus board) as well, but I can't live without support for my network card.

So I guess I will just have to wait and see if it is supported or support can be added,
as lack of support would be a show stopper for me, I know it dose not use the DMA hack as I am currently using mine without a PCI graphics card as I am still using my BVision.

I just can't seem to get my head around creating screen mode with P96 to use my voodoo card so took it back out and decided to stick with CGX4, which is much easer to setup.

OS4 would give me the incentive I need to change make the switch though, as I guess I can rely on other amigaworld user to give me a hand working thing out if I get to stuck and I would like to remove the sheet of card between my BVision and mediator bus board and fix my Fast-ATA into my primary A1200 backup one.

Sam440ep 667mhz, 512MB, 120GB 2.5" HD, OS4.1FE
WinUae 3.0.0, OS 3.9, BB3, Catweasel MkIV
Amiga 1200, Blizzard 040/40 (BlizzardPPC 060/200 with SCSI removed at present), mediatorSX pci, Voodoo3, PCI network card os 3.9BB2
4MB Minimig with ARM addon boar

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 0:13:44
#3 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Apr-2003
Posts: 647
From: England, UK



The only nagging thing for me, is the obvious lack of DMA support with the Mediator et al. It'd be nice to have a more 'modern' system (soundblaster, network card etc) to use with OS4, considering the OS is modern. Bit of a shame, that... I hope a solution can be put forward (Elbox).

I totally agree with you about the P96 screen mode utility... it's dire! I don't know if the OS4 version is any different. CGXMode is so easy and logical to use. It took me a lot longer to find a suitable screenmode with my monitor than it did with CGFX - that took seconds.


A1200T - OS4.0,OS3.9: 603e PPC 200mhz,060 50mhz, 256mb ram, FastATA MK-III, BVision, 160gb,20gb HDDs

A1200 - OS3.1: Blizzard IV 030, 64mb ram, 400mb HDD

OS4.x - Flying the AMIGA flag

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 0:47:58
#4 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Mar-2005
Posts: 1053
From: Glasgow, Scotland


Well I have e-mailed Acube about requiring PCI network card support on the A1200 as well before buying OS4 for my classic, so we will just have to wait and see if lack of Realtek RTL8029AS PCI support is a real issue or just a typo.

I also have a 8139 but that needed the voodoo card setup to function and I could not see any real speed difference so I expect us BlizzardPPC can all live with non DMA network card as long as we are not forced to live without PCI network card support all together.

Sam440ep 667mhz, 512MB, 120GB 2.5" HD, OS4.1FE
WinUae 3.0.0, OS 3.9, BB3, Catweasel MkIV
Amiga 1200, Blizzard 040/40 (BlizzardPPC 060/200 with SCSI removed at present), mediatorSX pci, Voodoo3, PCI network card os 3.9BB2
4MB Minimig with ARM addon boar

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 5:46:41
#5 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2005
Posts: 585
From: Germany


the only sticking point for me is that my Realtek RTL8029AS PCI is only listed as supported on the 4000 with the Prometheus PCI busboard not Mediators.
So I guess I will just have to wait and see if it is supported or support can be added

From the software point of view PCI boards that work in the Prometheus should
also work in the Mediator and vice versa. The list just contains tested configurations
and not every combination has been tested.


I just can't seem to get my head around creating screen mode with P96 to use my voodoo card

In OS4 you create screenmodes by adding tooltypes to the monitor driver icon,
after the initial installation some modes are already configured and OS4 boots
into P96 screenmodes for bootmenu, bootshell and WB.

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 10:07:21
#6 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 457
From: Denmark


Well my hardware support list is looking good, the only sticking point for me is that my Realtek RTL8029AS PCI is only listed as supported on the 4000 with the Prometheus PCI busboard not Mediators.
Well the 8029 net card is a non DMA one, so it will also work for Mediator expansions.

I just can't seem to get my head around creating screen mode with P96 to use my voodoo card so took it back out and decided to stick with CGX4, which is much easer to setup.
As Detlef mention, now P96 screenmodes are created from an Icon tooltype list and its much easyer to do.


Debugging is a state of mind

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 10:51:36
#7 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Mar-2005
Posts: 1053
From: Glasgow, Scotland

From the software point of view PCI boards that work in the Prometheus should
also work in the Mediator and vice versa. The list just contains tested configurations
and not every combination has been tested.

That's what I was hoping to hear.

In OS4 you create screenmodes by adding tooltypes to the monitor driver icon,
after the initial installation some modes are already configured and OS4 boots
into P96 screenmodes for bootmenu, bootshell and WB.

That dose sound a lot better than P96 under OS3.X

That sounds like OS4 hardware support should be trouble free on my setup, now I just have to decide if I going to put it away for my Christmas after ordering it or start playing with it as soon as I can get my hands on it.

Sam440ep 667mhz, 512MB, 120GB 2.5" HD, OS4.1FE
WinUae 3.0.0, OS 3.9, BB3, Catweasel MkIV
Amiga 1200, Blizzard 040/40 (BlizzardPPC 060/200 with SCSI removed at present), mediatorSX pci, Voodoo3, PCI network card os 3.9BB2
4MB Minimig with ARM addon boar

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 11:42:44
#8 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 4238
From: Sweden

What about Prelude sound cards? I have a Prelude1200.

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
> Amiga Classic and OS4 developer for OnyxSoft.

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 12:47:41
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Sep-2004
Posts: 3070
From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Both Read AND Write?

That might bode for the good on my Micro; still unable to WRITE to the IOMEGA ZIP 100MB SCSI. Reading is OK, but writing still not possible.

Keep my fingers x-ed.


Life is a waste of time.
Time is a waste of life.
Get wasted all the time
and you'll have the time of your life!

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 13:43:23
#10 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 2-Nov-2005
Posts: 711
From: Cornwall, UK

A3000 SCSI unsupported? Damn! Maybe in the future? :D

Back to action!

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 14:09:56
#11 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
Posts: 3999
From: Unknown

Well my hardware support list is looking good, the only sticking point for me is that my Realtek RTL8029AS PCI is only listed as supported on the 4000 with the Prometheus PCI busboard not Mediators.

I am using one on a Mediator 4000, it works on Mediators.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 14:53:53
#12 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2005
Posts: 585
From: Germany


Both Read AND Write?

That might bode for the good on my Micro; still unable to WRITE to the IOMEGA ZIP 100MB SCSI. Reading is OK, but writing still not possible.

Keep my fingers x-ed.

The bug in the AOne SCSI and IDE drivers was fixed in February, the fixed drivers
were not released yet and will not be released with OS4Classic because they
cant run on existing classic PCI boards (no DMA and/or no 3.3V support).
The OS4Classic IDE and SCSI drivers were not affected by the bug.
Bad luck...

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 15:22:07
#13 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 8-Sep-2003
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From: Wisconsin (Moo!!!)

ACK!!! I have a Hydra card... Any chance that it'll be added to the "Yes" list?

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 15:38:45
#14 ]
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Joined: 22-Apr-2003
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From: South Bound Brook, NJ

Not that this will make or break my purchase, but has anyone tried a Video Toaster/Flyer under OS 4.0?

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 19-Nov-2007 19:38:22
#15 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2005
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From: Germany


ACK!!! I have a Hydra card... Any chance that it'll be added to the "Yes" list?

On the betatester mailing list it was reported as not working (causes freezes
when transfering more than a few bytes at once). The hardware has lots of
TTL chips which somehow work on ZorroII but are known to cause timing problems
in ZorroIII slots already, and AFAIK there exists no public driver source code,
so IMHO there is no chance, sorry.

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 20-Nov-2007 23:17:47
#16 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


We should probably keep a close eye on the following thread, since I expect they will be discussing various issues in depth on


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 21-Nov-2007 5:41:21
#17 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2005
Posts: 585
From: Germany



We should probably keep a close eye on the following thread, since I expect they will be discussing various issues in depth on

I'm reading the thread but dont have an account on that site, and I'd like
to avoid entering a discussion there...

Somebody asked whats up with the PicassoIV overlay support.
I've not used the overlay feature in the past so I'm not an
expert in this area. What I can say is that DvPlayer shows
black videos until you enable the NOOVERLAY tooltype in the
DvPlayer icon. I guess many other software which is able to
use the video overlay feature has similar switches to enable
or disable overlay so it should be possible to display something
by not enabling overlay.

An additional note about the Elbox drivers with the DMA to gfxboard hack:
On some news sites it was stated that it should be possible to use the
Elbox drivers, of course only when using only Elbox drivers for all
PCI cards including the PCI gfx board. It worked in the past but I'm
not sure if somebody tested it recently.

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Re: Amiga OS4 - Classic - Compatibility List Online Now
Posted on 22-Nov-2007 3:22:42
#18 ]
Super Member
Joined: 29-Mar-2004
Posts: 1812
From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered.

Fine looking list, Well done!

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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